America cannot afford any more neo-con fascism, failure and misleadership. We demand a return to political sanity, the vital center, and the honorable American traditions of accountability, dignity and honesty. Neo-cons undermine our security by dividing us against each other and abusing the trust the American people and rest of the world placed in them after 9/11. Nothing is more difficult to reclaim than the moral leadership these reckless, immoral policies soiled.
The Cheney/Bush junta must end
But we must act to make sure it does.
Activism means speaking out, being seen to make a difference. You must speak out for us to take back our country from the Junta. Help free our nation from the Bush Occupation. The alternative means suffering a slow silent death of the heart.
Let Your Voice Ring Out!
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve!
» Don't Blame Me
» New Management
» Bill Clinton: A REAL President
» Dogging Bush
» Cindy Says
» No More Blood For Oil
» Impeach Bush! 3 Designs
» Republican "Values?"
» Where's bin Laden?
» After Downing Street
» Dean Democrats
» "Bush Helps Our Enemies"
» Dumbya
» Convict Bush Cheney
» Bush is Going to Hell
» Bulk Buttons and Magnets
» Opinionated Women for Kerry
» End Bush's Iraq War
» Bush vs. Reality
» Turn Up The Heat - Fahrenheit 911
» Fool at the Wheel
» Diebold Machines Kill Votes
» Blowjobs or No Jobs
» Bush Flips Off the World
» Bush Sucks
» Bush is Bad for America
» "Bush Reminds Us of Someone"
» Bush or Saddam?
» AWOL Bush
» Bad Bush!
» Wave Bye to Bush
» Love America Defeat Bush
» Greens Against Bush
» Save the Environment
» Bush You're Fired!
» Reagan is Overrated
We are concerned citizens from all across the political
We're working
to restore American honor and dignity. We oppose Bush and Cheney because we support America as it should be. The criminal Bush administration
attacks the basic fabric of the United States - the US Constitution. This threatens freedom.
The Bush Occupation is misleading us into wars and abuses of authority
verging on despotism. Subverting checks and balances - the separation
of powers established by our Founders - attacks our traditions and hurts
We support limited government of, for and by the peopole. We oppose
limitless power grabs by the Bush regime as it arrogates to itself the
false authority to jail and intimidate those who dissent, and to wage
against Iraq and other nations.
We cannot afford this criminality, failure and misleadership. We demand
a return to political sanity, the honorable American traditions including
accountability and real legitimate leadership.
We seek to impeach Bush, Cheney et al because
we believe in the rule of law and the US Constitution.
We understand that impeaching the Bush / Cheney crooks will require taking
back both the House and the Senate from the right wingers. We're
not saying it'll be easy. We're starting now because it's going
to be very hard. The Bush Occupation's bald-faced lies and gross
misconduct squander good will needed to keep us safe against terrorist
attacks. Their lies and illegal actions and wars damage our national
credibility and offend our allies and our conscience.
Bush's thugs hurt and undermined national security by abusing the trust
the American people and the rest of the world placed in them after 9/11.
The Bush regime has made us less safe, less secure, less healthy, and
less prosperous.
Bush's failed fiscal, economic, education, health, environmental, and
other policies have been as disastrous as his foreign policies. The Cheney/Bush
junta must end, but we must speak out and act to make it so, Activism
means being seen and heard to make a difference.
Let Your Voice Ring Out!
Bush is not qualified for the job he stole. We must impeach Bush and remove
him from office to save America and restore our republic. You must speak
out for us to take back our country from the Bush Junta.
Help free our nation from the Bush regime abuses. The alternative means
suffering a slow silent death of the heart. We offer dozens of designs
on t-shirts, caps, buttons, stickers, and more to protest against Bush.
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve! Buy and show these shirts, stickers,
caps, cards, posters and more. Display these important messages. While
you still can.Under the Bush Occupation, we're slipping into dark despotism. They subverted the checks and balances, upsetting the separation of powers established by our founders.
We support our republic and oppose the limitless federal power Bush and his regime arrogate to themselves. We seek to impeach Bush, Cheney and their collaborators because we believe in the rule of law and the US Constitution.
I'd like to meet:
Caring Fun Decent People who aren't right wing neocon Bush-loving @$$holes!