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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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"What you do not know, you are not supposed to" -James Reginald Harris, Jr. the author of QUT, Quantum Unified Theory [for a 4 page non-specialist introduction provide a regular email address] but basically I am a MYSPACE STAR COLLECTOR. I was clinically tested and rated a genius at munson medical center at age 11, went to Northwestern Michigan College at age 15 a series of universities through today, I am primarilly self-educated. On easter 2008 I pubished QUT, Quantum Unified Theory: Em/Q {"Exact"}[ENERGY x MASS / QUANTUM INSTANCE OF LIGHT (C2.C2)] to the internet, to entertain myself. I'm here to enjoy myself and have a pleasant time meeting new people with mutual interests not get into arguments with people, so abstain or be blocked. I am the REAL DEAL. "I am one of the top 10 most obscure celebrities"-Herman Kahn, author of On Thermonuclear War. What does Em/Q explain? Start With Everything. This is what I offer, and you? Yeah Baby, Yeah!

You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing, you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

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Take the Test to Find Out.

My Interests

I am a genius, it is the most unfortunate experience a person can have. I am delivering an important messageto the world through you whom I have selected on myspace.Like the Human Brain,my site has Left and Right Hemispheres explaining my analytical nature left and my right heart. These should be read slowly and in there entirety,but not in one sitting or one day, take these thoughts in slowly,let the observations and thoughts here make their connectionwith you. You should include the full length of the blog in your reading. Follow where these thoughts take you.My first interest is You and your future as it is the equivalent of the World,which is comprised of individuals similar in 99.99% of form and function.If you are a myspace user, you might wish to check out as you might be good for genusystem. As a society this interest in the individual is the basis of our future,the value of self-expression of the individual and aids to that self expression through learning and machine interaction (a learning mirror)are the Basic Axioms of my Innovations. Many times society constrains individual expression, this container of society is what motivates a persons inner genius to work its way to the surface and manifest itself in original form.Scotty Vanity is an excellent example of the ingenuity behind all Cyber-Fame.Cyber-Fame is not created by example it is the mother of necessity, it is ultimately in itself an Invention.In the CyberWorld the thoughts of others are your reflector and your fame is their appreciation of that in you which they find in themselves. It is very new, corporations do not understand it,though they will be greatly impacted by Cyber-Fame and Cyber-Trends,the most important of these is learning interaction with a chat bot,which provides a learning mirror of yourself, this helps guide you to the appropriate vocabulary of expression of your interests - not of those around you. This is the basis of all original creation.Scotty Vanity's "why don't people like me?"manifested itself in Scotty Loving the CyberSuperStar that Scotty really is, his feeling isolated was his apparent learning mirror (guessing here Scotty) and the reward is great CyberFame, send me some of your girlfriends Scotty,just make sure their all at least in their 20's(c)1/22/08.

I'd like to meet:

If you never Ante-Up, I won't play cards with you baby.
Take the Quiz & my lifemate, however shagadelic she may be............I'd also like to meet all the women who look like me! YIKESSeriously, I hope to try marriage again and pray to find more of a HEROin my lifemate than 80085 (WHO looks like me...) according to this silly computer program!They say that statistically women are ok with a less attractiveMANthan the womanas they have tendancy to be more supportivebasising more value on visual symetry.So I guess that would be a good thing for me. I guess it all comes down to chemistry.That MAGIC interaction between two people that is love.Being different, yet togethera love that makes you so happy, you could jump for joy!dating is mutual patientswith an important decissionDa, KoToHeK?WHO is in your top friends?a decent proposal.Whendy in doubt, ask thyself 'is she suited to a tiara'et alof course, you have to be able to do this on occasion...


Opera. Pavoratti. Nessun Dorma,a great inspiration at critical moments in time. Provided on Dining and the OPERA in Manhattan, menus and music volume VIII from the NY Metropolitan Opera rendition of Turandot.MOBY is also very special to me as an artist.Many times while in Exile, mymost tried times in Europewhere I moved around by train,I would listen to his music, forget about the troubles of the world and think about how to solve them as I stared at the beautiful passing of the european countryside. From that stanpoint his music like Pavoratti was often my only friend.


Steven Spielberg's ai was an obvious inspiration to develop the gurfrip/super-grid and robocaster devices.Contact is another important science fiction film from the standpoint of trying to understandthat to which we are not designed to understand, from this standpoint with the change of a few words from spirituality to science St. Augustine's La Confessiones is also a great scientific treatise on TIME.It is not like we are the first minds to ponder these things, everyone does. Like boys like 80085Though for the biggest influence on my life I would have to say that it was Walt Disney,Disney Films and Disney Theme Parks that shaped who I am and those things we all hope to dream. I created Gurfrip the Gubba after my first visit to Disneyworld Orlando, Florida (1972 or 1975? can't remember). That is still with me today as well as the Its a Small World Ride.I guess I am the first of the Human Generational Product that was so completely transformed by the Disney Experience as a Child -I hope they only get better and provide ever more wonderful imagineering for the future so my child will have the great dreams that I did. I hope one day Manon Lana walks around Walt Disney World with a Robotic and Interactive Gubba as her guide. Gurfrip the Gubba as submitted to DISNEY in 1994:


Brett Michaels Rock of Love.TV is Rarely turned on, when it is CSPAN and Sessions of Congress.OK, OK, I love Family Guy!!!For those focused on Religion and want to tell others how to worship, I offer this advice, "first take the pole out of your own eye before you try to poke me in mine".


