Hegel, the historical dialectic, propaganda, mass psychology, smuggling drugs, financing America's enemies, laundering money for terrorists, monopolizing oil, recruiting operatives for the Illuminati, helping corporations rule the world, building up the military-industrial complex, engineering the New World Order police state, controlling America's education, writing America's history, telling Americans what and how to think, helping the Federal Reserve steal America's wealth, infiltrating the Council on Foreign relations, infiltrating all branches of American government
smart yet subservient Yale juniors to join us, activists and subversives to visit our new camps
We'll have to think about which ones we like, but there have been a lot of movies coming out lately that we definitely *don't* like. Seems like some Al-Qaeda sympathizers have infiltrated Hollywood. I mean, what's up with films like The Truman Show, The Matrix, X-Men, V for Vendetta, Star Wars, and A Scanner Darkly? And don't even get us started about stuff the fringe wackos are putting out lately. Talk about abusing the Information Age! Anything by that creep Alex Jones just about makes us puke, not to mention taped lectures by Michael Rupert, David Ray Griffin, and Kris Millegan that have been popping up on the Internet lately. Going to have to do something about that...
What are you doing on the Internet? You could be missing an important show on television right now!
Generally, we frown upon reading. But if you're coming to Yale, you might want to brush up on your Hegel. Just a thought.
Hegel- showed us that the State is absolute, and the individual meaningless. Come on folks, we're all in this together! Samuel Russell- gave us money to get started from his business in "The China Trade" (wink wink) Benjamin Sillman Jr.- What a great Bonesman! He invented gasoline, and got us in charge of America's very first oil company! M.R. Waite- another clever Bonesman! Who else would have thought of using the 14th amendment to give corporations the right of personhood? Prescott Bush- How clever of this Bonesman to finance Hitler! We made tons of money off that war! Robert Lovett- And where would we be today without the CIA? Go Bones! George H.W. Bush- "This is about more than just one small country, it is about a big idea- a New World Order." You said it, Poppa Bush! John Kerry- This is almost getting too easy! The American People didn't even blink when we ran two Bonesmen against each other! George W. Bush- You're like the Hufflepuff of the Bones Academy: not too smart, but loyal, and you do what you're told to help out the team. Honorable Mention: Jonathan Bush- You were doing a good job laundering money to terrorists through Rigg's Bank, but then you got caught! Still, your fellow Bonesmen appreciate you.