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About Me

The Secret
The sun rose on a magical new day...
Over the whole earth they came,
The people of every colour,
Sister, Brother, Father, Mother
Traveling over many a land
People of the Rainbow
Children of the Way,
with a fresh glow
Finding their way
Star within...
More and more joined,
a song for the soul...
A new way to live,
A new way to see,
It happened this way...
And a new song,
It came from within
If you can find the Star,
Within then you will find...
What is... What was...
And what will be... you see,
It happened this way...
from within,
The people of the Way
The Rainbow Tribe...
In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", wrote:"The essential point to remember is that you must reach what you want by ACTING; by doing things. And today, you can only act where you are, and on the things that are within reach. Do not waste anytime straining after the things that are out of reach, or longing for the things which belong to the future; ACT, today on the people and things within reach today, but act ALWAYS with your mind set on GETTING WHAT YOU WANT. Act in the full faith - the positive knowledge - that you WILL get what you want; make every act a positive act, and an act of faith. Do not sit down and try to ATTRACT the thing you want to you; but begin to move toward the thing you want, and you will find it coming to meet you. Action and reaction are equal; and the person who steadily and purposefully moves forward with one thing in view becomes a center toward which the thing he seeks is drawn with irresistible power..."

My Interests

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God,and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for one day; Teach a man how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.

Chinese Proverb

The present is the future you envisioned for yourself long ago.

(Author Unknown)

The words you habitually choose affect how you communicate with yourself and therefore what you experience.

(Anthony Robbins) - www.anthonyrobbins. com

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.

(Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

Now is the time to focus your attention on what it is that you would wish to bring forth and manifest within your life. It is important to keep thoughts positive and energy high. It is valuable to bring positive energy into your life right now. Allow the negative aspects to be released and not to dwell upon what has not been successful. Think upon the successes that you have and the beauty that’s there in your life.

(The Assembly of Light through Abby Haydon) -

Think about what you want rather than what you don’t want, for the Universal Mind creates whatever you think about most often. Focus steadily on your visions, hopes, dreams and goals; and intent that you already have them.

(Orin through Sanaya Roman, from the book, Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self) - www.orindaben. com

What you truly and sincerely love will be attracted by that love. What you seek is also seeking you, for you can provide it with a joyful living expression. What you focus upon becomes real because of the energy you give to it. What you are most thankful for becomes stronger and stronger.

(Ralph Marston) - www.greatday. com

Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy...

(William Arthur Ward)

You can control the thoughts that enter your mind by changing the way you view the world. You can decide which thoughts you give energy to and which thoughts you discard. You do not have to follow every line of thought. The thoughts that you follow and give energy to become more dominant than the thoughts you discard. Your subconscious mind records these as your dominant picture on the issue at hand. You move towards your dominant picture because your creative subconscious is tasked with making your outside world fit the picture that you have stored internally.

(Aymen Fares) -

The Wright brothers didn’t contemplate the staying on the ground of things. Alexander Graham Bell didn’t contemplate the non-communication of things. Thomas Edison didn’t contemplate the darkness of things. In order to float an idea into your reality, you must be willing to do a somersault into the unconceivable and land on your feet, contemplating what you want instead of what you don’t have.

(Wayne Dyer)

Aim for all that is the highest perception of yourself that you can visualize. Know that you are powerful beyond your present understanding, and your power of thought is growing all of the time. Accept that you are changing from the person you were when you came into this life. With awareness and guidance, you will quickly become a reflection of your Higher Self as the link is opened up. Become Love incarnate and nothing will be able to touch you that is of a lesser vibration. There is no reason why you cannot be a wonderful example of what can be achieved, through your intent to bring the higher energies into yourself.

(Ker-On through Mike Quinsey) - www.treeofthegolden

Look at sunsets; smell the flowers; listen to the birds; touch the people you care about; Taste life. Everything you need is there for you.

(Author Unknown)

The thoughts you choose to think and believe right now are creating your future. These thoughts form your experiences tomorrow, next week, and next year.

(Louise Hay) - www.LouiseHay. com

Real success comes in small portions day by day. You need to take pleasure in life's daily little treasures. It is the most important thing in measuring success.

(Denis Waitley)

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.

(Betty Smith)

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."

