NCP (no commercial potential) profile picture

NCP (no commercial potential)


About Me

Propoganda picnic (protest) party
Well we parked the ambulance,
Gonna protest on the White House lawn.
It's a peaceful picnic, crab paste and king size prawns.
Canapes, crème brulées, ravioli, mayonnaise
The police are on their way
Get off the lawn mother fucker, said the police
Get out this place, you're trespassing
So we left the capital, pissed off, it ruined our day.
But agents spotted us, we thought we'd got away.
Our leaders, what are they all about.
They're crying out for freedom and then they start to shout
The terrorists are making this world really unsafe
So we'll take away your freedoms and keep you stuck in your place
Tyranny tyranny, no place to move at all
If this isn't done right, then the end will come to us all
And if we close our minds to the sight before our eyes
Then one night we'll lose the fight
And then it's goodbye one and all
I hate what they've made of this world
Look what you've done to me
I've turned into a self centred egotistical nightmare
Tutto finisce, va cacare
Putana, niente e per sempre
Family, Freedom, Money, Respect, Taco Bell
We are beautiful, we are eternal unconditional love
'cause deep down, that's what we are, but we're not hippies
Hey yeah, let's not kid ourselves
We are truly deeply unconditional love
But I get really angry when they scheme,
They lie, they cheat, they hide
Why don't they go away
Wanking on the internet, wanking on the internet
Got my webcam wet, I'm not done just yet
I got no respect, no etiquette
Just killed my pet, lost my head
Got no family (repeat)
Music by NCP, Slayer, F.Zappa
Lyrics by NCP
NCP music video - More Coincidences
We are merely a small humble non profit amateur band who are in it for the politics, truth, justice, equality and unconditional love.
NCP support Steven Greer's "the disclosure project" 100%
the myspace un-official version
the official version
Hitler, extreme right, murderer. Stalin, extreme left, murderer. Bush, extreme neo-conservative, murderer. Tony Blair, extreme brown nose, murderer
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government. . . lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months" - Oscar Wilde
"Information is not knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom; Wisdom is not truth; Truth is not beauty; Beauty is not love; Love is not music; Music is the best." - F.Zappa
"I consider anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism, and every form of racism to be the result of spiritual bankruptcy. I have ZERO sympathy and ZERO tolerance for people who promote hatred." - Michael Goodspeed
"Faith-based organizations say we don't need any more research, we know enough now, we can be dogmatic, whereas researchers say we don't know enough now, investigate, research," argues Wilson. "Faith is a reason to become stupid: 'From this point forward, I will remain stupid.' To me, faith-based organizations are responsible for everything I see wrong with this planet. Research-based organizations are responsible for everything I like about it. Before the French Revolution, the average life expectancy was 37 years. Now it's 78 years. All due to research-based organizations. Not at all due to faith-based organizations. All faith-based organizations give you is George Bush. Research-based organizations give you cures for disease." - Robert Anton Wilson
"Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible." -F.Zappa
'The story of Brian Haw is in so many ways the story of how basic freedoms have been devastated since the manufactured attacks of September 11th. The scale of destruction is now reaching staggering proportions all over the world and there is more to come unless we unite in mass non-cooperation with the system of control. When you have a 'Serious Organised Crime' Act being used to stop peaceful protest how much further can we sink into the fascist abyss? Once again, think about that. Peaceful protest is now a "serious organised crime".
"Remember, UFOs are secret not because people are afraid so much of extraterrestrials, but because UFOs themselves are running off of energy and propulsion systems that would replace the need for oil and gas. So, the secrecy has been mostly out of greed, not out of a [need for] security" - Dr Steven M. Greer, M.D.
"Under the current system, the US government can easily "shut down" the Internet service of any country it has a conflict with"-Edward Leung
"I'm so sick of arming the world and then sending troops over to destroy the fucking arms, you know what I mean? We keep arming these little countries, then we go and blow the shit out of 'em. We're like the bullies of the world, you know. We're like Jack Palance in the movie Shane, throwing the pistol at the sheep herder's feet: 'Pick it up.' 'I don't wanna pick it up mister, you'll shoot me.' 'Pick up the gun.' 'Mister, I don't want no trouble, huh. I just came down town here to get some hard rock candy for my kids, some gingham for my wife. I don't even know what gingham is, but she goes through about 10 rolls a week of that stuff. I ain't looking for no trouble, mister.' 'Pick up the gun.' Boom, boom. 'You all saw him. He had a gun.'" - Bill Hicks
"As opposite as George Bush and John Kerry may seem to be, they do share a common secret - one they've shared for decades, and one they will not share with the electorate. The secret: details of their membership in Skull and Bones, the elite Yale University society whose members include some of the most powerful men of the 20th century. Bonesmen, as they're called, are forbidden to reveal what goes on in their inner sanctum, the windowless building on the Yale campus that is called the Tomb."
So what is this?? Bush preaches us about democracy, goes to Iraq and yet, his opposition in the USA comes from the same secret society.... not really secret, more like a society with secrets (which they will never share with you unless you join and reach their level of degrees within the fraternity).
This is not a conspiracy theory about Bush and Kerry being from the same freemasonic lodge, it's a fact. But again, most people don't care, they let themselves be ruled and told what to do even if it costs them their TRUE freedom or that innocent people have had their country bombed and invaded.
if you like NCP's music, do come and check out Poofter's Froth Wyoming and King Marvellous. It's just more NCP music. So just click on the band name "Poofters Froth Wyoming" below to get there
POOFTERS FROTH WYOMING (more early amateur NCP music)

