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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi all,First of all I have to tell you that Jesus loves you very much. He is an amazing friend of mine who shares both the ups and downs in my life and blesses me with peace and love. He would love to be a personal friend to you too!
Zims Neglected elderly
Visit this groupI'm a single mum of two kids in sunny South Africa who loves to write poetry, short stories and meet new friends on the net when I'm not helping out a friend raise donations to feed the hungry Zimbabwians...
I also just wanted to take time to point out that I am not here to find a boyfriend or lover just yet and have no desire to rush back into marriage as I am still enjoying being able to make my own decisions and explore my own tastes of life. So anyone with proposals of marriage, while they are flattering, I suggest you take time out and become happy deep down inside and satisfied with the way your lfe is heading. Find out what you like doing best and what makes you at peace with yourself.
After you've accomplished that, then and only then are you ready to take the next step in life of having a partner.
BTW, please feel free to post images in comments you'd like to leave me, but please could I ask you to keep them relatively small or the page takes extremely long to download. I do appreciate all the comments and thoughts and send you back a hug for every one!
Luvs and bubbles SusiQ
You Are 72% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. How Open Minded Are You?

My Interests

Helping those who have very little in life to become a little happier. I have recently joined a church who takes interested people out to the poorer areas of Lesotho, Mozambique and South Africa to assist in any way we can (by donating blankets, clothing, food parcels, building churches and sharing Jesus's love!)

Writing poetry & short stories,

wildly dancing in the dark with music up loud or soft depending on the mood,

slow flowing movements kind of TaiChi style.

Hey Friends and Viewers! Take this Environment Quiz and see just how big your footprint is on the eco around you! Eco Foot

I'd like to meet:

Being a writer and poet I'd love to hear from all who are interesting and those who don't think they are interesting. I enjoy learning about different people and their lifestyles from all over the world.Anyone who can help our hungry Zimbabwians in any way, be it giving food or even writing letters to bring hope to the forgotten and destitute.


Once again depends on my mood.

Prime Circle,
to name but a few.

Cats rocking to Prime Circle's music!


The Matrix trilogy,
The Rock with Sean Connery & Nicholas Cage,
Jet Li movies plus many others.
City of Angels
School of Rock
and many, many more!


Animal Planet,


The bible
Light romances for when I do actually have other time to read.. lol


Jesus (the Trinity!) My Mom & Dad - Still together after 38 years I love you guys!
All the people who are in the rescue and medical services - you guys are amazing!
To the teachers who have to deal with our children on a daily basis - I don't know how you do it! Kudos!
To the police who risk their lives trying to keep our world safe - Hang in there buddies!
To the Greenpeace and world peacekeepers who fight for our world. Thank you!
A conversation.
Deep inside my soul.
So deep I barely knew it was there.
Only the symptoms showed
Anger, quick temper
Frowns and evil eyes.
Lashing out at those around.
Yet so sad inside.
Depression pouring into my words
My thoughts, my light.
Why now?
Why me?
No answers came though long I pondered.
Until a glimmer
A faint sentence
sparked a hint of life
A hint of hope
"Jesus loves you and cares!"
How? How could someone
love something so dark?
So hopeless?
"Because He chooses to."
Came the clear answer
"Because despite the dents and bumps to your soul
You are special.
You are loved
and He has a better path for you.
One filled with inner peace,
love and yes, happiness."
Unbelievable, I answer back,
no chance of that ever happening....
"Try it. You could always slip back
into the hole you've dug. Try reaching out
to the man who died while still loving your imperfect life.
Try accepting the gift He is handing to you, wanting to share with you."
Gift? I ask.
"The gift of love.
The gift of life.
The gift of healing.
The gift of peace."
Hah! As if any of those could be mine...
You have yet to know what I've done.
Where I've been and how I've lived...
"He does know.
He made you and loves you
DESPITE your choices.
But he wants a better life for you.
He wants you to live in the light,
not the dark."
"Because He has a beautiful plan for you.
One that might have some worldly pain
from time to time
but one the ensures you will live
in Heaven with Him for eternity thereafter.
With no hunger, no darkness, no pain."
Why did He have to have pain and darkness here and now?
"He gave us the opportunity of free will, of choice.
We chose the darkness, the pain, the sin.
We can choose again, to leave the sin behind
to embrace the goodness of God.
Or we can choose to keep sinning,
to keep the darkness in our hearts.
Wouldn't you prefer His peace
to the pain you're feeling right now?"
Hmmm, I'd like to think on that....
"Don't think too long.
Jesus is coming again
for those who have chosen Him
and there won't be much time.
The bible's predictions are almost complete."
If I choose His way, what do I have to do?
"Choose to ask for forgiveness
for what you have done wrong,
for all your sins.
Ask with a true heart and be sincere.
Claim His promise of redemption
through Jesus's blood that was spilt on the cross
Then start a day to day relationship
with Jesus as your best friend and first priority.
Find the family of God that is close to where you live
And join with them.
Pray daily asking God to reveal Himself to you
and to reveal what He wants you to do for Him.
Above all, love Him and love all that He has created."
How do I love?
"Ask Him to show you then wait for Him to answer.
Believe He will answer and then rest,
knowing it to be the truth.
You've been on a long journey and He knows you are tired.
So rest and wait on his perfect timing.
Feel the joy start to fill your heart.
Feel the sounds of praise start to burst from your lips.
Feel the peace that settles deep in your soul.
That is God working in your life, changing the dark into light.
Feel the need to tell others about Him and His love.
That is how you love.
That is how you live.
That is how your body dies
and how you will soar to be with Him in heaven."
I will choose Him!
Feel the love warm my heart.
Feel the light seep into my soul.
I am home.
Hugs for visiting with me!