Joseph Campbell

When one person makes the decision to better his life, the whole world prospers. This is why nothing is more important than getting our own house in order. We can only do this in the present moment... Our every wish, hope, dream, and prayer must be qualified by the Belief System unless couched in picture form. The ego scrutinizes every thought to insure that it conforms to the contents of the Belief System. When there is a conflict between our thoughts and the Belief System, the Belief System always wins… this is why all changes must be made at the level of the Belief System… Judgments produce a false view of reality. If I made the statement “boats are dangerous” would this be an accurate assessment of boats? No. Contrary to my personal bias, boats are generally pretty safe. More than likely the reality of the situation is this: I fell off a boat once, nearly drowned, and haven’t yet released the fear.

(Michael Harrington, from the book, Touched by the Dragon’s Breath) - www.SusanCreek. com

It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.

And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.

--Wallace D. Wattles

I am extremely capable and can handle any challenges which face me on my path.

Many people today live their entire lives on the basis of "seeing is believing." That is to say, the only images they get emotionally involved with are the ones they can discern with their physical senses. But the individuals of real "vision," down through the ages, have always known the overriding principle is, "what you see is what you get."

Expressed somewhat differently, what this means is that the images in people's minds, actually precede the concrete images, which pervade our material world. Therefore, you should be aware of the fact that the fascinating physical world we see before us, with all of its conveniences for making our lives more comfortable, has been built largely by image-makers - men and women of vision who knew what they could do, and EXPECTED everything else to "fall into place," regardless of what their critics might say to the contrary.

Remember, you will only receive what you truly expect, not what you only wish for.

Bob Proctor

I am continually developing new, expansive thoughts about all areas of my life.

The greatest calamity amongst light-workers is that you do not trust yourselves enough.

(Ashtar through Mark Stearn)

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

Charles Kingsley

There is a wonderful, mystical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom, and peace of mind - are always attained by giving them to someone else.


It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation.

Roberto Benigni

No matter what is going on in my life today, I can always find something for which to be grateful. When I stop and think about this and make a gratitude list, there is no room for depression or self pity. There is so much to be grateful for today.

(Ruth Fishel, from the book, Hang In Until The Miracle Happens)

"Have in your mind that which would constitute a miracle for you. Get the vision. Suspend disbelief and skepticism. Allow yourself to take the journey toward real magic."

- Dr. Wayne Dyer

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

(Frank Lloyd Wright)

Imagine you have an antenna in your mind, and you can adjust it right now so that it is aimed upward, to the higher ideals that fit you. What do you value in yourself? How do you want to feel? Stop for one moment and ask, what feelings do I want? How do I want my universe to look right now? Keep this antenna adjusted upward to higher levels of the universe and you will be stable like the rock, while all the currents flow by you.

(Orin & DaBen through Sanaya Roman, from the book, Living With Joy) - www.orindaben. com

I am fully present in honor of this moment. I am deeply engaged in this adventure which I am living right now.

Beloved, there is no difference in the energy of abundance/lack. That is the grand truth. The difference is in your perception. When you are focusing on lack and need and have-not, what do you think is the underlying emotion? Need equals fear. A quick trick to transform your life… stop focusing on have-not. For as long as you perceive yourself in need, you are being in a place of fear.

(Ptaah through Jani King) -

Man is honored for his wisdom, loved for his kindness.

(S. Cohen)

Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul;
the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

-Napoleon Hill

Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor,
play no jokes and cannot tell the difference
between reality and an imagined thought or image.
What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.

~Sidney Madwed

It’s time to honor yourself fully. Time to be your full creative self. Time to have the intimacy you want. Time for the hugs and gratitudes to be given and received. No more procrastination. We cannot put any of this off until tomorrow, for tomorrow may not come. “Now is the only time we have.

(Paul Ferrini, from the book, Enlightenment for Everyone) - www.paulferrini. com

What if you were to pretend that you were healthy, wealthy and wise? What if you were to decide to be happy, no matter what else was happening? Take the power of ‘what if...’ seriously, and you will grasp the power to create a world of your own design. Everything, EVERYTHING begins in the imagination. Put it to work constructively for you.

(Source) - www.higherawareness .com

"Most of us are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be."

--William Adams

I'm looking forward to looking back on all this.

-Sandra Knell

"Successful people are very clear about their 'Why's.' When you are clear about your 'Why' your 'How' is much easier. You know what the goal is you're shooting for."

Kevin & Myrtice Smith, Executive Directors V

Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing. (Author Unknown)

"Inspiration is God making contact with Itself."

~~Ram Dass

Dr. Robert Anthony says -"It is not your action that makes things happen, it is your intent. You can reduce the need for action to a very minimum by allowing yourself to focus on what you desire until you feel the positive energy begin to move within you.This energy is not based on doubt, fear, anxiety, worry or need. If you focus on what you want instead of what you don't want, you will know when it is time to take action. And when you do, it will be effortless. Doors open and the entire universe will conspire to assist you in your desire."

