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Fighting for G.O.D.

An Illustrated Introduction to 9/11 and the Global Elite

About Me

Visit to order a copy, see more artwork, or check out articles and truth action items. Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs) is a graphic novel documentary about 9/11 and the global elite. 100% of the author's profits from sales of this book go towards 9/11 Truth activism. Please help to spread the word about this book to wake up the rest of America who hasn't yet realized that 9/11 was an inside job! Get out on the 11th of every month and make your voice heard with . And if you haven't yet seen the mountain of evidence for government complicity in 9/11, check out , , or . There are other fine sites out there, but these are a good place to start. You could also watch these videos:

9/11 Press for Truth websiteBlueprint for Truth Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime
Money as Debt ..

My Interests

The Federal Reserve, The History of Banking, Presidential Assassinations, Skull and Bones, The Military-Industrial Complex, The Council on Foreign Relations, American Sponsors of the Nazis, Corporate Coup in America, The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The World Trade Organization, Operation Paperclip, MK-ULTRA, American Sponsors of the Bolsheviks, The CIA, drug-smuggling, money laundering, Wall Street, Operation Northwoods, The Golden Triangle, illegal arms deals, The War on Drugs, Iran-Contra, Gulf War I, Weapons in Space, '93 WTC bombing, Waco, Oklahoma City, NAFTA, FTAA, Plan Colombia, Bohemian Grove, The Project for the New American Century, executive order W199I, precedents and foreknowledge of 9/11, put options, intelligence warnings, Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman, Tora Bora, planted evidence, contradictions in the 9/11 commission report, the ISI, stand-down order, controlled demolition, fall-out, anthrax attacks, opium, oil, defense contracts, microchip implants, concentration camps, orbital missile platform, illegal spy program, secret CIA torture camps, the PATRIOT Act, The Military Commissions Act, Iran Invasion, WORKING TOGETHER FOR A BETTER FUTURE!

I'd like to meet:

people working to educate and mobilize the public around 9/11 Truth


Truth and Lies of 9/11, The Great Deception, The Great Conspiracy, Martial Law 911, Terrorstorm, The Money Masters, The Corporation, Arsenal of Hypocrisy, Who Killed John O'Neill?, Waco: The Rules of Engagement, America: Freedom to Fascism, The Fourth World War, 911 Mysteries


Turn it off!


The New Pearl Harbor, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Crossing the Rubicon, The Terror Timeline, America's Secret Establishment, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, A People's History of the United States, A People's History of the 20th Century


the Ground Zero rescue workers, everyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement

My Blog

Help us do a second print run!

At the end of the month, it will be a year since "Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs)" came out and there are a few hundred copies left of the original print run.  If the last copies are s...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:41:00 PST

Jeremy on Out There TV Thursday 4/17 8pm PT

Check out the one hour live interview at Out There TV.
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:48:00 PST

Book Signing in February

If you're in the Bay Area, please join author Jeremy Begin for a discussion and book signing at the awesome independent Book Zoo on Friday, February 22nd at 7pm.  Book Zoo is located at 6395 Tele...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:28:00 PST

Excellent documentary on Iran-Contra & Secret Government

Bill Moyers made this documentary 20 years ago. Keeping in mind that Operation Northwoods and the truth about the Gulf of Tonkin hadn't even been exposed then, I find it amazing how much Moyers revea...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 12:54:00 PST

Did Giuliani help finance 9/11?

Well here's some ungood news for the Ghouliani campaign from The Raw Story: "GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, who has made tough talk about combating Islamic terror a staple of his campaign, ha...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 11:27:00 PST

Review of FFG on Kings of SF

A short, colorful review which just appeared at Kings of SFLike a Jack Chick tract for the 9/11 truth movement, Jeremy Begin and Lauren Salk's info-comic "Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs)" i...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 07:20:00 PST

Cynthia McKinney 08

Yesterday (Monday 11/19) former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney filed papers in Arkansas to run for president on the Green Party ticket. Like Cindy Sheehan, McKinney seems to feel betrayed b...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:01:00 PST

"Buzzy&Cookie"... not porn stars, just political whores

Reality is funnier than fiction.  Raise your hand if you remember A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. Buzzy was the Executive Director of the CIA between March of 2001 and 2004.  Before that he was the C...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 12:27:00 PST

Even FAUX NEWS says it’s time to revolt!!

I got a four letter word for every three letter agencyA five chamber revolver when they try to creep on me~operator kos...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 09:17:00 PST

aww... somebody likes us

I just happened across this review, and it made my day.  Evidently somebody at Indymedia New Orleans likes our book:The book "Fighting For G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and Drugs)" written by Jeremy Begin, a...
Posted by Fighting for G.O.D. on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 11:37:00 PST