"Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael C. Ruppert
ISBN: 0-86571-540-8
It shows an incredible amount of corruption within our Government from BOTH parties as well as Bush's crimes.
Note: I removed a lot of high-bandwidth items off this profile to help people with slower Internet connections. There are still links to the content. The old profile is archived here (at bottom of that page)
Constitutional Crisis - READ IT!!!
Declare It Now: Wear Orange! Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Don't Forget... Call Congress Today for Impeachment!
PLEASE spread this message to everyone you know!!!Take two minutes TODAY and do two things: phone Chairman Conyers at 202-225-5126 and ask him to start the impeachment of Dick Cheney; and phone your own Congress Member at 202-224-3121 and ask them to immediately call Conyers' office to express their support for impeachment.http://digg.com/politics/Don_t_Forget_Call_Congr ess_Today_for_ImpeachmentTODAY IS IMPEACHMENT DAY!!! PLEASE DIGG IT UP!
Help Restore HABEAS CORPUS! - The MOST IMPORTANT Action You Can Take!
http://your-rights.com/permalink/699/#699It's the most patriotic thing you can do!
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Sir! No Sir!
Get Sir! No Sir! from NetFlix
Noble Resolve 07 -- Simulating Nuclear Terrorist Ops in US & Europe
From Center for Research on Globalization - Friday, April 20, 2007
By DL Abrahamson
Quote from the article:
From April 23rd to April 27th, the elite echelon of the military are running Noble Resolve 07, a four-day marathon of "simulated" terror attacks across the US and Europe. This includes a simulated detonation of a "loose" ten-kiloton nuclear weapon Virginia harbor, smuggled in by a "foreign nation."
This week Dick Cheney has also been warning of the "very real" threat of a nuclear attack on an American city. Could the Nobel Resolve drills be used as a screen for a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, or sheep-dipped Americans like Adam Gadahn ?
Editorial comments:
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." -- John 8:32
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather EXPOSE them." -- Ephesians 5:11
The false-flag possibility of Noble Resolve 07 is scary because the United States government has used this tactic before. Here are some of the previous false-flags operations of the United States:
- USS Liberty Incident -- Executed false flag Gulf of Tonkin Incident -- Executed false flag Operation Northwoods -- Planned false flag
The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 are also believed to have been false-flag operations! (Not that you didn't already know that.)
Hopefully Noble Resolve 07 will not involve any false flag operations or give the United States some excuse to start a war with Iran .
See the entry for Noble Resolve at Wikipedia
Search Google News for Noble Resolve
As you can see from the Google News search results, this major training event is not in the U.S. news media. Why isn't there any reporting about such a major event like Noble Resolve 07 in the mainstream news media?? Don't you think this is STRANGE?!?!
Bill Moyers talks about this problem with the mainstream media in his PBS special premiere, Buying the War. Here is a link. Watch the video clip on this page:
Watch BUYING THE WAR on BILL MOYERS JOURNAL -- Special premiere airdate: Wednesday, April 25 at 9 P.M. on PBS. (90 minutes)
The following movies will explain beyond a reasonable doubt (to most logical people) what has been happening! Just like Noble Resolve 07, this stuff isn't secret, but just like Noble Resolve 07, it might as well be, because nobody in the news media is reporting about it!
Kill The Messenger, a documentary about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds . Kill The Messenger also explains about the lack of U.S. media coverage of events. You will find two great video clips about this in the Sibel Edmonds movie Panel discussion . Kill The Messenger is in the Internet Movie Database and Wikipedia , but is not listed in iTunes, NetFlix, YouTube or Google Video.
Before you start watching these movies, please first watch these short video clips.
- Bush Sr. New World Order Speech (30 sec.) Noble Resolve 07: April 23-27, nuclear terror drills in USA (9 min.)
Simply click the links to play the movies.
- 911 Mysteries - Demolitions TerrorStorm Oil, Smoke and Mirrors 911: Press For Truth Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State 911 EyeWitness Loose Change 2nd Edition 9/11 Revisited v.2
I saved the best movies for last!
- Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination THE TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11
This is only a partial list of movies and videos. You can learn a lot more from the videos and information listed on these sites:
- universalseed.org stoplying.ca 911Blogger.com
Note: If this is your first time seeing the information on this page, perhaps you could share? Chances are other people would like to know about this, too.
Read More [ permalink ]Kucinich Files Articles of Impeachment Against Cheney!
This essay lays out a very strong legal argument for impeachment based upon Cheney falsely linking Iraq and 9/11.