The future is simply infinite possibility
waiting to happen.
What it waits on is human imagination
to crystallize its possibility.

-- Leland Kaiser

You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted.
To connect with the energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention.
Not because the objects of attention are important, but because the act of flowing is essential to life.

--Abraham through Esther Hicks

(italics mine)
Excerpted from a workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996

All Is Well

Do life a big favor and refuse to accept anything less than the best from it.
Give respect to those around you by relating to them with the highest of expectations.
It is not naive, cruel or arrogant to sincerely expect the best of yourself, of every other person and of every situation.
In fact, it is highly empowering and enriching for all concerned.
Genuine, deeply-held expectations serve to powerfully guide thoughts and behavior.
And by so doing those expectations create results.
Expect the best of yourself, and when you start veering off course your high expectations will push you to get back on track.
Expect the best of others, and you will instill a sense of confidence that can substantially boost performance.
If you do not truly expect to reach them, your dreams and goals will only tease and taunt you into a sense of bitter frustration.
Yet when you give those dreams the power of positive expectation, you have what it takes to make them real.
Your expectations can influence every thought, every perception, every action, every interaction, and every situation.
So choose to make those expectations the very highest and best they can be.

(Ralph Marston) - www.greatday. com

What you truly and sincerely love will be attracted by that love. What you seek is also seeking you, for you can provide it with a joyful living expression. What you focus upon becomes real because of the energy you give to it. What you are most thankful for becomes stronger and stronger.

(Ralph Marston) - www.greatday. com

Everything in the world we want to do or get done, we must do with and through people.
Every dollar we will ever earn must come from people.
The person we love, and with whom we want to spend the rest of our life, is a human being with whom we must interact.
Our children are individuals, each different from any other person who ever lived.
And what affects them most is our attitude - the loving kindness they see and feel whenever we are around them.
If you'll begin to develop and maintain an attitude that says yes to life and the world, you'll be astonished at the changes you'll see.

(Earl Nightingale)

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

(Brian Tracy)

The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.

(Richard M. DeVos)

"Gratitude is the greatest prayer we can ever offer our Creator.
Inspiration is the greatest meditation we can ever receive from our Creator.
Prosperous people who experience abundance know the importance of unconditional love and gratitude.
Learn to look for gratitude in every crack, crevice and cranny in life."

--Dr. Richard Bellamy

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

(Maya Angelou)

Rather than endlessly waiting for others to do you a good turn, to show you signs of trust, respect, friendship and love, and, above all, instead of complaining when this does not happen, start manifesting these good sentiments toward others yourself. Whatever happens as a result, you will always benefit. Even if, in spite of your efforts, people fail to live up to your expectations, your efforts will activate something in the invisible world, and luminous entities will come to your aid. So at every opportunity, endeavour to comfort, encourage and enlighten others, and you will notice that a higher power will come and support you. If you need love and light, try first to give them to those who need them even more than you do, and God himself will come to love and enlighten you.

(Omraam Mikhal Avanhov)

"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."

—Henry Miller

Live your moments with full awareness, acceptance, and respect for what is. Yet also stay intimately in touch with what can be. In the realm of what can be, there are solutions to every problem and pathways through every challenge. The sweet fulfillment you've always sought, lives somewhere in what can be. In what can be, there exists a kind of hope that nothing can diminish. In what can be, your options stretch out far beyond anything you might yet have imagined. And the first step into what can be is the next step that you take. Joyfully respect and truly appreciate all that is, for that is what you take with you as you cross the threshold into what can be. Let the limitations fall away from your thinking and allow your imagination to soar with the deepest longings in your heart. For even now, you are choosing your path through the limitless realm of what can be.

(Ralph Marston) - www.greatday. com

Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.

(Louise Hay) - www.LouiseHay. com

When you begin to understand Law of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto itself is drawn, then it is easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the entire Universe responds.
And when you finally get that, and you begin to exercise some deliberate control about the signal that you offer, then it really begins to be fun, because then you recognize that nothing happens outside of your creative control.
There are no things that happen by chance or by circumstance. There is nothing that is happening because of something you vibrated a long time ago or in a past life.
It is not about what you were born into.
It is only about what you are, right now, in this red hot fresh moment emitting.

Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, June 20th, 1998

It is a good trick to start every morning with thoughts of gratefulness. Even if, on the first day, you cannot think of more than: "I am grateful that the sun has risen again and that there is still enough air to breathe," you will notice that the list of things for which you can be grateful will, wondrously, become longer and longer every morning. Those who have made the universe their business partner and their best friend and coach, save a lot of time, trouble, expense, and effort. You can deal with more things in less time and gain more free time, more sense of achievement, and a better mood.

