Physicist Steven Jones Lectures on Explosives used in WTC 7
A nice 2 hour video covering all the whack aspects of the Building 7 collapse
A Brief Look at Why WTC 7 Collapsed
Did you even know that a third building collapsed on 9/11??? I heard no mention of it on the news... but see for your self
WTC Building 7 Imploding in Perfect Symmetry in 6.6 seconds
If you dropped a basketball from the top of the building at the same exact moment the building began to collapse, both the ball and the top of the building would hit the ground at the same time. How does a steel frame building implode at "free fall" speed from a couple small fires?!!!?
WTC7 Squibs (Demolition Charges)
A Close up view of the cutter charges running up the side of building 7 taking out supports.
Rear view of building 7 getting demolished
Confession of Larry Silverstein: Owner of WTC7
There you have it, straight from the horses mouth!!! Less than 6 weeks before 9-11, this guy took out a 3 Billion Dollar insurance policy specifically covering terrorist attacks. "Pull" is the term used by controlled demolition crews, a procedure which takes months of intense planning and preparation to setup. Its true they pulled WTC 7, but the decision to do so couldn't have been made on 9/11 - it would have been physically impossible to do all the calculations and set the charges in only a few hours!!!!
Explosions in North Tower
Look in the upper right corner, and lower right corner of the frame as the plane hits the other tower. How many bombs can you count?
Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife, Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramesh S. Balsekar, Nisagadatta Maharaj, Wilhelm Reich, Edward Leedskalnin, Krishnamurti, Dr. David Hawkins,