Music, movies, concerts, friends, smokes, booze. My SON... thats right the No-Man everyone should look under the rest of my pics and see the pride and joy of my world. I'm very interested in getting out of this house and doing stuff, roadtrips, clubbing, bars, just hanging out and shooting the shit... whatever. Meh theres lots more than just that though... and I always lose my train of thought when I'm doing these damn things
I'm a big fan of poetry and write my own, check this out
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I'll meet anyone ... at least once. Theres no such thing as a useless person, just useless actions, and anyone I meet has an impact upon me in some way or another.But meeting people with some interests I have, and a personality beyond whats in the closet or in their CD player is always a plus
ok.... I'll never remember all the bands that I love so here are a few, apoptygma bezerk, bad religion, bruderschaft, billy idol, cold, depech mode, dresden dolls evanescence, epsilon zero, gary numan, electric hellfire club, jack off jill, kmfdm, lacuna coil, lollipop lustkill, ministry, nitzer ebb, prince (.. old stuff only pls), ramones, razed in black, rammstein, rob zombie, stabbing westward, switchblade symphony, ttv, tool, underworld, union underground, vnv nation, wumpscut....
old metallica, slipknot, mudvayne, skinny puppy, pigface, pig, mdfmk, the best rock band of all time..... Led Zeppelin.... oh hell alot more
beyond that I'm becoming a huge supporter of local and independent artists, check out dekoy, soul casket, epsilon zero, strand, and several others that right now i can't remember because chuck is the guy who tells me these bands exist in the first place. None the less, all are fantastic.. and I try to play a few songs from each on the air whenever it is I can steal free time on the server I shoutcast from (more details coming on a regular slot and show time)
anything with intelligent humor, and a good story. I love movies that fall under those two themes... not necassarily both ;)
Television is the tool of satan to rot out your brain and make you a quivering mass of nonimaginative blah.... but CSI is ok
I used to read all the time... read just about anything I could
now for some reason I've fallen out of that pattern...
I should get back into it
all my hereos are dead..... but Henry Rollins is pretty cool