Good voices, good rhythms, good lyrics...
Action - James Bond (but only when they're new for some reason), The Matrix trilogy
Animated - Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Comedy - Princess Bride, So I Married An Axe Murderer
Drama - The Usual Suspects, Torch Song Trilogy
Foreign - Amelie, Hero
Historical - Excalibur, Twelfth Night
Musical - Dirty Dancing, Chicago, All That Jazz
Mystical - The Green Mile
Quirky - Strictly Ballroom, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Earth Girls Are Easy
Comedies - How I Met Your Mother
Crime Dramas - CSI
Mystical - Ghost Whisperer
*Some sci fi
*Piers Anthony
*Jennifer Roberson's Cheysuli series
*Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear series
*The Devil Wears Prada
*The Sweet Potato Queens
*Shakespeare (This should be pretty obvious!)
*Mid Eville - My poetry, especially my 2 sonnets
*My mother.
*My mother-in-law. She has taught me more about honor and grace than all the other people in my life combined.
*My God-daughter's mother.
*Quan Yin.
*Madeline Kahn.
*Queen Elizabeth 1.
*People who do what's right.
To a perfectly balanced entity, there is no such thing as an emotionally charged situation. There are only two choices; the choice to be of service, or the choice to withdraw from the situation. - RA