My Interests


Member Since: 11/14/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Malcom, Martin, John, Jiddu, Joyce, Janis, Martha, Julia and Chip, with some help from Mouflaf, Alex, Tim, Adrian, Frank, Terry and Oberg
That's right, we are bigger than Cool & The Gang (sizewise, not talent)
guest appearances by George.W.Bush (neo-con freemasonic puppet dictator) Poofter's Froth Wyoming and King Marvellous

special thanks to all friends who have been sampled with or without permission, especially the Queen of England, Andy Milonakis on "Krishnamurti Stomp" and "Propaganda Picnic Party" and Mario of the band "Starfish Trooper", Mothers of Invention, MrZappa, MrBungle, Madonna, Fugees, Power Station, Tricky Disco, Tuatara, Monty Python, Chris Morris, Peter Cook, Bongwater, Alan Partridge, Father Ted, Simpsons, South Park, George Bush (neo-con freemasonic puppet dictator), Michael Meacher, Tim Ryan and many more

be careful who you vote for

click here to watch MrZappa discuss censorship, words, rise of fascism, etc...

Unlike the attitudes of these ugly prison guard bullies below, here is NCP's pledge to humanity explained in detail and with passion by the late great Charlie Chaplin


NCP's influences are.... the mothers of invention, zappa, lennon, george martin, beatles, mr bungle, brian eno, bela bartok, stravinsky, pavement, dub, aphex twin, xtc, bongwater, adrian belew, barbed, led zeppelin, mercury rev, bill laswell, peeping tom, faith no more, clash, grandaddy, kinks, strokes, david byrne, talking heads, japan, david sylvian, anton webern, negativland, asian dub foundation, holger czukay, can, captain beefheart, tortoise, cornershop, john coltrane, john barry, ennio morricone, bernstein, henry mancini, charlie rouse, lali puna, avalanches, eric dolphy, thelonious monk, deltron 3030, handsome boy modelling school, flaming lips, deus, aim, prefuse 73, kid koala, beck, bobby conn, the go-team, meat beat manifesto, kid 606, stereolab, de la soul, hendrix, tomahawk, blur, sigur ross, mum, mum and dad, capital K, square pusher, brian wilson, beach boys, aretha franklin, janis joplin, yo la tengo, lee scratch perry, kraftwerk, bowie until let's dance LP, visage (and some other 80s crap, depeche mode, human league, thomas dolby etc), early alice cooper not his 80s heavy metal caca, thin lizzy, deep purple, slayer ("angel of death" especially), pixies, stone roses, belle and sebastian, serge gainsbourg, orbital, flaming lips, king crimson, cinematic orchestra, some franz ferdinand, the bees, harold budd, knightmares on wax, busta rhymmes, eels, some velvet underground, some lou reed, rolling stones, rush, autechre, systems of a down, some bethoven mozart and bach, the police, early devo, the residents, radiohead, some hefner, some ladytron, bjork, marley, burt bacharah, black sabbath, arcade fire, bob dylan, abba, surf music for when we hit the beach, cliff richard's "she is a devil woman", nine inch nails, horace silver, stan tracey, david holmes, philip glass, steve reich, yes, bob hund, ELO, queen, early vangelis, pink floyd, mike keneally, the fall, early roxy music, run dmc, some metallica, some laurie anderson, some michael nyman, some new fast automatic daffodils, some prodigy, warp records, ninja tune, blue note, rykodisc records, rough trade records, all saints records, world music, indian and african, shankar, tabla, bhundu boys, some lady smith black mambazo, liberian music, hungarian folk music, manowar's "shell shock" and others, sonic youth, some gomez, van morrison, anti-nowhere league's "so what", some eagles, peter gabriel, some early genesis, some kid loco, some michael jackson, some rainbow, some REM, cream, klaus nomi, much missing, etc.. Music is the best

