we are currently looking for markets, publicity, funding, and help with an ecommerce site. Please get in touch with us..visit our website to know more about
hosting your own HOME BEADZ PARTY!!
You can buy Mzuri jewellery through the UK Representative,(Kirstie)..she is the No 1 friend below. If you live in Glasgow,One World Shop and Nancy Smillies in Byres Road. We will also be selling at the Edinburgh festival and craft fairs...we shall inform where and when nearer the time.Mzuri was started by four woman living in the village of Ndejje, (7 km outside of Kampala). Many woman are widowed because of different reasons (HIV, abandonment etc), and are left to support their families alone. Women who are still married struggle as well, their husbands have either no job or a job that cannot sustain the family. These are the reasons that the four women came together to make beaded jewellery. Most of the difficulities that the group encounter involving finding a secure market. A friend from the UK has helped these women find a market in Kampala. It was a small display in one of the crafts stalls on Buganda road. This is where the idea of becoming registered and obtaining markets internationally began to surface. The founders have offered a job to the Briton and together they want to enlarge Mzuri. To establish income generating projects and other programs that help the community.
_____________MZURI TARGETS____________---*Widowed women and their families*-----
*Married but struggling women and their children*
---------------*Orphaned children*---------------MZURI became a Ugandan Community based organisation,
Wakiso District on the 31st of August, 2006.
MZURI is currently in the process of registration in the UK.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please feel free to ask us for more information....