Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play profile picture

Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play


About Me


Who is this Ambassador of Play?
More than you want to know here: ;-) Who's Mary K?

I am so HAPPY to 'see' you here! Thanks for stopping by!!!

I've been a believer in the Law of Attraction my entire you can imagine my delight that with the advent of films like The Secret as well as the work of Abraham-Hicks LOA has become something of a buzzword in certain circles!!! FINALLY... people speaking my language!!!

I get to 'come out of the closet' (so to speak *grins*) and play Out Loud, On Purpose and In Public...YIPEE!!!!!

And you know...there's a reason you landed here, on my page, right now...perhaps we'll both discover many things we have in common!

I work and play primarily online... if you'd like to know more about that just ASK! ;-)

While you're thinking about doing that ;-)
why not go check out my 30 Day Marketing Experiment blog and my latest lens
Powerful Business Building with Greeting Cards

For now I'll just share a little piece I wrote years ago. I've learned that I approach business pretty much the same way I approached raising my children -

Raising My Child

As I began raising my children it awoke the child in me,
I let that child guide me so my children would be free.
She gave me the following guidelines so I wouldn't have regrets,
I grabbed her hand and trusted as she giggled and said "Let's...
Build self esteem first and the house later.
Finger paint more and point the finger less.
Skip correcting and start connecting.
Take our eyes off the watch and watch with our eyes.
Care to know less and know to care more.
Take more hikes and fly more kites,
stop playing seriously and seriously play.
Run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
Concentrate on more hugging and less nagging.
See the oak tree in the acorn and
be firm less often and affirm much more.
Model little about the love of power and
LOTS about the power of love!"

An abundance of FUN to you and yours. I can't wait to see YOU succeed!

--Mary K

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-:¦:- ((¸¸.·..* Light


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Belief Busters on Squidoo

This is about the AMAZING course that changed the course of my life... Please check it out and leave a comment!


WHAT the Heck is Affiliate Marketing?!?

My Interests

Deliberate Creation/Law of Attraction, Books, Gardening, Walks, Networking Marketing, Polymer Clay, Miniatures, Knitting/Crocheting, Games and Puzzles, Love and Laughter, Great Questions...
Visit The Magic Happens

I'd like to meet:

People who believe in the power of gratitude

People who understand the magnitude of giving and receiving

People who are joyful because they are alive.

People who consciously create life using the Law of Attraction

People who believe love can spread like wildfire and are willing to light love's match

People who want to stay home with their kids and create an income

People who are transitioning to a new phase of life

People who have failed in business online in the past and are ready to create a new wealthy online reality

People who are ready to live the life of their dreams NOW!!!

YOU... because you are:

*Passionate and Bold! Willing to shine our light providing others safe passage to their truth.

*Successful, powerful, supportive and loving, interested in realizing dreams, reaching goals and becoming prosperous

*Collaborative and Cooperative! Moving energy with an understanding of the Law of Attraction

*Expansive and Generous! Willing to inspire, inform and involve others

*Living the magic and miracles of life OUT LOUD, shining LIGHT as an invitation to any and ALL


YES! Some of everything!


Another YES! Not into violence for the sake of violence though.




Eclectic -- and abundant!


Young Children, My Dad, and Electra ;-)

My Blog

The Age of Idiocy...

On this 40th anniversary of the assasination of Bobby Kennedy, the eldest son and I were listening to some snippets of speeches given by Bobby all those decades ago...On the heels of Kennedy sharing w...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 08:13:00 PST

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Remember the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"? Well,here's a prime example offered by an English ...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:43:00 PST

Thanks but NO THANKS!

I just learned something new over a HubpagesThey have a great feature where people can request others research and/or share whatever level of 'expertise' they have on a topic they would like explored....
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Thu, 01 May 2008 10:33:00 PST

Oh Lookie!

I had a fun night Saturday night... :-)It was the two-year-old granddaughter's first overnight at this Grandma's house!!!We had such fun... mostly because she's simply hilarious and adorable... and al...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:13:00 PST

I’ve become a Hubber!

Alright, I've been guilty of MySpace Blog neglect! Okay, okay, I confess... I've been a bit promiscuous of late!!! I've been writing on LOTS of platforms all over the place, Blogger, Squidoo, The Magi...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 07:23:00 PST

Wordless Wednesday (it’s kind of a wordless week ;-))

Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:59:00 PST

The MindField - John M. Fogg

The MindField  The "Zero Point Field," is a subatomic field of unimaginably large quantum energy in so-called empty space. The Field connects everything in the universe to everything else, like ...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:36:00 PST

More than the LEMON will make you pucker...

Eewwwww... I'm bringing my OWN lemons from home! ...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:20:00 PST

Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:45:00 PST

Monday musing ~ A GREAT Question

Another Great Question... ...
Posted by Mary K ~ Ambassador of Play on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:09:00 PST