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String Theory

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About Me



Jena Rose

Free Will

Schrödinger's Cat




Hello there, and I am string theory! I will soon be the THEORY OF EVERYTHING! Or T.O.E. as those hip new scientists like to call it.

I remember in my younger days, I was full of mathematical anomolies, they just couldn't figure me out, but now leading scientists are working very hard to prove to the world that they can unite quantum physics and relative physics to bring together multiple forces and form a theory of everything!

Basically, I am a theory that involves atoms of course, but then we all know atoms are composed of quarks.. but I bet you didn't know that I am all about strings! No not dental floss silly! Loops of vibrating strings of energy that are said to make up everything we know today. Depending on how or the frequency that something "vibrates" at, depends on what the object is. For example, this computer you stare into vibrates differently than those rectangular things with words on them called BOOKS do! You see!

Of course I am not that simple. I am composed of advanced mathematics that took years and years to understand and develope formulas to explain and understand me. They are still working on those equations right this second! Isn't that exciting!

I am composed of many different parts. There are many things about me to consider. If you want to know more about me, that well, frankly wouldn't fit on just one myspace, you can visit some GREAT sites below:

And you can even watch the NOVA series "The Elegant Universe" online. This wonderful 3 part series is based on a book about string theory by the talented and top string theorist Brian Greene! Hosted by him aswell!

You can also read some WONDERFUL books about me by Brian Greene:



FAQ's about String Theory

What is the difference between relative physics and quantum?

Relative physics are things that are on a greater level of physics. Like why a bullet hits the ground when fired, etc. Quantum physics is more along the lines of smaller things, like strings! When you are trying to explain string theory though, the "strings" are so small that things like atoms seem so colossal next to them. Therefore what you'd consider quantum becomes relative. That's how detailed the theory is.


The reason that many people often turn away from String Theory is because it is so mathematical. For some reason, math scares people. Most of the proof of string theory, since it's so small and you can't experiment very much, it is all proven with math.

Math is the basis of life. Anything and everything can be explained with math, therefore if the math works and is correct, it can potentially physically happen. Often many of times the math is ahead of it's time. Einstein's theory that if you travel at the speed of light, you can actually travel forward in time, or rather you stay still and the rest of the world ages. If you do the math of this theory with time dilation etc. it works, it proves to be possible. Obviously it's not possible in TODAY'S science because we have physical limitation where we cannot get things to travel at the speed of light. While they have gotten particles fractions away from the speed of light in particle accelerators, it's not exactly the speed of light. While that's today.. who knows what amazing things can happen in science tomorrow.

I don't get the math, so I can't understand String Theory, huh?

Not true, not true at all. While you could try to teach yourself the math, there is an easier way. To wrap your mind around this amazing theory, you can put things into analogies. The Elegant Universe and the Fabric of the Cosmos, both by Brian Greene, is the best way to understand String Theory without any math at all! Brian Greene has an excellent talent at putting things into simple terms for people to understand so that people can become aware of String Theory.

Here is a lovely interview with leading string theorist Brian Greene on the Colbert Report, he talks about me in a nutshell.

FAQ'S about String Theory's Myspace

Why is String Theory Female? And why is it 21 years old?

The actual myspace says female because I had to pick one, and while string theory is neither female, male, or human, it was a toss of the coin.

Also, it says 21 years old because string theory is in fact 21 years old, officially. Scientists celebrated the silver anniversary last year on August 12th!

Can I be your friend?

String Theory is a theory. It's science, it's the theory of everything, and everything belongs to everyone. Science is for everyone, so yes I will be your friend.

If you have any other questions, simply mail them or leave them in the comments! I will answer both personally by leaving a comment on your page or mailing you back and put your question on the FAQ. Don't be afraid the ask the theory about it self! Questions are welcome and gladly answered!

You can also email the theory!
[email protected]
To contact the owner of this myspace who helps String Theory type and answer your questions please email
[email protected]
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Working on getting the first part, but here's the second and third part!

My Interests

Me of course. Math, astronomy, cosmology (no that's not like cosmetics), time dilation, any type of string because it reminds me of.. well... me!

I'd like to meet:

Einstein, Newton, Hans Christian Oersted, János Bolyai, Gabriele Veneziano, Werner Heisenberg, Hermann Weyl and Eugene Wigner.




By Brian Greene:
Fabric of the cosmos
The Elegant Universe

By Calvin C. Clawson:
Mathematical Mysteries

Scientific American, Popular Science, and Sky and Telescop are always good as well.


Einstein, Newton, Andrew Wiles, Richard Taylor, Witten, Brian Greene.

My Blog

Gravitons.. those slippery little suckers...

Physicists Probe the Fifth Dimension By Alan Boyle | An animated image shows a collision between two subatomic particles embedded in our 3-D universe (or "brane"). The collision produce...
Posted by String Theory on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:24:00 PST

Mapping a New Dimension...

Scientists Predict How To Detect A Fourth Dimension Of Space From: Duke University, NASA , US Department of Energy Scientists at Duke and Rutgers universities have developed a mathematical framework t...
Posted by String Theory on Tue, 30 May 2006 01:45:00 PST