Member Since: 9/19/2007
Band Website:
Influences: malmsteen,vai,rondat,jarre,satriani,vivaldi,bach,kermheat,pa
ganini,iron maiden,slayer,canibal corspe,dimu borgir,mayhem,emperor,loudblast,stephan forte,oposite,batten,srv,bb king,clapton,eric jhonson,beethoven,
Sounds Like: thierrytig,
compositeur et interprete autodidacte des ses oeuvres;
Guitariste instrumental,IL A decouvert la guitare electrique le jour ou il a entendu un certain
YNGWIE JOHAN MALMSTEEN,(qui restera son influance principale)
il avais 15ans ,aussitot il decida d acheter sa premiere guitare.
C est a cet periode qu il se mis aussi au claviers, fortement influance par les orchestrations de
dans ses influances on peut trouver egalement:
Adorant la mixitee musicale,il compose alors ses premiers morceaux.
Dabord a la guitare et ensuite aux claviers.
Son style musicale est un melange de rock de metal de classique,et surtout de plan melodiques tres techniques mais sans tomber dans la demonstration.
Pendant plusieurs annees il travail les differentes techniques existant sur une guitare electrique: tapping,sweeping,legato,gammes diverses et ce pendant plus de huit heures par jours.
Maintenant il compose des oeuvres a tres forte influances classique: l electrosymphonic orchestra.
Mais il n oublie pas le style de ses debut: le hard rock instrumental melodique.
Il a enregistre dans son home studio plusieurs maquettes et a joue en live devant plusieurs milliers de personnes.--------------------------------------------------
thierrytig - Lost Illusions (demo) (2006)
Aforesaid nickname stands for Thierry Tigoulet who is a self-taught guitarist and keyboardist from France. He himself describes his style as "electrosymphonic metal" or "electrosymphonic orchestra".Aforementioned qualifications are very intriguing, however Thierry's stuff is a mixture of electronica, dance and guitar music. Yes, it is very beaty and lively. It is also very spatial and bluesy at some moments. The sound has got a powerful enough drive, although it can be still considered a light music. Thierry is able to cut off fast thin-sounding solos through the entire duration of every single tune. There are a few catchy melodies and potential hits as well. Here are also a lofty symphonic compositions without guitar, but most are filled up with this stringed instrument parts.Thierry wrote that his influences are Johann Sebastian Bach, Niccolo Paganini, Frederic Chopin and Antonio Vivaldi among others, but here are no direct references to their works. He showed how to bring a niche style closer to the masses. He gained a roaring effect, since "Lost Illusions" is the stuff atypical of guitar music in general. I think that Thierry is strongly inflienced by Jean-Michel Jarre's "Metamorphoses" and Patrick Rondat's guitar style. Beside them, I can hear a certain similarities to such artists like Joe Satriani, Mike Oldfield, Victor Zinchuk, Yann Armellino, Cyril Lepizzera and Frederic De Cecco. Thierry achieved a perfection at trendspotting by producing an almost 60-minute weird soundtrack with a disco guitar-oriented music.
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Record Label:
Type of Label: None