Roger A Peaceful Vet profile picture

Roger A Peaceful Vet

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace only allows me to have 40 top friends, but I have so many good friends on MySpace, I can't fit them all in my top friends list. MySpace has been a wonderful place where I have found such wonderful friends. If the world crashes and we all leave this place, may we all meet in a new and better place where we can truly love each other.


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My Interests

A sad story from a wonderful person

Thank you so much for the comment , and for being my friend, God bless.

Please let me introduce myself:
my name is Shadia, my family was from Palestine and i am a muslima. I was born September 15th 1982 in lebanon just outside the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra-Shatila where my family was living, my mom had just left Sabra 2 day's before the Israeli millitary surrounded the two camps and unleashed a gang of killers to slaughter the poor and defensless Palestine refugees that lived there and in the three day Israeli campaign that started september 15th to the 18th 1982 between four to five thousand helpless and defensless people were murderd in the most sadistic way known to man my entire family included," Anything and anyone that they could kill they did just that-, my mom had just left Sabra to give birth to me in a nearby town that had a hospital, had it not been time for me to be born me and mom would have been gone and forgotten like the tens of thousands of murders Israel has gotten away with throughout it's 60 year history of war crimes, and after all these years i have never celebrated my birthday, Israel has left me with no family to celebrate any occasion with.
Please America don't blindly support Israel,

Palestinian Massacre at Sabra and Shatila

"Michael Moore went on record ... to tell and reporters that three years after the release of his film Fahrenheit 9/11 he now has many more questions about 9/11 and does not believe the public have been told "half the truth" about what really happened.

At an event to preview his upcoming film SICKO, Moore told our reporters that many firefighters have since approached him and told him the same story about hearing explosions going off inside the buildings prior to their collapse.

Moore also made it clear that he believes the attack on the Pentagon has is being covered up and kept secret from the public and that videos of the impact of flight 77 into the building will "provide answers" to what really happened."



I'd like to meet:

Jesus and ask him if he voted for war.

Men like to look, and women like to be looked at and we will fantasize in our head. But these fantasies will never come true, because what's in your head is not what is in the real world. What is in the real world is often far more complicated than your little head can imagine. So those fantasies are better left in your head, and that's what the Bastard Fairy is trying to tell you here. I think the moral is, we do this just because we just want to be LIKED


I'm not very good at names so I choose not to say because I would miss somebody I really liked. I listen for the words, I feel that's more important than the beat, However the beat really brings out the words. Sometimes a song will have a wonderful beat and the words or even message doesn't match, like they were thrown together and not made for eachother, example: "There must be 50 ways to leave your lover" I don't know if that's the exact title or do I know the artist name, but if you have heard the song, you'd know what I was talking about.

The song, "Mr. President" is done by my brother Richard in Germany.


Ron Paul on dissent in a time of war.

Ron Paul's speech in the House of Representatives on 5/22/07.Some excerpts from this speech:"it is dissent from government policies that defines the true patriot and champion of liberty""Faith in government coercion and a lack of understanding of how free societies operate encourages big government liberals and big government conservatives to manufacture a war psychology to demand political loyalty for domestic policy, just as is required in foreign affairs."To help support Ron Paul or to learn info about him you can join several IRC (Internet Relay chat) chatrooms which are linked togather. The chat rooms are:On Freenode: #ronpaul at On Efnet: #ronpaul at On Undernet: #ronpaul at

TerrorStorm Deluxe High Quality (Alex Jones)

From the great mind that brought you documentaries such as "Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State" and "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" comes a new movie to awaken the masses.TerrorStorm goes into documented cases of government-sponsored terror before exposing the 7/7 bombings as an orchestrated event and brings another update on the current state of the 9/11 Truth Movement.This video is copyrighted but is allowed for non-profit, educational distribution. If you like this film or any other, please visit the website's shop for this and other great documentary films.

Blue Man Group on Global Warming

Your attention please. Thank you for choosing earth as your planetary vehicle. We hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet, as you hurtle through the cosmos. Please note, that in the event of continued inaction in the face of global warming - your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device. Please take a moment to locate this planet's emergency exits. As you can see, there aren't any!
Say goodby to America, the one world government is coming


Television is evil. The watcher is brainwashed into believing in a world that does not exist while loosing sight of the world they live in. This is done to turn you from human beings to consumers. You will always want and you'll never be happy always wanting more. SAVE YOURSELF, TURN OFF YOUR TV.


I don't read much but I have read the bible and the other bible (a collection of scriptures not included in the bible) and the Aquarian Gospel, History of the Hopi Indians and the writings of Confucius. I've also studied all the major religions and managed to read half of the Koran.


Harry Chapin

My Blog

Gold Star Father Speaks Out

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 GOLD STAR FATHER SPEAKS OUT AT AN OKLAHOMA CITY PEACE RALLY We call them terrorists because they are willing to die to kill us but what are we who drop bombs ...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 07:19:00 PST

The Bull Shit of Coburn, Unfortunately A Senator From Oklahoma

Dear Mr. Harkness,               Thank you for your letter regarding the War in Iraq. I appreciate your input.  I have visited Iraq, and I continue to mo...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 07:02:00 PST

The Weekend Update

The Engineer For Truth, Black Tiger Lady with the help of her son brings to us WakeUpSheeple News From our most recent protest: A world war II veteran who has been protesting this war since before i...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 08:57:00 PST

In A Flux

I should be sleeping but I woke up from some really weird dreams and couldn't get back to sleep. They were not bad dreams, just weird. I would try to explain them to you but they just make no sense. ...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:34:00 PST

Dear Dear Dennis Ron Paul Kucinich

Dear Dennis Ron Paul Kucinich Is their anyway that we can have a Ron Paul/Dennis Kucinich or Dennis Kucinich/Ron Paul ticket. You are both the most popular candidates on the Internet because us Inter...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 05:05:00 PST

Will The Missing Bomb Be Used on the 15th?

By Timbre' Wolf ...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:50:00 PST

Calling All Veterans And Friends of Vets

Groovefest Andrews Park in Norman, OK on Sunday October 14, 2007 Groovefest Fall 2007 Lineup 11:00 - Charlie Rayl Music - Student Exhibition 1:00 - Mandala 2:00 - Gypsy Child 3:00 - Resident...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 05:43:00 PST

Back From Camping

First off, my wife gave her daughters chores, seeing that they had Friday off  and they did their chores, they did a good job and they didn't even complain, cool, I am so lucky to live in the sam...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 12:47:00 PST

Possible False Flag Event October 15th, Spread The Word

From my political blog - I had to investigate a little further before I posted here and other places.  It is disturbing, but maybe if we spread this around and they know that we know they won't d...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 05:28:00 PST

I’ve Been Tagged, And So Have You

Rainbow got me.I've been tagged.Weird things about me.1.  I don't like sports.2.  I remember before I was born.3.  I don't talk much.4.  I like to be alone.5.  I don't like to...
Posted by Roger A Peaceful Vet on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 06:08:00 PST