.becky. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Soldier. Rebel. Rocker. Poet. Daughter. Dreamer. Believer. Friend. Fighter. Traveler.  Wildflower.

My Interests

activism, arabic, art, b-horror, beauty, belief, books, cats, chocolate, cooking, creativity, cyberculture, e.e. cummings, equality, ethics, family, flowers, free will, georgia o'keeffe, get fuzzy, herbalism, history, horses, imagination, independent film, intelligent conversation, international trade, japanese tv, jeopardy, literature, love, movies, music, poetry, politics, rat rods, religion, supernatural, syria, tattoos, tea, travel, underground, unorthodox, useless facts, vintage beauty, wrasslin
I believe in peace.

"This is the way of peace: overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."

I'd like to meet:


Music is my passion, and I am forever happy to discuss and dissect.

Rock-n-roll! (American, British, Punk & Southern - yes please!)

Other favorites: 80's, blues, classic country, ethnic, johnny cash, leonard cohen, tori amos, vintage soul


Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, and speculation at a standstill. 

In other words, I’m addicted.


The extraordinary “everyday” people who work for peace, travel their own road, and press on to fight another day.

My Blog

People Who Should Be Shot Into Space

I would like to thank Peaches Atrocity for his recent blog that inspired my own list. As he said, "Could you see all of these idiots forced to live on Mars? Civilization would be dead from the start...
Posted by .becky. on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:47:00 PST

If you really wanna know what I think ...

I do keep a blog ... just not here. Hop over to LiveJournal @ http://strangeflower.livejournal.com/ if interested.  Most of my entries are friends only, but if you like randomness...
Posted by .becky. on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 07:02:00 PST