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Jackie Lee

Abundance Revolutionary

About Me

Hey, thanks for stopping by my page! I'm so excited to see you.
I've been a believer in the law of attraction for almost a decade, and have been living the law of attraction for the last 5 years. I teach a unique marketing philosophy called Vibrational Marketing of my own design. I help people learn how to use the law of attraction to attract the "perfect" customers/clients and partners to them using the latest in web 2.0 applications. Depending on the situation I am a coach/mentor and consultant, depending on what each person needs. No matter what the title it all comes down to helping people revolutionize their abundance.
Speaking of revolutionizing Abundance that is one of my favorite topics. I love to teach people how to let go of their old thought patterns and begin to use the law of attraction to bring about a new future. You know that thoughts become things right, and that it is you and only you that creates your future? That's what brought me to myspace. I live in rural Kansas, our nearest neighbor is a half mile away, and this is a very conservative state. Finding someone who's heard of the law of attraction can be difficult. Finding people who don't think I'm practicing voodoo magic when I talk about LOA is even moreso. At Myspace I can find like-minded people. People who are ready, willing and chomping at the bit to change their lives and join the abundance revolution. Are you one?
Let me tell you a little bit about how the abundance revolution came about. It's a bit of a long story, and I tend to be a bit long winded, so I will try to keep it short. ;) And know that probably won't happen :)
I have lived in rural Kansas for about 7 years now. I live on a few acres, with some big 100 year old Elm trees surrounding my property. In the winter the fields around my house are green with winter wheat, specked white with fuzzy sheep. It is a peaceful existence and I love it here.
This peace and tranquility is the complete opposite of what I would deal with at work. Back then I had a J-O-B. I have a BA in Psychology, and since I graduated in '93 I had been working in mental health in one way or another. I had been working for a local community mental health center. I was a house manager for a short term crisis home. People with severe and persistent mental illness would come and stay at this house for 30 days to get stabalized in the community, and have a chance to find an apartment and adjust to being back in the community.
It was stressful!! Not just the work itself, but the office politics, the backbiting, the lack of support, the being treated badly by management. I can't even tell you how frustrated and unhappy I was. Back then I had a "lack mentality" and really didn't know I could get out of there and create something so much better.
I got pregnant in 2005. At that point, I stopped worrying so much about me and started worrying about the baby. I knew the stress I was under couldn't be good for her. I talked to my husband and we decided I would leave my job. Woo Hoo. It was so exciting. I was so glad and felt so free when I left.
I had been dabbling in working from home for most of those years with minimal success. I started in Melaleuca, great company, great products, in fact I still have some of them under my sink from 2005. Then I jumped from this to that, Vitamark, Annasa, Send Out Cards, Homemade Gourmet, gifting programs, My Power Mall, affiliate marketing, just about anything you can do online, I've done. I just kept searching for that 1 thing that was going to be the answer, that was going to create an income, the freedom, financial freedom I was searching for.
During this time I had begun learning about the law of attraction, and each company I joined I met one person or maybe two that became mentors, coaches and friends. Each company brought new learning, increasing understanding, and a new level of thinking. Even though I company jumped and brought in minimal income I was growing my money mindset by leaps and bounds.I was led to online resources, the first of which was "The Greatest Networker" community. I learned and learned there. I soaked up all the information and know how people would throw my way. From there I moved in at Powerful Intentions ~ The Law of Attraction community. Wow, they say your business will only grow as much as you do. I still had a lot of growing to do, but things started to grow.
I realized I could use the law of attraction to create my life. Not only my life, but my income, and the freedom I soooo wanted.
Hanna was born, and things went a little haywire. I had a spirited little baby on my hands, and not much time to work online. It was a whole other learning curve. I was involved in a program at the time based on the law of giving and receiving. It was a perfect indicator of my level of allowing. The more I was allowing the more money came in. The more I pinched off abundance the flow slowed to a trickle. It still works that way, and has been the main reason I have been able to stay home with my sweet Hanna for the last 18 months.
It is an amazing program, and I am grateful for all I have learned, the people I have met and being able to move into a mentor/coach role with so many people through that program. The downside is it's a pretty hefty price tag to get into. The payouts are just as big, but because of the nature of the program, if people could not open up and allow the abundance that is their birthright it would appear the program was not working. The program always works, it's just a matter of whether you are allowing it in or not. Either way I started feeling bad others were not experiencing the same level of success, and wanted to do something that would be great for a beginner or an "old pro". Something that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg to get into, so people could be more relaxed about the money part and more easily open up the flow of money, without worrying about making back what they put in.
I tried a couple things thinking they were the answer to the questions I was asking, but one day I was surfing around Cafemom, looking for moms dealing with some of the same issues I have with Hanna, and saw an ad for a $5 franchise. I was like, yeah right. I went on with my day, but that was in the back of my mind the whole time. I finally decided to take the plunge. It was only 5 bucks right? It wasn't like I was investing Hanna's "Dream Fund" or anything.
That was the best 5 dollars I have ever spent. I call it my 5 dollar blessing. This has changed things all around. Now I have the opportunity to coach/mentor/partner with more people, and teach them how to live the law of attraction to allow abundance in. It makes me so happy to let people know about this business. It has everything I demand of a business, and it is so easy to teach people exactly what they can do to be successful.
So that's where the Abundance Revolution began. I set out to start a revolution, an abundance revolution. How many people can I help revolutionize their abundance, turn their lives around, live their dreams, stay home with their kids?
One day while I was at services at my Unity Church, the minister said this, "It is my intention for all of you to be million dollar tithers" I thought about it for a second and thought, wow, that means I would have ten million in the bank. I'll take that! being a million dollar tither, and I'm going to do it by helping you reach your dreams, and the next person and the next person. If I can help 1000 people earn 10,000 each, I will be a million dollar tither and they will all be well on their way to being the same.
Now that's a revolution!!!!
If you are ready to join the revolution, pick up your phone and call me. If you are a mom who wants to stay home with your kids, but you think you can't afford it, call me. If you want to learn to live the life you've imagined and be able to do what you want to do without having to ask "can I afford it?" Call me.
206-888-8291 * I'm in CST.
Get ready to start living the life of your dreams. It can happen for you, just like it has happened for me.
If you're a little shy and want to take a look at my 5 dollar blessing before you call go ahead and check it out. www.5DollarBlessing.com
Many Blessings to you and yours, and I can't wait to see you succeed.
Jackie Lee :)

