Click here to see Musicians Say NO! to Bush New World Order's Recent Bulletins!Join IMAGINE PEACE at Speech on Secret Societies, describing them as Un-American, asking for the help of the Press and News services in exposing the illegal power behind the running of the US government, and welcoming public debate regarding American politics, with the aim of working towards freedom, and independence for Man, and the American People ... being assassinated thereafter.......
JFK SPEACH ON SECRET SOCIETIES AND FREEDOM OF THE PRESSPage URL ... World Says NO To War ...War Against the Third World Part 1...Description: Sections 1 and 2) of CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II.
What you didn't learn in school and don't hear on the mainstream media. This is a two-hour video compilation featuring the following ten segments: 1. Martin Luther King Jr. 2. John Stockwell, Ex-CIA Station Chief 3. Bill Moyers, "the Secret Government" 4. Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair 5. School of Assassins 6. Genocide by Sanctions 7. Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now 8. The Panama Deception 9. Ramsy Clark, former U.S. Attorney General 10. S. Brian Wilson, Vietnam Veteran for Peace ...War Against the Third World Part 1
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The following page will enlighten us all as to what really happened on the 11th of September 2001, it's a must read, and watch!Following 9/11, recently opened US National Archives, Videos, Photographs, Eye Whiteness Accounts, and Media Reports, have all been looked into, and researched even more thoroughly, and diligently than before.
Larry Silverstein, took out the lease on the WTC complex 6 months prior to 9/11, and collected $7 billion for the damage done, with a downpayment of $15 million.
He admits in an interview, On Video Tape, that he gave the order for Building NO.7. to be "Pulled"! .... purposely collapsed!, a controlled demolition !!
The Towers were virtually condemned, and had been running at a loss until 9/11! $200 million was needed to remove Asbestos, and other hazardous materials, not a good investment one would think!!!Read all about it HEREFiremen tell us how The towers Were DEMOLISHED, They Were THERE. Who Do You Believe ??
There is great doubt, and very much concern, and evidence that the two towers, along with what is known as building No7. and The Pentagon DID NOT came to their demise in the way that the US Government has reported.How Did These Explosives Get In The Buildings ?? ... Who Prearranged the Setting of these Explosives. Who Had The Time and AccessHOW DID THEY KNOW WHEN? Watch this video, you may find an answer, in fact, you're Sure to !!!Thermate found at World Trade Center ... Unknown work was going on within Trade Centre Towers ... Security was Guess Who ... Marvin Bush ... yep! ... George's Brother!!!!The Truth About
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p;videoid=2130232Page URL ...
&videoid=2130232The holes in the Pentagon walls, and the damage done, are not consistent with a large planes ability to produce such.
IF a plane did this damage, having the power to enter,through a reinforced steel wall... then pass through all the reinforced supporting pillars along with a few more walls, while being shredded, then have sufficient Inertia and Mass, to burst out of "C" ring's steel reinforced wall, ... Leaving a Perfect Circular Hole!!! ... why then, was there no sign of it against the "B" wing wall opposite? .. there should have been massive debris, but .... there was not, ... just a semi circular low pile of rubble fallen outside of the "Exit Hole",... Just as can be seen, when shaped charges of explosives are used, creating the self same pattern!!!
See what i mean? all of this just doesn't come together, or ring the bells of Truth.
CHECK THIS OUT ... How to cut an Instant Hole in reinforced wall with shaped explosives, then check out the following link to "The Purdue" animation of the shredded plane, and the rubbish excuse of an "Energy Ball" scotched.
The Towers and building No.7. didn't collapse due to the heat generated by the fires which ensued the colliding aircraft, but that worryingly, the manner in which they all "Imploded" was way too similar to that of a pre-rigged, and controlled demolition.
Professor Jones & Thermite ... How it was used to denolish the WTC ... 911.URL ... above because, not as one would expect, being, instead of toppling over, where the buildings were at their weakest, while survivors reported multiple explosions and "Pressure Waves" coming UP the stair wells, this of course has not been generally reported, but is verified in video interviews with Firemen, a porter working in tower No2, and Many Many Others.