This essay is a harder-hitting round-up of Cheney's various crimes.
By the way, HERE is an argument for why Cheney should be impeached first, before Bush or anyone else.
Please contact Congressman Kucinich's office and urge him to include 9/11 in the articles of impeachment against Cheney. The above 2 essays might be good to pass along (and if you know of any harder-hitting essays linking Cheney and 9/11, send them also!)
Kucinich's contact info:
2445 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202)225-5871
Fax (202)225-5745
I am very aware of the arguments by some 9/11 truthers against impeachment. However, it is impossible to try a sitting Vice President (or President) until they are removed from office. Therefore, impeachment is a good first step. In other words, criminal or war crimes trials cannot occur until Cheney is out of office, and impeachment is a way to help show him the door early.
Read More -- See lots of comments there!
VIDEO: Dennis Kucinich Urges Conversation about Impeachment (YouTube link) .
Forget Bush, Iraqi's Want Americans to Leave NOW!
Corruption in America Runs Thick and Deep!
It seems there are several members of the U.S. Government mixing with the rest of the worms. Former Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Justice William Rehnquist and Senator John McCain are two officials said to have mingled with the worms.
Reading these articles is better than watching CSI !! With all the corruption going on within the Bush administration, these articles give you some insight to some of things that are possible.
These articles clearly show the importance of unbiased reporting! All of these articles are closely related.
- The Arizona Project
Special Report: Don Bolles
The Death in Arizona of the Kemper Marley Machine -- "Kemper Marley, Phoenix rancher and liquor wholesaler, was Arizona's first and only billionaire at the time of the Bolles murder. Marely was Dunlap's mentor and was rumored for years to have been the person who actually ordered the hit on Don Bolles." ( Photo )Barry Goldwater: Friends In Low Places
THE CORRUPTION IS STILL HAPPENING! These are major stories! Check it out:
- Breaking: FBI Raids Rep. Renzi's Family Business
FBI Raid: Doolittle Throws His Wife Under The Bus
Domenici Sought Iglesias Ouster -- It appears Karl Rove and George Bush were directly involved!
After reading all that, can you see how some of the 9/11 conspiracy theories are very plausible?
Or do you still believe the " Official Conspiracy Theory " where it has been theorized that 19 middle-eastern men, most of whom are still alive and well , hijacked four passenger airplanes and crashed them into buildings on September 11th, 2001, making them collapse?? If you do, then you are among the minority. Only 16 percent think the Government is telling the truth about 9/11! (Note: I believe there is information that said almost all of the hijackers were still alive, but I can't find the source.)
Korey Rowe, who produced Loose Change said, "That 19 hijackers are going to completely bypass security and crash four commercial airliners in a span of two hours, with no interruption from the military forces, in the most guarded airspace in the United States and the world? That to me is a conspiracy theory."
If we went to war because of weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist, is staging a fictional terrorist attack such a stretch?
Just for fun
Check out this tool that lets you dissect Corporate America.
Did you know that you have to go through Exxon/Mobil and Haliburton to get from AT&T to AT&T Wireless?? Click here to see for yourself .
Why is it ILLEGAL to Grow the Number One Biomass Producing Plant for Biofuels??
Please Digg This! -- Edit this in our wiki -- [ Permalink ]
Why aren't U.S. farmers growing THE NUMBER ONE biomass producing plant for bio-fuels ? Why are they growing corn, beets, etc. instead of hemp , which is legal to grow in almost every country on the planet except for the United States ! Why is it illegal ? If they made hemp legal , they fear they would legitimize marijuana ! This could start a huge debate on legalizing marijuana . And of course they don't want to legalize marijuana because they would have to let all those people out of prison who are in there only on marijuana related charges . And not to mention the huge workforce ( slaves ) in the privately owned, for profit factory prisons ! And besides, it would cut into the profits of the United States government sponsored drug trafficking and money laundering !
Global warming, electric cars , biofuels, etc... Why is the United States government so backwards in its thinking???
"The woody 'hurds' remaining after the fiber has been removed CONTAIN MORE THAN SEVENTY-SEVEN PERCENT CELLULOSE , and can be used to produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane." -- This quote is from the February 1938 issue of Popular Mechanics.
This is what the U.S. Government is saying:
The Anti-Drug.com
Now, have a peek at the TRUTH:
10 Things Every Parent, Teenager & Teacher Should Know About Marijuana by The Family Council on Drug Awareness
Voters Appalled Over Forced Amendment to Marijuana Law Passed by the People
It's Just a Plant, a childrens story about marijuana .
