Aristotle profile picture


Human good turns out to be activity of soul exhibiting excellence

About Me

Chairo, greetings! I have dedicated this myspace to Aristotle; his contributions being not truly understood and appreciated. Aristotle,(384-322BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher born at Stagira Macedonia. One of the most influential philosophers, along with Plato his teacher, they helped to develop the roots of Westernized thought, mainly contributing to science and ethics. Most of the true things we can know as real are those that are grounded as experience through the senses, in contrast to Plato's view that the soul is the source of a true knowledge called 'forms', empirical knowledge being subjective. Aristotle's ideas contributed to notions such as the importance of the scientific method in understanding and evaluating our world. Aristotle also believed that the soul is the essence of what distinguishes us as human, our core personalized being expressing who we are, but he denied that it is a separate entity. The faculty of reasoning being the distinguishably human ability, allowing for the evaluation of knowledge, much of which being empirically obtained. He is also well known for his contributions to politics, astronomy, logic, metaphysics, ecology and ethics; Virtue of the mean, friendship and happiness for the individual and society.
"Virtue then, is a state of character concerned with choice, lying in a mean, the mean relative to us, this being determined by a rational principle, and by that principle by which the man of practical wisdom would determine it. Now it is a mean between two vices, that which depends on excess and that which depends on defect; and again it is a mean because the vices respectively fall short of or exceed what is right in both passions and actions, while virtue both finds and chooses that which is intermediate." – Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics)

We are on the brink of a revolution.

My Interests

PERIPATETIC PHILOSOPHY, Sociology, Religion, Psychology, Physics, Politics, Chemistry, Education and Biology (Immunology, Genetics, Physiology, Evolution, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Ecology, Histology, Molecular Biology)

Yea, I like to keep active and contribute to my community by really trying to make a difference. It's about giving back and building those strong rewarding relationships!

I'd like to meet:

Lovers of wisdom

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” - Aristotle

“The sign of intelligence is the ability to see relationships.”

A friend once asked me, "Master Aristotle, what is the greatest of all virtues?" He was not impressed with my answer, I said "the greatest of all virtues is not temperance, but is honesty: a thirst for truth." This is the greatest struggle we must overcome if society is to improve. He replied back to me, "what is truth and honesty if another is ignorant of what is right?" My reply was, precisely the problem!"

May you find happiness in all that you do. Until we meet again my friend, when the dust rises from the earth, the sun pierces the storm. When the beginning comes at last, you will know the purpose of the end.

I would like to meet individuals who care about changing their future, who care about improving themselves and are brave enough to care about acting upon those desires. I want to hear what you have to say. I encourage everyone to share with me their thoughts in my blog.

There are so many difficult questions to address in this new modern society. Aristotle is here to help you through them. Be my friend. The best friend is a friend for the right reasons. Grow and inspire one another!


PhilCollins,Zeppelin,Beatles,Supertramp,Eagles,GuessWho, NeilDiamond,PaulSimon,Depeche,CollectiveSoul,U2,Heart, PerfectCircle,ChiliPep,Guns&Roses,McLachlan,Rammstein, Apocalyptica,VNV,ChemBros,Mozart,Vivaldi,ArvoPart, FranceGall,Thalia,AndreaBocelli,Bond,Delerium,Lesiem, Era,Vangelis


Gladiator,Trumanshow,GroundhogDay,Kundun,KillBill, LastSamurai,LOTR,LastMohican,Dune


TV dulls the mind


Nicomachean Ethics, Categoriae, Physica, De Anima, De Incessu animalium, Physiognomonica, Metaphysica Politica, Libellus de Virtutibus, Ars rhetorica.

Do not underestimate the wisdom of the past!

Pros Theôn!

Contemplation is the noblest of pursuits.


Plato, Aristotle, Alexander The Great

“He is richest who is content with the least.” - Socrates

"Moderation brings satisfaction, not excess."


Under Pressure - By Queen and David Bowie

My Blog

Identity Crisis

Who is your Philosopher?created with You scored as Immanuel KantYou would be a perfect subject of Immaunel Kant's, studying Deontology and the Duty of one to the society of all. I...
Posted by Aristotle on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:17:00 PST

Getting To Know A Little Bit More About YOU

I am wanting to get better acquainted with my friends. I feel it is perhaps the most important part of becoming friends, learning more about them and interacting. If this helps then that's great. W...
Posted by Aristotle on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 02:16:00 PST

Share Your Thoughts

Please, share your thoughts with me. It does not matter what they are, just type them.
Posted by Aristotle on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:28:00 PST

Complain! I want to hear it all. Please!

I care about what you have to say, what concerns you in life, and what you think needs to change in this world. :)
Posted by Aristotle on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:37:00 PST