American courts won't allow Fire-fighter's testimonies or that of Law Enforcement Officers. Their testimony was deemed "opinion". Now, as the oral histories of fire-fighters, police and others are released, over half describe explosions.If you watch the videos below, some of which are in slow motion and close up,... you will see the successive "Explosive Squids" exiting the windows of The Towers, from floors way below the collapsing floors above.The buildings then, curiously fell straight down into their own footprint!!, while building No7, which housed all the pending court case files against Big Business, ENRON, Wall Street, and which was Not targeted by an aircraft, yet, fell in similar manner, while absorbing very little heat from the small fires within, which were started by falling debris, we're told !!!Scientific evidence from well esteemed academics and construction engineers supports these reports !!!
There is scientific chemical evidence that Military Grade Explosives were used to weaken the Core, and lower supports of the buildings. Who put them there??
EXPLOSIVES in the Twin Towers. ... The new Pearl Harbour, By D R Griffin, with expert backup ...There is scientific Seismic Evidence that There Were Successive Explosions prior to the collapse of each tower, View Graphs Here ... just as reported by the Porter, and the crew of Firemen who manage to crawl out of the debris.
There is scientific, seismological, and graphical evidence that a plane Did Not hit the Pentagon, the general acceptance outside of US Government circles is that a missile caused the Single 16 foot hole in the outer Petagon Steel Reinforced Wall, there are reports the "Cordite" was being smelt, with no sign or evidence of the aircraft's engines, or the 2 holes they Would have made, again points to a layer of lies from within.
In any event, a plane just could not pass through the steel reinforced walls and all the pillars supporting the Pentagon without being torn to pieces, let alone exiting the final wall of "Ring C", it takes a far stronger and faster object than the soft nose of a slow commercial aircraft to do that sort of damage.It was impossible for the many terrorists needed, to have had the means of unseen entry to the Twin Towers, moreover, the time needed to carry them in, and "Lay" the amount of explosives that would be needed to cause the necessary damage to fell these "Over Engineered Buildings", which we know were built at great expense to resist this sort of collision in the first place.EXPLOSIVES in the Towers, and The New Pearl Harbour, By D R Griffin, with expert backup.There have been many longer lasting high rise fires around the globe, some burning for 19 times longer than the Twin towers, however, The Twin Towers are the only two "Steel Buildings" in history ever known to have fallen due to fire, except one other, which was "building No. 7" !!, again there is an anomaly, as these buildings were hermetically sealed, thus supposed to stop fire from descending down any lift or any other shaft.Were the official story true... that of the floors "pancaking" ... experts tell us that there should have been much more of the steel "core" left standing, instead of which, you will see that these have been cut by explosives, and at the correct angle (of course), with very little of the core left upright ....."#00FF00"Do you think that terrorist with the aims that The US and UK Governments tell us they have, would contrive to take the time and trouble to achieve such a perfect demolition ??, thus saving many lives, and not causing much more local collateral damage than they did, I don't think so.
You may now understand why it would be a good idea to watch some of the videos offered here for your contemplation.With many US Academics, Building, and Demolition Engineers, and Physicists now seeing, and believing that the US Government had previous knowledge of the pending attack on the WTC, and used said knowledge as a "False Flag Operation".READ RECENT NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS.These recently published ..s prove they have contrived in the past,... "Pearl Harbour" being just one, ... These folk, the NoeCons, are so far up themselves, that they don't see the blatant idiocy of their intensions, let alone care about or consider who gives their lives for the future they have been hatching, and are bringing to us right now !!!
