I´m perhaps best known as the keybord player in the progressive /symphonic rock band "The Flower Kings". But since 1996 I have also released 5 solo albums.
First out was "AN ORDINARY NIGHT IN MY ORDINARY LIFE". I was really suprised by the good respons.. The album was produced by Roine Stolt and also released on his own label "Foxtrot Music". The lineup was...
Jaime Salazar Drums
Michael Stolt Bass
Ove Eriksson Bass
Roine Stolt Guitars
Hasse Bruniusson Perc, Drums & Bicycle wheel!
Anyway, from there there I spent time working with several Flower Kings albums. Also I did work a lot at different theathers such as The Royal National Theather of Drama (Dramaten), Riksteatern, Upsala Stadsteater. I also took part in a couple of movies...(no Hollywood for me I can tell u that)
Then at 2002 I decided to make my 2nd album "PINUP GURU"... I guess I wanted it to sound a little bit like ELP so I kept in within a trio format. Keyz, Drms and Bass. The lineup...
Jonas Reingoldt Bass
Zoltan Csörsz Drum
One year later SONIC BOULEVARD saw the daylight. At first, Roine Stolt and I decided to record a sort of ambient project. I came up with the name Sonic Boulevard. However for different reasons we didn´t finish this idea. Instead I made this semi-ambient/progressive album on my own. It´s a lot of afro-influences and one theme working as an idé fix
Jocke JJ Marsh Guitar (a lot of Jeff Beck influences!)
Jonas Reingoldt Bass
Zoltan Csörsz Drums
Anders Jansson Voices
Lars Bjurhäll Scat
Roine Stolt Guitar
Hasse Bruisusson perc
Ulf Wallander Saxophone
Jonas Knutsson Soprano Saxophone
Next project was something really odd! I invented a fake band and I called it THE SWEDISH FAMILY. Then I released the album Vintage Prog-The best of Swedish Family. Hmmm this was quite fun..some people actully believed in the story. A journalist also claimed he saw that band back in the 70.ies. Great fun!! The music was very much in the tradtion of Swedish folkrock...line up;
Roine Stolt Guitars & Basses
Ulf Wallander soprano saxophone
Hasse Bruinusson Drums & Perc
But 2 years later I decided to release a "real" record. This time I wanted to make a bigger production with vocals, lyrics, concept...yeah why not make a rockopera!!!???
The concept came to include 3 albums when the idea about I AM, YOU ARE, HE SHE IT was born. I AM was me looking at myself in a sort of biographical way. YOU ARE is going to be me looking at You...(go ahead read the lyrics at the blogs)HE SHE IT will be a story about love from different angels. Jealousy, Homosexuality, Wife beaters and more.....
Anyway, the lineup for I AM was;
Marcus Liliequist Drums
Jonas Reingoldt Bass
Jocke JJ Marsh Guitars
Anders Jansson Vocals
Helene Schönning Vocals
Pernilla Bodin Vocals
Then ofc there is always different side-projects. I have been working as a producer for different groups/artists. The latest one was Moonsafari and the album "Doorway to Summer". They are a great band with such a nice energy! I also played a lot of the keys and some solos on that album
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This videoclip is from The Flower Kings latest DVD. It´s was recorded live at 013 in Tilburg Holland. The song "Pioneers of Aviation" is from the album Paradox Hotel
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