(Barbel Mohr, from the book, The Cosmic Ordering Service.) - www.baerbelmohr. de

There came a time
when the risk to remain tight
in the bud was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom.

-Anais Nin

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

(Oprah Winfrey)

The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, [via the Law of Attraction] the more you will have to express gratitude for.

(Zig Zigler)

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, this you will become.

(James Allen)

Dreams are a projection of the kind of life you want to lead.
Dreams can drive you.
Dreams can make you skip over obstacles.
When you allow your dreams to pull you, they unleash a creative force that can overpower any obstacle in your path.
To unleash this power, though, your dreams must be well defined.

A fuzzy future has little pulling power.
Well-defined dreams are not fuzzy.
Wishes are fuzzy.
To really achieve your dreams, to really have your future plans pull you forward, your dreams must be vivid.

(Jim Rohn)

Oprah After The Show, Unlocking The Secret 02/16/07

..what you focus on in life, always is what expands. When you begin to look at a certain thing you begin to see more of it. What you give your attention to, is what gives its attention back to you in your life.

(Oprah Winfrey) -

Awaken, dear friends, within this dream and realise that it is your duty and responsibility as Lightworkers to imagine and visualise a safe world. It will be as you decree, and your own experience will thus reflect it.

(The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak, from the book, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library) - www.pleiadians. com

"“Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.”

- John Demartini "

Sometimes, when a tiny series of the most unpredictable events occur that otherwise make no sense at all... it's just my way of winking, and hinting that something big is about to happen. Since I don't have eyelids, you know?

