Conduit for truth
Have spent a number of years on various forums but mainly APFN (American Patriots Friends Network) .
Willing to engage in any subject where I consider, from my knowledge and understanding, that the current discussion level of "interpretation" and/or "facts" are in serious need of input.
I prefer to keep to subjects relevant to "freedom fighting" but have been known to provide comment where I find,
* I feel I need to lend support to someone posting a truthful statement and who are being assailed, wrongfully, for their "position" or "facts".
* I know the facts "off by heart" and just like to correct or affirm the truth for "authority" sake.
* I see slippery serpents attempting to "ring" a lie into an argument by devious means.
* a person needs some help that I can readily give off the top of my head.
Check out these links...
Jim Condit Jr's Campaign