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Top 5 Videos
1: Loose
Change 2nd Edition
2: Terrorstorm
3: America:Freedom
to Fascism
4: September 11th Revisited v2.0
5: Press
for Truth
Top 5 Songs
1: Paris
- What would you do?
2: Immortal
Technique - Bin Laden Remix
3: Remo
Conscious - Lies
4: Immortal
Technique - Cause of Death
5: Eminem - Public Enemy #1
Top 5 Audio
1: The
Alex Jones Radio Show
Coverage of the American Scholars Symposium
3: Cutting
Through The Matrix
4: 9/11
Related Hip Hop
5: JFK
Secret Society Speech
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An 84% majority of the American people believe the Bush administration has engaged in a cover-up surrounding 9/11. At least one third of Americans believe the attacks were an inside job. Small groups of vocal individuals have been the only ones in history that have fundamentally changed history. 9/11 truth is alive and kicking! - infowars.com
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