There is an interesting conversation going on which you can see by following the "Digg This" link at the beginning of this post.
PRESIDENT BUSH WAS RIGHT! There was a connection between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein!
- Iran: U.S. 'supporting terrorists'
Why "U.S.-sponsored terrorism" is a phrase that never gets used in the mainstream media.
- Deja Vu All Over Again: Bush Admin Interference in Judicial Matters
"The Bush administration's political rigging of judicial
matters is all over the news."
- What If the FBI Hired Someone Honest to Look into 9-11?
It did. Her name was Sibel Edmonds. Check out the Sibel Edmonds video's further down on this page for more info.
Rosie Talking About Building 7 Collapse On The View .
If you are in support of Rosie O'Donnell's comments please call ABC immediately to tell them and please pass this information along to others. Comments can be submitted via phone by dialing (818) 460-7477 then press #2 - then press #4 (for Daytime shows) then press #849 (for The View)
Find more info about Rosie O'Donnell's comments at 911blogger.com here and here
War Protests
- Over 240 Arrested Since "Occupation Project" Launched to Call on Congress to End War Funding
Port Militarization Resistance
Video: Give Peace A Chance---Tacoma Police Riot
Video: Tacoma Police Riot Rubber Bullets Fired-- camera #1
Video: Port of Tacoma Police Riot -- camera #2
Why are we at war?
Because " Money Trumps Peace " -- George W. Bush, 2/14/07
Alternate News Media
Look at 911Blogger.com and Guerrilla News Network Everyday!
DON'T FORGET TO BOOKMARK THESE SITES! There is nothing worse than sitting down in front of your computers blank screen wondering how to get back to those great sites you saw last time!
Great alternate sources of news:
- Best 9/11 sites -- 4th edition
Best of 9/11 Truth Media, 2006
Take a look at our giant list of alternate news media that runs down the left side of this profile! If you know of a good site that isn't listed, please share!
Just like Rosie says in the video, find your news about the United States outside of the United States! The major media outlets in the United States are controlled by 4 corporations! The link gives you a good idea of what is going on in the media.)
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is similar to that old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him THINK ."
I am trying my best to get people to wake up and take off the propaganda lenses from in front of their eyes that big media has put there to blind them from seeing the real truth! This is just like putting blinders on a horse to keep it from getting distracted. They don't want you to be distracted by seeing through their lies !
Here's why the link for "there lies" was chosen:
To Katie Couric:
"You are viciously disseminating false information as truth. Obama did not pray in a mosque. He did not attend a madrassa school. Just what is your motive here?? I see Obama as a visionary humanitarian who has the brilliance and the skills to bring about great positive changes in the US and the world. I suggest you read his book Dreams From My Father before you broadcast any more fraudulent lies such as these. I now have totally lost respect for you." -- Quoted from a friend.
I went back to watch the video on the "their lies" website. The video is gone and they have posted a correction.
Here are a couple of headlines pertaining to this particular incident:
- More Katie Couric Trouble: Updates Notebook Again After Spreading Debunked Obama Rumor
Katie Couric asks: Is America ready for a President who prayed in a mosque
Again with the madrassa nonsense?
Couric's "Notebook" rehashed debunked Obama rumors
Couric's "Notebook" Resurrects The Obama Madrassa Rumor
Couric's "Notebook" rehashed debunked Obama rumors - Media Matters for America
Katie Couric Broadcasts False Rumors about Barack Obama
I found even more info about this from the Digg This link on their website.
Folks, this is how they do their dirty work. They practically slander someone they don't like for all to see. Then a few days later, after the damage has been done, they post a correction that hardly anyone will notice.
You may question the accuracy of some of the material presented in this profile. This is normal. Some of this information may be hard to believe. Some people have told me, "I don't believe that for a minute!"
Please make sure the information that you question actually is incorrect and that a defense mechanism called denial isn't kicking in to make yourself THINK the information is inaccurate because you are afraid to believe the truth!
Write down on paper what you do not believe. As you learn the real truth, you can go back through your notes on what you thought was true. You may ask yourself how you could have been manipulated to believed the propaganda. It is a bit complex to fully explain, however there are some easy to understand psychological techniques which you will probably immediately recognize called conditioning and desensitization . Do you ever notice how they are constantly repeating the lies? This is just another technique they use to make you believe to be fact what are actually lies !If what you already believe really is true, then it shouldn't be that hard to either verify it or else prove the inaccuracy of information presented here.