The Universe

Peace and Light

I love because I am a lover
"Say, "I love you now because I found out how much better it feels to
love than not to love. I've trained myself to focus on your best.
Every time I think of you, I feel good."
Get so tuned to Pure Positive Energy
that it causes you to align and flood it.
Become the dominant vibration.
Jesus gave his undivided attention to Source and became the dominant vibration of wellness. Look at them through the eyes of Source.
When you blame them because you feel disconnected, it all breaks down.
Think, "I love you because I am a lover, not because you are lovable."

~~~Abraham Well-Being Cruise Mexico, 4/07

(bold face mine)

An important reason we want to see your present dreams come true as quickly as possible, is because we already know a little bit about what will likely happen just beyond them. We do have fun on this side of "things"....

Hubba, hubba - Notes from The Universe;

As an irrigator guides water to his fields,
as an archer aims an arrow,
as a carpenter carves wood,
the wise shape their lives via their thoughts, words, and deeds.

(Buddha 6th century bce Indian mystic and founder of Buddhism)

Thank you to my partners:

Marianne R.
Joan B.
Marianne A.
Crystal B.
I am grateful for each one of you!

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

(Charles Kingsley)

"I have noticed that folks are generally about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

~Abraham Lincoln

Do not be alarmed, as you walk down the path of life, to suddenly find you don't have the foggiest idea of how your grandest dreams will one day come to pass. This is a good thing. A really good thing...such confusion over the "hows" creates the space you need to enjoy the journey and the space I need to blow your mind. Just keep walking.

Just keep walking...
The Universe

"To evoke the best from others, you must find a vibration that is a match to the best in others."
~Abraham through Esther Hicks

Excerpted from a workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday,
January 12th, 1997

All Is Well

No, money does not bring happiness - the correlation goes the other way. Happiness brings money! Yes, those who are truly happy now always attract more abundance into their life.

Christopher Westra

Give yourself a perfect day.
Do what makes you happiest.
Look upon what gives you joy.
Speak to those who warm your heart.
Listen to that which lifts your spirit.
Surround yourself with sights and sounds and people who give you pleasure.
For all the happiness you give to others all year long, give yourself a perfect day.

(Author Unknown)

The absolute, most sure-fire way of physically moving in the direction of your dreams, on a day-to-day basis, without messing with the "cursed hows," is living them, now, to any degree that you can.

And you can.

Isn't today going to rock?

Love, The Universe

"Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."

~William James

Harmful habits can be broken.
You can break a bad habit of thought, just as you can break a bad habit of action.
And you can develop new habits that are more helpful and healthful for you.

~~Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose Dewolf

My Vision Statement 5/4/07:

"Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty and your animal spirits."

William Hazlitt

Appreciation is fertilizer for the soul.


"In the long run you hit only what you aim at. Therefore, though you should fail immediately, you had better aim at something high."

Henry David Thoreau

If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.

(Pema Chodron)

I'd like to meet:

World Visitor Map Generator. Create your own today!

The secret of the wealthy is not that they have more money but that they have more TIME freedom. Because many of their streams are residual, they have time to spend on anything they want.

--Charmaine Tincher

There's never been a better time to start a business that offers 22 streams of residual recurring income!!!

Consider the following:

You can live the life of your dreams!

You can achieve optimal health and achieve your financial goals.

You can achieve your health, wellness and financial goals by helping others to the same.


Unlimited Income Potential

No experience is required. I provide full training, support and ongoing mentoring plus a free personalized website

I am looking for partners (individuals, couples and 'not-for-profit' organizations) to join me in this incredible business! I do not sell anything. I don't take orders or collect money. I simply refer people to the company where I shop for the safe, environmentally-friendly products that I use every day!

For more information, please send me a private message.

Ask me about our LIVE WEB CAST Business Overviews Monday through Friday and now of Sunday evenings too!!
I'd love to send you an invitation!

A special note to spiritual groups, churches and other 'not for profit organizations: This business has been proven to be an effective on going fund raising system for many types of not-for-profit organizations. Please send me a private message/ e-mail for more information. Thank you for your interest.

Find out why 2008 is the year to begin working at home with our team! Send me a private message for all the exciting details

Thank You Jackie for sending me this video!

"Rather than be so ready to jump into action to get the things that you want, we say think them into being, see them, visualize them, and expect them, and they will be. And you will be guided, inspired, or led to the perfect action that will bring about the process that will lead you to that which you seek."


Life is a series of races. There are lessons in every race. There are life lessons to be learned every single day. If you don't win the race, but you get the lesson, and grow, you are truly a success.

Live Your Dreams.

Jill Koenig


It is vitally important that you learn to love yourself, for you cannot love anyone else if you do not love yourself first. All love must flow through you and then out to others. All respect must begin with a deep respect for yourself and then reach out to others. All tolerance and forgiveness must begin with a deep tolerance for your own errors and mistakes, a deep forgiveness and acceptance of yourself as you are, and then you can reach out to others.

(Quado through Carrie Hart) -

This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind... let it be something good.

(Author Unknown)

Wealth without enjoyment is little consolation. Your real riches in life are riches of the head and heart. Satisfaction comes when you appreciate what you have. While success is getting what you want, true happiness is wanting what you get. It's not how much you have, but how much you enjoy that truly matters.

(Max Steingarts)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

