PROFESSION: Computer Tech (Information Services / Computer Systems)
I ENJOY: Spending time with my family; reading books; Internet; spirituality; learning about people and life; just having fun!
MY OPEN DISCUSSION DEBATE FORUM (Can get rather nasty at times)
I got married to my first husband right after I graduated from High School. We saved up for a home. About three years after we were married, we had our first child. Two years later, we had another child. My husband was a strict planner, and planned for two children only, and that's what we had!
I also became fascinated with Belly Dancing and started learning this dance by myself. I then started going to seminars, traveling to different locations to learn from some of the nation's top performers. I began teaching at several colleges, the YMCA, the YWCA, some fitness clubs, and in my home. I also danced out, mainly performing for birthdays, but also some retirement parties and bachelor parties. I formed two dance troupes which became known as the Desert Jewels.
Unfortunately, after eleven years, my marriage just was not working out, and we got a divorce. In case you're wondering, it had nothing to do with the Belly Dancing. During the time that I was single again, I dated different men and lived with one of them for about six years. He happened to be a Witch and introduced me to Witchcraft. I joined the coven with him and went through my first initiation. It was quite interesting, but we dropped out after finding out that "white" witches also do "black" magic. We joined a New Age group after that.
We ended up in a bad car accident and we both went to Chiropractors. My boyfriend went first, and when arriving back home, he told me that the chiropractor told him about Jesus. I said, "Oh no, are you getting 'religious' now?" Well, he had me go there with him, and I ended up receiving the Lord in my life, too. It felt wonderful. We would both be reading our Bibles constantly in the evenings. After a time, we ended up calling our relationship quits. We remained friends to some extent, though.
I continued my walk with Christianity for many years. I went to Bible studies and church four times a week. I couldn't get enough! I was bold and witnessed to everyone I could. I even brought tracts to work with me. At that time, I worked for the Census Bureau. I then decided to go to college and get a degree in Computer Programming. It was VERY difficult since I had been out of High School for twenty years, but I was determined to do this, and do it well. I ended up graduating with Honors.
I was also dating a very nice man who adored me. He'd cook for me, take me on trips, and take me out to eat a couple times a week. I think he was spoiling me! He was so nice, and I don't know why it seemed that I kept trying to push him away. I look back and still don't understand. In the meantime, my son (who was a teenager), was deep into computers and would have friends come over to do different things on the PC. One of his friends was somewhat older (five years younger than I), and this man and I hit it off. YES! This is the man I married....my second marriage.
I met his family. He has a brother who was a born again Christian and said that he had been praying that his brother (my husband) would meet a woman who was also born again. Well, his prayers came true, and shortly after that, my husband accepted the Lord in his life.
After some time, I felt I had an "awakening" of sorts. I felt confined. There had to be more in the way of belief systems. Christianity is only one of many. I was so certain that it was the ONLY way, but when this awakening occurred, I felt that I had to explore more. I also wondered how so many people could claim that their belief system was the ONLY way to Heaven or everlasting life. One question came after another. I felt free. I was not afraid anymore to search other paths. I gradually started feeling a beautiful inner peace. This is where I now am.
A tragic event happened on October 1, 2002. My 31 year old son got hit by a car on the highway and was killed immediately. He was married, had two children, and his wife was pregnant with their third child when this happened. It was a great shock to our family. It has been most trying for my daughter-in-law, but we are a very close family and keep in touch several times a week.
There are several articles about my son's death and my reaction and feelings in my other journal:
Here is a photo album called: A TRIBUTE TO MY SON
So, that's a very brief synopsis of my life. I may have left out some juicy tidbits(like breaking my arm when I was eleven years old), some boring facts (like my sex life)....oh wait, switch those around!! hehe But the "autobiography above give you a pretty good idea of the main events in my life. Now a bit about my personaity:
(This really does describe me!)
Gemini is the mutable air sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to the wind in that it is constantly on the move in all its variety. Air is a metaphor for the invisible thought and ideas that motivate Gemini, such as the intellect, the intuition and the natural instincts. the quality known as mutable means adaptable, changeable and agreeable. Gemini constantly adjusts ideas in an attempt to create harmony.
Gemini is typically charming and entertaining and never prejudiced. They are inquisitive, inventive individuals, versatile, liberal and broad minded. They often exude youthful air about them.
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