My Interests

Taking nature photos

Cool Slideshows
Making Mosaics and Stepping Stones

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Helping others
Meeting new people
Growing abundance for myself and others
The Law of Attraction
Living The Secret
Giving and Receiving
Helping others revolutionize their abundance

I'd like to meet:

People who believe in the power of gratitude.
People who understand the magnitude of giving and receiving.
People who are joyful because they are alive.
People who consciously create life using the Law of Attraction.
People who believe love can spread like wildfire and are willing to light love's match.
Mom's who want to stay home with their kids and create an income
People who have failed online in the past and are ready to create a new wealthy online reality
People who are ready to live the life of their dreams NOW!!


When I listen it's usually to Meditation Music at Live365


The Secret ~ The film that fostered the Revolution!


I've made some videos to inspire the revolution, Take a Look!
Here's one of my personal favorite Videos
He is definitely a revolutionary!!


Eat Pray Love ~ Elizabeth Gilbert Stumbling Toward Enlightenment ~ Geri Larkin The Bridge Across Forever ~ Richard Bach Ask and It Is Given ~ Abraham Hicks The Lightworkers Way ~ Doreen Virtue The Four Agreements ~ Don Miguel Ruiz


My husband and daughter!

My Blog

The Secret to Being Happy . . .

"The secret of creating anything desired: Get happy!" "As you practice happy thoughts, you practice your connection with Source and Well-being. From your place of being happy-- you have access to ...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:58:00 PST

The Universe will back you up

This is what it’s all about. I love ABE!!As you begin telling the story differently, it is our promise to you that the Universe will back your story up with evidence. Abraham-Hicks Feb 3, 2008...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:43:00 PST

Don’t Make it Hard

I was just talking to a friend about how I think I still have some issues about making money requires work, and needs to feel like work. I find myself leaving the fun and easy marketing things I do (e...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 08:04:00 PST

A MAP ~ Affiliate Marketing Action Plan

A MAP ~ Affiliate Marketing Action Planhttp://30-day-marketing-experiment.blogspot.com/2008/03/ map-affiliate-marketing-action-plan.html Hi I just wanted to let you all know this month we are discussin...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:01:00 PST

I’m Top Momma Again!!

I just received an email letting me know I'm a Top Momma. If you aren't familiar with Top Momma it is a neat little site designed to drive traffic to your website. Top Momma is basically a square brok...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 08:52:00 PST

Help me Stay Top Momma

This is not my normal post, but I really need your help~A long long time ago I signed up at Top Momma. It's a site that helps you get traffic to your blog. I promptly forgot all about it, until this m...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 06:31:00 PST

Get Happy!

Almost everyone has heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferrin's simple message ...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:09:00 PST

Do Yoda Proud! Meditate

Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused.  Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more posit...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:27:00 PST

How to Attract Love Through Affirmations

=========================================="How to Attract Love Through Affirmations"- By Jeff Staniforth==========================================Love is that ethereal experience that makes us feel co...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 07:38:00 PST

The Law of Attraction ~ The Secret is You Still Need to Take Action

What an exciting time  we live in right now! It used to be regarded as "weird" or "airy fairy" to talk about vibrational energy, Law of Attraction and your thoughts becoming things. But this is r...
Posted by Jackie Lee on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 02:41:00 PST