(Albert Schweitzer)

Live your day with the joy and expectancy of a child, finding the pleasure in the small gifts and blessings that come your way. Focus on what is right in your world and in those around you, thereby reinforcing the positive instead of the negative. Develop the habit of choosing a key word for the day such as joy, peace, love, patience, faith, humility, gratitude, gentleness, dedication, self-control, self-empowerment or self-worth. When you stay focused on a positive word or thought of empowerment, you are soul centered and living in the moment. It is one of the secrets of becoming a “living meditation.” Negative thoughts are toxic to your body and well-being, just as positive thoughts are healing and empowering.

(Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman) - www.RonnaStar. com

I've never known any human being, high or humble, who ever regretted, when nearing life's end, having done kindly deeds. But I have known more than one millionaire who became haunted by the realization that they had led selfish lives.

(B. C. Forbes)

I continually receive new, expansive thoughts about every area of my life.

I can be what I will to be.

-Charles F. Haanel

The aim of life is to live; and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.

(Henry Miller)

Stop waiting for the one moment in time that will change your life. Instead, cherish all of the moments. A desert cactus that blooms briefly only once a year does not consider all of the moments it is not in bloom wasted. It considers them necessary and important. It knows the rest of the year, the rest of its life, it is beautiful, too. All of the moments count. The quiet moments. The moments of boredom and solitude. The moments of sharing. The exciting moments of discovery. The moments of grandeur. The agonizing moments when we feel sad, angry, or upset. Each moment in time is equally important.

Don't wait and hope for the one thing, the one person, the one event that will change your life, plummet you into the future and the life you desire. Instead remember that each moment in time brings change, evolution, and transformation.

Most of us relish the magnificent spiritual experiences, those tremendous discoveries, those important times of change. But those moments don't happen all that often. The truth is, each moment in time is a spiritual experience, an important time of change. Cherish all of your moments. Soon you will see the beauty and power of each. Let each moment have value. Let each day of your life be the spiritual experience you seek. The power to change and evolve lies within you. The life you desire is happening right now. Your destiny is here. Cherish all of your moments. Embrace the beauty and importance of each one.

(Melody Beattie, from the book, Journey to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul)

The mere act of praying and sending out loving thoughts is something many individuals do every day. Remember energy follows thought, and with a firm focus on where you want your love to go to, you can achieve much more than you would imagine. Multiply it by hundreds or thousands and you can see how much power can be directed in a positive way to the point of focus. Send love and not hatred and anger to those who upset you by their actions, and realize that love has far more impact. You can change a person through your constant love, so please believe in its value and power to change the course and destiny of the Earth. It does not have to break up into chaos, and a loving focus on your leaders can have the affect of lessening their headlong rush into the abyss of their own making, and into pulling everyone into it.

Dear Ones do not doubt your ability to make a difference through your thoughts and prayers. The dark energies need to be softened and transmuted, and if enough of you had that intent it would occur. Likewise, the vision you have of your future can be brought into manifestation by the power of your thoughts. Right now, there is wonderful coming together of people with the sole purpose of giving strong energy to bring those long awaited changes into being. You have the power to do it, and much support is being given to you by us.

I am St. Germain, and I am full of praise and admiration for all of you who have taken a step forward and lead from the front. What you do is for all of Humanity and your selfless acts will be well rewarded. The end of the road is in sight, and we all draw nearer to the end of duality and its challenge. A great assembly of Light Beings are waiting to shower you with their love and blessings, and they urge you on through those final steps. You are victorious, and none shall take this victory away from you. I leave you with my Love embracing you all.

(St. Germain through Mike Quinsey) - www.treeofthegolden

"As you shift into a vibration of prosperity consciousness, you will create and attract new avenues and opportunities for more money to come into your life. Money is a resource that God has given us to bless our lives--not to interfere with our daily happiness. If you are creating your experience with money as a negative distraction, choose to clean it up.Create money to be like your experience with air: something you know there is plenty of for you and everyone else. Money, like air, is a resource to assist you in creating and sustaining a life of joy and happiness. You never worry about air, you just trust and let it be there for you. Stop worrying about money and start trusting that you will be provided for and trust that you will make choices and manage it in a way that blesses your life."

--Carol Tuttle, Christopher Westra

My reasons for wanting money are so I can more effectively:

Channel God's light and abundance to all,
Bless the world with truth and love,
Use my energy to bless my family and others,
Teach my children about universal joy and safety,
Do what makes my heart sing,
Commune more with nature by traveling the world,
Live in a lighter energy field,
Harmonize with the earth and her energies,
Increase life, health, and joy to all,
Study, ponder, pray, and learn, and
Fulfill my mission in this dimension.

I want money so I have time to read, study, write, and share.
I want money so I can buy the best foods and travel and enjoy this beautiful earth.

Just start doing the things you really want to do.
You can do anything you want now, even if you have to start in a small way.
Spend more time with your family now.
Take more leisure time now.
Read more, or travel more.
Go straight for what you want, and the money will come to help you along to do it more.

Don't wait - act now.

There is no future, there is only the present moment.

Gain clarity into your real reasons for wanting money.
Be as honest as you can, and you will grow in mind and spirit.