more inspiration from

Vanessa Redgrave, Oscar Wilde, Krishnamurti, Frank and Gail Zappa, Mother Theresa, Sea Biscuit, James Whale, Aung San Suu Kyi, Ghandi, Bill Hicks, Mark Thomas, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Josephine Baker, Andy Kauffman, Chris Morris, Nathan Barley despite being fictitious, Martin Luther King, Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, Doctor Steven Greer, Jeff Lederman

if you like our music, become one of our internet groupies, especially if you are an animal other than human

"Every culture produces its own groupies -- whether you're a sailor, doctor, or movie producer -- name a profession and it has its equivalent groupies. Talk to Zubin Mehta -- even a symphony director has their groupies. For the most part, groupies in Rock & Roll are a lot more fun because they're open about getting the job done." - Gail Zappa

~ Beautiful Charlie Chaplin speech that NCP love
Sounds Like: freeform psychedelic conceptual underground jazz rock music with a delightful synthetic sound

To hear more NCP music

.. Kerry and Bush belong to the same freemasonic lodge. Nothing to think or worry about?

The text in Latin at the bottom means:
"New Order of The Ages" or "New World Order"!

George HW Bush (Bush Sr) is a former director of Halliburton. He is now one of the directors of The Carlyle Group, one of the U.S.'s largest defense contractors.
Dick Cheney, is Halliburtons former chairman and chief executive.
Halliburton is the worlds largest oil field services company and now has billions of dollars worth of contracts in Iraq. They have by far the largest number of contracts in Iraq. Some of Halliburton's contracts are to provide services to ChevronTexaco.
Former National Security Advisor and now Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, is a former director of Chevron. She held a quarter of a million shares of Chevron stock and had an oil tanker named after her until being appointed by Bush.
ChevronTexaco is the ..1 US importer of Iraqi oil and they are the only major US oil company that imports more oil from Iraq than from Saudi Arabia.
Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz and other important members of the Bush administration are members of the Project for the New American Century, a Washington thinktank that has had plans for "democracy" in Iraq long before the Iraq war ever started.

In a courtroom in Virginia a trial passed almost unnoticed last week that can help us understand why the occupation of Iraq has gone so disastrously wrong. The greed, incompetence and ill preparedness of the occupiers was spelt out in excruciating detail in the case against Custer Battles - two war profiteers who arrived broke and on the make in Baghdad during the early days of the occupation.

Their case helps to explain how the American led interim government managed to spend its way through over $20 billion of reconstruction money yet leave Iraqis with less electricity, less clean water and with hospitals in an even worse condition than during the worst of the days of crippling sanctions against Saddam. They were sanctions that claimed 250,000 lives over 10 years.

Details are now emerging of how other US companies massively overcharged for their work and failed to deliver on what they promised, and how contracts worth millions were subcontracted down to locals who were paid a fraction of what the big US companies were paid for the work.

Hospitals were left with sewage floating in the kitchens and operating theatres, without the most basic life saving equipment despite contracts worth millions being handed out to US companies by Paul Bremer's interim government. Now Bremer's successor Dan Speckhard has said in response to this that it is: "water under the bridge"

Sure Dan, nothing to worry about, it's all water under the bridge as you say

if you don't like what we are saying, either contact Tom, Rupert Murdoch or send me some anthrax (via the republican party)

can you please find time to sign "The Disclosure Project" petition to the United Nations.
NCP beg you to sign it and to pass it on to everyone.
The rabbit hole is a lot deeper than we could ever imagine.
Please, support 'The Disclosure Project' and Doctor Steven Greer by simply talking about it, passing on the information and URL to others, asking your local newspaper to write articles about it, etc.

"there are more things between heaven and hell than any of us have accepted, and i have the witnesses and the documents to prove it" - Doctor Steven Greer
Record Label: we're not in it for the money
Type of Label: None

My Blog

HELP William Rodriguez - if you don't, shame on you

NCP is a happy band because we had William Rodriguez visiting us in London today, december 1st and he asked NCP to spread this message HELP William Rodriguez - 9-11 talk in London today "we owe the tr...
Posted by NCP (no commercial potential) on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 07:54:00 PST

[iraqfocus] Iraq Occupation Focus Newsletter No. 52

Iraq Occupation No. 5224 September 2006This IOF Newsletter is produced as a free service for all those opposed to the occupation. In order to strengthen o...
Posted by NCP (no commercial potential) on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 11:22:00 PST