Yoga, Bellydancing, Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, Healing Arts, Reiki, Heart to Heart Healing, Quantum Physics, Human Biology, Herbs of the Earth, Flower Remedies, Working with Guides and Angles, Aromatherapy, Healing with Crystals, Feng Shui, Meditations, Tai Chi, Chinese Medice, Charkra Energy, Teaching and Sharing the Healing Arts, The Society for Creative Anachronism,SCA Kingdom of Trimaris, Illuminated Manuscripts, All of the Middle Ages, Wildlife of all types on this Earth. I know there is more................Healing for Animals
Reiki Masters from all over the world! Also more like minded people that know there is more to life then just this earth plane.I would love to find more dancers on the net and have a chance to dance with them someday!! I want to find as many dancers in the SCA I can - so when war event come around we can come together and have a joyful time with new and old friends.Helping the world become more healthy one human at a time! If you care about your body and health....Please take time to look at this site - It has changed my life and change change yours!
Club Mix, Dance, 80's, 90's, New Age, Worldwide music, and anything that just moves my body!! There is no music I cannot dance too!
The Secret,The Mists of Avalon, Dogma, What the Beep do we Know, Jawbreakers, GO, The Crow, Both Ace Ventures, Galiator, The Fifth Element, Monkey Bones, The Wedding Singer.
The Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, The Ghost Whisperer, Medium, House, Supernatural, The Closer
Healing Arts Books! All types!
The Goddess! (Which means the true feminine sensuality of each person I meet. To realy see each humans spirt in its true form) We each walk this earth plain thinking and believeing we are being true to ourself. Start today being real and step onto the self healing path. Meet the REAL YOU on the other side. Welcome new friend to your new life! Namaste!My husband Bryan. A true gift to this world. He is so wonderful to not only his wife but to anyone that has ever been able to cross his path. His kindness to others and his peacefulness within himself is something of a wonder. Thank you God for showing me with unconditional love truly is.