--Christopher Westra

As we awaken into Being, we will begin to recognize each other. I will see you as a Being of love. You will see me as a Being of love. We will not need anything from each other apart from the gift of being present with each other. For each of us is complete and whole. We can share in a loving energy. We can share the moment together. And if we share enough loving moments together, then we will be sharing a loving life together.

(Leonard Jacobson)

Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission.

(Arnold Bennett)

To change your reality, first change your perceptions. To bring something into your world, first bring it fully to life within yourself. Go beyond merely thinking about what you would like to do, or be, or create. Go ahead and experience it in detail with all that you are. In your mind's eye, with your emotions fully engaged, surround yourself with the richness of whatever you envision. Fill your awareness with the sights, the sounds, the feelings, and the texture of it all. Allow yourself to experience the pure joy of the best life you can imagine. Let that feeling penetrate to the very depth of your being. Make it real within you, and you'll begin to make it real in the world around you. Know without a doubt that it is, and it will begin to be. Bring your vision to life on the stage of your awareness. And the positive energy you focus upon it will surely make it real.

(Ralph Marston) - www.greatday. com

Tune into JOY dear ones. The world needs your light. The world needs you to say, NO I will not fall into fear and despair and lack mentality. The world needs you to say I CAN BE ABUNDANT, HAPPY, and LOVED, in spite of what occurs around me. Give yourselves permission to celebrate every breath of your life dear sweet light-workers, because it is truly a difficult but glorious school upon your earth.

(The Angels through Ann Albers) - www.visionsofheaven .com

I inherently know that it's all about enjoying the prevailing NOW.


What the bleep do we know; The Secret
To be sure, everyone wants to be happy. This desire is a major driving force on the planet. It's normal to seek pleasure and to avoid pain. It appears easier to feel happy when one is cushioned from the pressures of everyday life. This view is based on a false notion associating joy with external factors. Humans are conditioned to believe that if only certain things or people were different, they could be joyful. This is a trick of the mind, habituated to believe that happiness comes from something outside the self. In fact, joy has more to do with how a person responds to life events than the events themselves. What really matters is how the person perceives their situation and whether they can find satisfaction with present circumstances. This is the key when living in a world of changing conditions.
(The Council of 12 through Selacia) - www.Selacia. com
Perhaps the question we hear most often from our physical friends is:
Why is it taking me so long to get what I want?
It is not because you do not want it enough.
It is not because you are not intelligent enough.
It is not because you are not worthy enough.
It is not because fate is against you.
It is not because someone else has already won your prize.
The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself
in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire.
That is the only reason—ever!
And an important thing for you to now understand is that if you will stop and think about it,
or, more important, stop and FEEL about it, you can identify your very discord.
So now, the only thing you need to do is gently and gradually, piece by piece, release your
resistant thoughts, which are the only disallowing factors involved.
Your increasing relief will be the indicator that you are releasing resistance, just as your
feelings of increased tension, anger, frustration, and so
on, have been your indicators that
you have been adding to your resistance.
"Ask and It Is Given"
Chapter 4 - How Can I Get There from Here?
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.
(James Thurber)
The time to begin is now. The time to live is now. The day to make a difference is today. The moment of truth is this very one you have in front of you.
(Author Unknown)


What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists... and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want... and are fully determined not to quit until you get it. (Alexander Graham Bell)

What if you were to pretend that you were healthy, wealthy and wise? What if you were to decide to be happy, no matter what else was happening? Take the power of ‘what if...’ seriously, and you will grasp the power to create a world of your own design. Everything, EVERYTHING begins in the imagination. Put it to work constructively for you.

(Source) - www.higherawareness .com


Now in print :)
The generosity of God in sharing the goodness of creation with us can elicit only one possible response — that of gratitude.
(Esther de Waal)
Jesus said, "These and greater things than these shall you do."
(John 14:12.22)
"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
(Matthew 21:22)
"For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
(Matthew 7:8)
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God,and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
{Matthew 6:33}
"This will probably sound like the most unlikely place to look for wealth, but if you consider the true source of all things, it makes perfect sense.In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples that, "No man can serve two masters ... Ye cannot serve God and mammon," or the world (Matt 6:24). After suggesting to his disciples that they "take no thought for your life, what ye should eat, or what ye shall drink," he told them, "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you" (Matt 6:22). He didn't say some, or part, or a portion, but "all things."Just moments earlier, he prefaced these very words by promising that those who would give their alms, offerings to the poor and needy, secretly, that the Father would reward them openly (Matt 6:18).Is there sufficient faith to follow this teaching and live this way today?Here is what I'm suggesting--if you want to acquire wealth, perhaps greater than you can even imagine, then find ways to give it away, anonymously, that will serve God and build up the kingdom of God. It is a sure thing--God's promise to the faithful."
~~John Terry, Light Traveler
Jesus always taught and practiced !!!!