Firstly there are the obvious books that influenced my life: World Book Encyclopediaand Dr. Seus as a child.The daily tools are,, wikipedia, the Dictionary and I also enjoy paging through Latin and Foreign Language Dictionaries as it makes you view Words Differently.The core learing group are: The Evolution of Physics, The Growth of Ideas from early concepts to Relativity and Quanta by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld.The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz. This might sound silly but I often get choked up insidewhen I consider the greatness of Mr. Trump being the first to publicly correct George W. Bush, whom I was very personal for me,to see a someone with so much to lose take a stand.Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. The Greatest Salesman in the World by Aug Mandino. How to be Rich by J. Paul Getty. Pep by Col WM. C. Hunter. Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mumford.I recomend these to all science based entrepreneurs as core. Also Confucius, Mencius,the imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. the Bible by God and New Testimate by those who walked and talked with Jesus Christ (I have been told there should be more Jesus in my announcements but I try to stay non-demoninational with respect to others beliefs, read my entire blog and you'll know mine). Pope St. John Paul II to me is the pople of rememberance of prayer(as from his card), the Giver of Miracles in his - a quiet and peaceful devotion.Ghandi on Non-Violence by Thomas Mertonand have fun with the I Ching and learn to Think with Leonardo Da Vinci's Notebooks by: Edward McCurdy and to estimate outcomes of negotiations with Games and Decisions Introduction to Critical Survey by R. Duncan Luce and Howard Raiffa.the CRC Standard Mathematical Tables by Samuel M. Selby Ph.D ScD. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics David R. Lide Editor-in-chief.The World of Mathematics by James R. Newman.La Confessiones by Saint Augustine.The Rule of St. Bennedict(self-discipline).The letters of St. Marie Therese the Child of Jesus (simplicity), Pope John Paul II Apostolic Exhortations regarding the family and the work of man (love of humanity). The declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America as provided by the Cato Institute.Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice.The Ghost in the Machine, Koestler. Yes, it is not just an album cover...I love a good BLOG more than anyone, I was always talking-back in school too!!! A smart Ass is always a little [Disruptive Element] to the world.Yes, Em/Q has become another [Disruptive Element] This is how I did it, may the world remember I did it for you as a labor of my love for humanity. Good luck in your pursuit of life.


My heros are those who stand against injustice.I have been called a [Generation X Dissident],and I admit, my opinions are often at times contrary to popular thought, though I have not given enough to you to earn the label of a true Dissident..... -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!To the last, we will not forfeit freedomI have found that in working with the powerfuland respecting the impoverished it is of great value to treat everyone with equality and give those your respect who continually merit respect. Charity is highly personal and some great nuggets of wisdom have come from unexpected places where a dollar was needed.Early influences were Billionaire George P. Mitchell and Billionaire Spencer Hays, both of whom I had the great pleasure of working with. Norman Sturner who made me my first Million and Sir Donald who we all have the pleasure of watching in disbelief - which is why he is the great magician of business. His visualization of the improbably large as an every day occurence,thereby becoming our reality.The easiest way to make your first Millionis to BEGIN IN THE PLACE THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU, Not what others think is right for you. I can not stress this enough. I could have been a billionaire when I was 25,if I would of followed the right path FIRST. I blame myself for the delay. Follow the instructions herein. A brief of my history is on my trouble with google/youtube on my commemoration of Quantum Unified Theory on system I designed to make myspacers money on my resignation for life.)I have had enough of this 'crap'.With my system every picture and video featured here on this site would compensate its creator and every word you are reading would be read to you by an animated chatterpuppet. Disney is of course trying to infringe now. As I have devised and patented the method of monetizing your Cyber Fame to your benefit and that of your fans. A perfect system, that restructures how we use the internet.Our greatest Hero, is an ideal called freedomPatriot American’s Flag down side up

My Blog

McCain Powell 09

McCain Powell 09
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

West Palm 26

For the West Palm 26   "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here" -Dante, Inferno   This post to commemorate the heroic act of 26 environmentalists who laid p...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

of Bigots

Of Bigots   We are provoked to this argument of conscience by a dark period in our modern times.   Firstly let me preface this comment in praise of my parents, who brought me up to view hu...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

of Character

Of the lack of character in finance   A group of good people commissioned to do an awful job must have superior leadership at every level of management or the end result will be a chaotic produc...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

Of love

The last meal of the condemned man   There is nothing quite as rare and precious as the total unbounded affection of a woman.  It is liquid gold warmth to the recipient of its generous gift...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

Don Quioxte, Miguel De Cervantes

"I have set injuries and insults straight, righted wrongs, punished arrogance, conquered giants, and trampled on Monsters." - from Genius by Harold Blume as his choice of excerpt from Don Quioxte Volu...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

et tu Brutus?

history is filled with events of a madman with a knife, our time is no different.
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

One lesser Citizen

One lesser Citizen   A virtue poem   Freedom no more   When you witness persons in power stealing, it is best to look the other way   The Police are at your door.   Lest ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST

Let them eat cake

I point out to you all that this statement from a children's book in revolutionary france wrongfully attributed to Marie Antionette can now be attributed to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who'...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST


The Clarity you should get from this blog is that we are all one organism of life. We should cast our votes in favor of humanity and laws protecting humanity, National Security does not protect Humani...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 12:20:00 PST