Bizarre and undefinable people loving individualists, interseting men and women who like the esoteric and the sciences and/or make magical art and music, Self Exploration, loving, healing & respecting precious Mother Earth (litterbugs go straight to hell, havn't you heard?) mastering INSTANT manifestation of my purest desires, expressing pure love through my art and enjoyment of in ecstatic bliss(and meeting YOU there) oh, and chocolate!
All my friends are some pretty powerful intenders! I'm thrilled to share this myspace and time with all of them!Namaste Colleen
I tend to watch the disovery channel, history channel and unusual fact based TV. For pure entertainment I sometimes watch Friends, Frazier, Will and Grace.
The Secret, Ask and it is Given, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Thorneyhold, Diary of Ann Frank, Conversations with God, The Davinci Code, The Power of Intention,The Attractor Factor, Guidebook for ESO (extended sexual orgasm, we're talking HOURS here folks)and if you have read it and practiced and achieved ESO I am very, very impressed.