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"'s like the music no one does anymore but loves to listen to, you know??"
- Blue Licks guys sound like talent wrapped up in a Cat Stevens record sleeve with someone's diary sitting on top,
- Kate Laurel Smith
Hey, your music is great, I really liked "Like a Song". They don't seem to make 'em like this anymore...
- Mike Lewis
Genius. That's all I can say. I think your lyrics will change the world, or at least mend a broken heart... ;)
Keep up the brilliant work guys!
- Elizabeth Rogers
Perman-Clarvit Music , music the way it used to be, and the way it still should be. Music that has a melody, and great production, and great words, and takes you on a journey. Music to my ears, so don't give up for another 20 years! Good music is back, and maybe we can ride the wave..."
- Joe Goyette
Perman~Clarvit have been together since 1970 and have collaborated on over 400 songs that encompass many styles over the years. A lot of the music you will be hearing was recorded in the 80's in their own recording studio which was located in Mitch Clarvit's apartment in NYC. Starting their own production company Caviar Productions , the legendary sound that came out of that studio from 1985 to 1992 became infamous. It was there that they befriended 1987's top pop & r&b artist Gregory Abbott (Shake You Down). You will find him singing back up on some of the songs on their main website.
Along with their unique harmonies, the lyrics of the songs deserve special attention...they contain stunning imageries and as a result. you'll find all the words to the songs posted. The Beatles & George Martin were Mitch & Dennis' gods...along with Gerry Comito (the boys' mentor & owner of Sonic Sound Studios), whose approach to production begged for additional inspection with each listen. Perman~Clarvit hope they were able to achieve the same desire to uncover the many musical layers that exist in their tunes...
In the hopes that someone or group will rediscover one of these songs to make their own, EVERYWEEK, FIVE (5) NEW SONGS WILL BE UPLOADED! Some of the songs are perfect for a movie sound track.
Because MySpace only allows 6 songs to be showcased at a time, we suggest you check the site frequently for new songs. As each song is retired from the MySpace music player, you'll find a link to hear it anytime at the bottom of this profile.And of course there is always their own website: .
P.S. Mitch has his own web design & programming company DelightfulWebs ( ) and Dennis has directed his creativity and stage lust toward healing and public speaking, and co-founded the premier coaching and seminar company for chiropractors and wellness professionals, The Masters Circle ( ).
(Click on any of the titles):
Like A Song
Out The Door
Do You Really Love This Guy
Kamikaze Lover
Kamikaze Lover (Original Production)
Squeeze It (To The Last Drop)
Squeeze It (To The Last Drop)
(Original Production)
Love's Gonna Get You
All The Beauty
San Diego
Hold Me
Love Will Find A Way w/Joey Long
Don't Make Me Do It w/Joey Long
It Takes Two
Baby Come Back (To Me)
You Got Me In Your Hands
Best You Ever Had
It's Our Love
Waters Of Love
Out The Door (Acoustic Version)
Lying Awake (Acoustic Version)
Something's Gone
It Takes Two (Acoustic Version)