My Blog

Terror in Zimbabwe - Graphic photos!

This was received in my email today. It is a very similar situation that happened to my uncle in the Kwe Kwe area a few years ago, who was eventually wheeled away in a wheelbarrow as he cou...
Posted by SusiQ on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 04:22:00 PST

Check out this video: Mother Earth 2008

Hi all,Just to drop by and let you know I created a video to some stunning free music I found on the net. Please let me know what you all think!Hugs and have a great day!SueCheck out this video: Mothe...
Posted by SusiQ on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:21:00 PST

Poverty of children in our area.

The Masinenge Informal Settlement CrecheMargate, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. The Masinenge Informal Settlement Creche was formed in 2001 as a desperate need was seen in the informal settlement in Mar...
Posted by SusiQ on Mon, 19 May 2008 03:09:00 PST

Published plus a poem!

Hello all my net friends... This is just a short blog to say hi and to let you all gain a bit of hope again for yourselves. Stick with reaching your goals and dreams. Don’t give up no matter how...
Posted by SusiQ on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST

Throwing out the trash in South Africa

I cannot take it much more. Why is the government harping on things like getting school children to recite a pledge when crime, poverty and abuse is rampant. Come on, leaders of South Africa, foc...
Posted by SusiQ on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:47:00 PST

Mixed news!

Hi all, I have had a really mixed up day today. On one hand I had to cut loose a friend who, from my point of view, only called or text me when she needed a lift or something else. She reckons sh...
Posted by SusiQ on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 04:34:00 PST

Friday - behind the bars, my spirit soars...

Hi all! Sorry I've been so quiet lately. It has been hectic here. I've got friends visiting from England and I've had an amazing response from the local people here supporting the Zimbabwe Pensioners ...
Posted by SusiQ on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:43:00 PST

New poem - The bubble

Hi all. I have not been so well lately and also been busy trying to drum up some support for a friend who delivers food hampers for those poor Zimbabwians left in the old age homes. But I have really ...
Posted by SusiQ on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 02:05:00 PST

Zimbabwe Crisis! Desparately seeking help.

Hi all. It is with great sadness in my heart to share some news about the elderly in Zimbabwe. They are dying of starvation as there are no stocks in the shops and if you want to buy food of any sort,...
Posted by SusiQ on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:17:00 PST

To deny that God exists

One question is all I want to ask you and think very carefully of your answer. Do you realise the consequences of denying that God exists? Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (God) is the only sin that ...
Posted by SusiQ on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:09:00 PST