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Dr. Quantum

Welcome to a new paradigm

About Me

***Please note***
This space was not created by Dr. Quantum himself, but by two quantum theory enthusiasts.
We are:
miss dee
When faced with the experimental evidence that the process of observing appears to influence what is being observed, science was forced to drop four centuries of assumptions and struggle with a revolutionary idea... That we are involved in reality.
"The crucial feature of quantum theory is that the observer is not only necessary to observe the properties of an atomic phenomenon, but is necessary even to bring about these properties."
-Fritjof Capra
Let’s get started!
Basic definitions:
Reality: Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists." The term "Reality," in its most liberal sense, includes everything that is, whether or not it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness.
Consciousness: Consciousness is a cognitive state that comprises self-awareness, subjectivity, sentience, sapience and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment.
Paradigm: A thought pattern and model of reality from a specific collective awareness' viewpoint, including all root assumption parameters which define that reality.
Sensation & Perception:
Sensation refers to the immediate, relatively unprocessed result of stimulation of sensory receptors.
Perception is the method by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a significant understanding of the world.
The term perception (rather than sensation) better describes one’s ultimate experience of the world and typically involves further processing of sensory stimuli. In our everyday life, sensation and perception are practically impossible to distinguish, because they are part of one continuous process.
Our sense organs translate physical energy from the environment into electrical impulses processed by the brain. For example, light, in the form of electromagnetic wavelengths, causes receptor cells in our eyes to activate and send nerve impulses to the brain. But we do not recognize these signals as genuine energy. The process of perception enables us to interpret them as objects, events, people, and situations.
(Lindsay & Norman,1977)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Those who question existence, reality, perception, religion and human purpose./style


see blog


What the Bleep Do We Know? By: William Arntz, Betsy Chasse & Mark Vicente

The Fabric of the Cosmos
By: Brian Greene

A Romance of Many Dimensions
By: Edwin Abbott Abbott

Water Crystal Photo Art
By: Dr. Masaru Emoto

Mindful Loving
By: Henry Grayson Ph.D.

Human Information Processing: An Introduction to Psychology
By: P. Lindsey & D. Norman


All of Us

My Blog

Evolution and Biology- Alan Steinfeld interviews Bruce Lipton

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:31:00 PST

Mike Dooley- Thoughts are Things!

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:14:00 PST

Dr. Masuru Emoto- Water Crystals in Motion

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Posted by Dr. Quantum on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:03:00 PST

Quantum Factor: Featuring William Arntz (What The Bleep Do We Know)

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:04:00 PST

Dr Quantum visits flatland

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Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:00:00 PST

Quantum Factor: Featuring Joe Dispenza

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:49:00 PST

Interview with JZ Knight/Ramtha (video)

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:26:00 PST


Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:41:00 PST

The Creation of the Universe

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:43:00 PST

Dr. Milo Wolff: The Wave Structure of Matter

Posted by Dr. Quantum on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:38:00 PST