PLEASE VIEW THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURYThis,as planned by Bush senior and big W's pals, ... to further their previously hatched plans, being, to determine control of commodities in more Arab States in the East, and subsequently world trade, and financial world domination, no matter at what cost, with the determination to go to war to get what the USA wants, while the American media has been subdued, and not reporting the full or true story, sometimes distorting, and changing the facts, being under the control of the state, or should one say, " the big money men who are the real power in the USA" for whom G W Bush is but a front man, why, the man can't even talk as well as our young son, but what matters to them is, that he Will be told what to do and say.As yet, but not for the lack of trying, the Internet still remains free of US control, the question is, for how long???Google this... Project for the New American Century ... in their own words, cofirming the above paragraph ... See!!!This has brought to light the real intentions of the US government's, past international political actions, their present, and future plans.Read, view or listen to what many well known Americans, and the ex British Minister, Michael Meacher have now found, and now believe to be the truth of 9/11, with it's implications for us all, the whole world!!!We may sometimes rather not hear of our leaders and governments goings on behind the secret doors of power but as time is now getting short, we felt that we must add this page.This to help bring out into the open what seems to be their planned intentions with the aid and connivance of "Big Business", which has been running our lives for near on a hundred years, made all the easier with the assistance of willing US politicians, their secret services and military.Make sure you're sitting comfortably with a drink or two close at hand, 'cos once you start watching, reading, and listening to this evidence, no doubt you'll want to see some of the rest, if not all.So thank you for being here, don't forget to click on "Favourites", then click "add" to save This Web Page for the next time you feel that question rising with a tingle up your spine.Down through Man's history, at every turn there have been wars over land, food, property and rare minerals, today we are being led into international wars yet again, this time for The Control of Oil and Gas and Large War Profits for Bush's backers.
In excess of Sixty Million good men, and women fought, and died during the Second World War to save Europe from Hitler and the Nazi's, with the promise, and wish that finally, there would be need for no more warring, that we could all live in peace.Remembering them, and all those who have given their lives for their country's, their lost lives and family's pain, the following is offered for your attention and further understanding of how those in power continue too, and are again abusing the population of this distraught Earth.TO DOWNLOAD ANY OF THESE FREE PLAYERS, should you need them, please click below, we don't earn money from this, so don't feel that you're being abused, download IS for free, no tricks.
You may download these players, information, and videos while exploring other pages and info, thank you.This Free Quicktime download also gets you iTunes with MP3 player, and free music.Free Windows Media Player 10 also has MP3 player.Click here for Free Real Player also plays MP3.Get Free Macromedia Flash PlayerUntil recently, the original source of the Bush family's initial wealth and connection with Hitler's Nazi Party had been pretty well kept secret, and quiet, now this information is out for good, there is evidence of this on both video, and from The Guardian Newspaper(UK).This Link will take you to THE GUARDIAN Newspaper report which substantiates this story, having researched US National Archives.Quote. The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism. Unquote.Quote. Kurt Julius Goldstein, 87, and Peter Gingold, 85, began a class action in America in 2001, but the case was thrown out by Judge Rosemary Collier on the grounds that the government cannot be held liable under the principle of "state sovereignty".
Jan Lissmann, one of the lawyers for the survivors, said: "President Bush withdrew President Bill Clinton's signature from the treaty [that founded the court] not only to protect Americans, but also to protect himself and his family." Unquote.
NOW, NEW EVIDENCE ...All Free Video and Audio ...Michael Meacher Ex British Minister has his say on conspiracy. - Windows Media Player. Please watch this if nothing else, it will take 16 minutes of your life.Get Free Macromedia Flash Player for the Video belowThis is an absolutely brilliant Video. If you believe the press releases, and US governments explanation for the complete Implosion of World Trade Centre Towers, and building No7, you wont after watching this, there really is a cover up going on, and more, Much more.!!Please pass this info around for all to see.You can download the following information and video while exploring other pages and info, or watch via WMP streaming.Steven Jones lecture on 9/11, Feb 2006. - Windows Media Player.Charlie Sheen has his doubts also. -Windows Media Player.PROFFESOR STEVEN JONES. - Quicktime.PROF. STEVEN JONES gives it to Tucker Calson, - Quicktime.Mind Control around the world, - Audio MP3 Stream.30 secnonds of Big W - Windows Media Player..The World Trade Cenre
These were strong buildings, so How did they implode and fall in on themselves, when the heat of the fires were at the top of the buildings?? - Windows Media Player.Much more can be seen at.. Citizen's Commission on 9-11. Link will take you to THE GUARDIAN (UK) newspaper report, which substantiates that indeed the Bush family worked for the Nazi War Machine in America, then subsequently for German companies which were built or bought using Nazi money, and that the Bush family's wealth was originally accumulated via this means.
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Mankind ... Should We Make The Necessary Changes In This Coming Decade ...Our Forces, who're giving their lives for a lie.All our friends who state the truth, who care enough to take the risk. ~ One Love ~