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL & ARCHEIA MARY Current mood: hopeful Category: LifeArchangel Raphael, whose name means God has healed or God shall heal, serves on the emerald green ray, the fifth ray. The Zohar, a Jewish mystical text, says that Raphael is charged with healing the earth as well as healing men. In Christianity, he is revered as the angel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda.The divine complement of Raphael is Mary, the mother of Christ. The ascended masters have revealed that God called Mary, an archeia, to take embodiment so that she could some day be Jesus'' mother. In preparation for this mission, Mary served long ago on Atlantis and worked in the healing temples of that continent. She is sometimes called by other names such as Mother Mary, the Blessed Virgin and Queen of the Angels. Mother Mary holds the immaculate concept for each soul on earth. You can call to her to help you attune to your innate divinity. Rosaries are frequently given as a powerful way of invoking her assistance.Archangel Raphael and Mary work with students in mastering the light of the third-eye chakra. This chakra and the green ray deal with wholeness, vision, truth, healing, science, holding the immaculate concept for oneself and others, and the desire to manifest the abundant life on earth. These archangels can also provide inspiration to musicians, singers and composers for the creation of healing and inspirational music.
You can also call to Mary and Raphael for healing in times of illness, when you need the vision for a particular project, or when an increase of resources would enable you to better fulfill your mission. And you can call to them to heal your soul of present difficulties or past traumas. Following is a brief prayer for healing you can give anytime:
Raphael and Mary, I ask for [name yourself and/or another person]
to be healed of [name the condition(s)],
in accordance with God's holy will.
I AM God's perfection manifest
In body, mind and soul—
I AM God's direction flowing
To heal and keep me whole!
Thank you Donna from Australia for this beautiful meditation.
The ability to see the invisible and to believe the incredible… permits you to receive what the rest of the world calls impossible. (John Kanary)
I am One
I am Part of the Universe
I am light
Share your light with others
I am a child of the light
I serve with the Brotherhood of Light
to bring light upon this planet
I am a guardian of the light
I am love in action here
Co-operating with the love and light of the universe
I am dedicated to the Kingdom of God on Earth
Interplanetary Fellowship and Universal Peace
I invoke the light for my protection
and will not receive the words of any
being who does not serve the golden white light of God
In Heaven or on Earth
I as a son or daughter of the new age awakening now upon the earth
command forth in the name of my mighty "I AM"
presence that my holy Christ Self flow forth into my
human mind and perform the work of reuniting me to its God receiver
Oh come into me now, oh Christed one, and raise me back up to my source
Bring forth God energies necessary for me to know,
only the perfection of God's love, life, and light this day, in all I see,
speak and do.
So be it done,
In the name of my mighty "I AM" presence.
Melchizedek method
Thank You for This Amazing Day
i thank You God for most this amazing day:
for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;
this is the birth day of life
and love and wings:
and of the gay great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginably You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
- e. e. cummings
The Planet is your Mother, a symbol of your Heavenly Mother. How grateful have you been today for your body, which is made up from all the elements found in Her? How grateful have you been to have the experience you are having, just so it could awaken you to the glory that you are beyond form? Until you can appreciate the dirt, you cannot free yourself from its grasp. Until you love your temple, you cannot ascend to the stars and eventually beyond them into the mansion worlds. The numinous Presence of All That Is has given you Life, the Christ in you desires that you have abundant Life beyond measure, and it all exists within each atom, molecule, cell, organ, and bone of you...Now, the body of the Earth is like unto your body, and vice versa. If you take care of your vehicle, yet you do not honor the Earth, then your gratitude is in vain. The same Loving Presence that gives you consciousness, and makes your heart, lungs and brain work also permeates the substance of the Earth. As you do it unto the Earth, you do it unto yourself. Not only are you and the Father-Mother one, you and the Planet are one.
(The Christ Presence through Isaac George) - www.isaacariel. com
James F. Twyman suggests that we should 'pray peace' [intend that it already exists] rather than praying for peace. When we pray for peace, we suggest that it is absent, but when we 'pray peace' we invoke its universal presence. www.earthrainbownet
The Avatar Returns
The Avatar never left you
For The Avatar is pure essence of Source

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Discover the Secret to Prosperity

Want To Be Wildly Wealthy?Discover The Powerful Secret TODAY!.. ...
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Wildly Wealthy Web Secrets

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Posted by GAIA DREAMS on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 05:53:00 PST

The Secret Messages in Water

Thank you Goddess*Lori ...
Posted by GAIA DREAMS on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 05:19:00 PST

The Power of Positive Thought

Negative thoughts have a detrimental effect upon the physical form. It creates a negative energy flow within the body. If it becomes extreme, it has the potential to be destructive to the body. Now...
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Nov.11, 2007--11:11 AM

Thanks and Blessings Peace TurtleDate: Nov 6, 2007 5:46 PMRepost:From: ~ The WaveDate: Nov 6, 2007 7:28 PMnot everyone sees them, plus it is a good reminder too ;)lovelovelove to all of you, steven--...
Posted by GAIA DREAMS on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 06:01:00 PST

10 ways we hinder the Law of Attraction

Thanks: EarthBorneRising.comTen Ways We Hinder The Law Of AttractionBy: Wendy Betterini"Why isn't the Law of Attraction working for me?" This cry of frustration is uttered often by people who are lear...
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get 1000’s of visitors to your site!

Posted by GAIA DREAMS on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 06:32:00 PST

The Power of Goal Setting

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Please read if AUTISM touches your life

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Love and Thanks to: Begrow----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Charlotte...mi vida es un besoDate: Oct 9, 2007 1:44 PM ----------------- Bulletin Nachricht --------------...
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