If you think any information posted here really is false, please let us know! We do not want to spread propaganda.
Please learn as much of this information as possible while you still can!
If you have any information, please SHARE IT WITH US in our wiki! THANKS!
You are being warned that some of this information may be hard to believe so please try your best to hold back your judgement and keep an open mind. If you see something that you are sure can't be true, write it down! Look it up and see if it really is true or just propaganda that has been programmed into your brain! You may be surprised as to how much propaganda you have been taught!
The video's in this section will open up your eyes!
Bush Links to Kennedy Assassination and the 9/11 attacks! (Google video link)
Bill O'Reilly Is a JFK Truth Seeker -- (YouTube link)Digg link
You may be thinking, "What does the Kennedy assassination have to do with the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks?"
These headlines are part of the answer!
- How the CIA created Osama bin Laden
U.S. Policy Towards Taliban Influenced by Oil
CIA agents face Milan kidnap trial
Air Force Fighter Pilot and Instructor Comes Out for 9/11 Truth
WhatReallyHappened.com: ISRAELI SPYING Archives
WhatReallyHappened.com: DICTATORSHIP Archives
"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy speaking at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination.
" John F. Kennedy was so shocked by the Northwoords document , that he signed executive order 11110 shortly before his death announcing that he would abolish the Federal Reserve system ." -- from Alex Jones in the video Road to Tyranny .
So, you may be thinking that I am a conspiracy nut. Ok, fair enough. This conspiracy nut has one simple questions for you!
WHY HASN'T THE FBI CHARGED OSAMA BIN LADEN WITH THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 ATTACKS?? If you don't believe, look at Bin Laden's FBI page!
The video's in this section are the most important for you to watch to get a good background of what is going on today within the United States Government!
THE TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11 (Google video link)
What you will learn from this video is worth putting up with the bad audio! The information contained in this video is both incredible and well sourced.
The man who is giving the presentation in the video has apparently BEEN POISONED ! THIS IS VERY SERIOUS STUFF PEOPLE!
STOP! Hang on a second !
If you haven't taken the time to view these video's, please BOOKMARK THIS PAGE and come back to watch them.
This is good information that you didn't learn in History class!
Please, WATCH THESE VIDEOS! You'll be glad you did!
Let Sibel Edmonds Speak!
"Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged person in US history. The government has repeatedly invoked the State Secrets Privilege in her case - not for reasons of 'national security' but to hide ongoing criminal activity." -- Quoted from here
Sibel Edmonds PEN Newman Award (YouTube link)
State Secrets and Whistleblowers (YouTube link)
You gotta see the DEMOCRACY NOW! show for MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2007! (If you can't watch, DOWNLOAD THE AUDIO (MP3) and listen.)
FSRN.ORG - FREE SPEECH RADIO NEWS is a great source of news!
This war is getting intense. The SEATTLE TIMES says around 100 Iraqi CIVILIANS were killed each and every day during 2006!
A note about viewing these video's:
If you stop viewing a video, it will continue to download, eating up your bandwidth, even though you stopped playback. The easiest way to make it stop downloading is to reload the page. If you do not have a broadband Internet connection, one of the easiest ways to see these video's is to follow the provided link where you should be able to download the video. If it is not possible to download the video, you can still watch it. Start playing the video. When the video has played all the way to the end, simply watch it again. The second time around, the video should be viewable. I hope this helps.
Pandora's Black Box - Chapter Two - Flight Of American 77
(Google video link)
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If you only look at one thing during your visit here, then watch this video or read the text version . It is like seeing the secret game plan of the Bush administration! The video was made rather recently, however the text version was written in 2003. Both the video and text version are by Thom Hartmann . See the Thom Hartmann website and the Thom Hartmann program which is on Air America for more information!
Eminem's Mosh continues, the new ending. This is a very moving video by Eminem that was originally shown before the 2004 elections. This video is an updated version of the original, which greatly influenced the younger generation to get out and vote in 2004. It is still relevant today as Bush is trying to attack Iran !
Burn these Republican words into your mind
WikiYourRights.com is a community project to both inform while also providing an easy means for people to add their own knowledge and insight. Your voice will be most welcome!
"There are 52 investigations going on right now in Congress, looking into potential crimes of the Bush administration!" -- Thom Hartmann , 2007-02-19 ( Radio show )
Burn these Republican words into your mind
If you only look at one thing in this list, then watch this video or read the text version .