Poetry, literature and obscure historical tidbits.
Aside from telling people what to do, and generally thinking that they should do it.
I also am addicted to Runescape, trying hard for that fire cape, just cause it is so cute.
I also enjoy picking on my children, and they think I am evil as a result. For a while I had boy child convinced that the new microwave would electrocute him if he pushed a wrong button; told him it was a built in safety feature to preserve the life of the food nuker. Yep, the microwave will live, but the human, well thats another story.
Oh, and I paint. I rather enjoy that as well.
Brain dead people fascinate me. I can stand and poke them with a stick for hours.
Well, since Pound and Ginsberg are dead, I guess you'll do.
My interests in music are wildly varied, can't really pin it down. It often changes from day to day.
I hate Fox News. Fair and balanced my freaking foot. One of these days I am going to have a stroke and drop dead watching Fox News.
I occassionally watch BBCAmerica, when I remember what time the shows I like are on.
If it has words, I'll read it; and am always up for a suggestion.
Available at www.lulu.com
People that bother the Shrub.
I am in awe of my left big toe.