Welcome to my world~ My name is Redfoxsees~ I was honored with that name long ago by a Cherokee Medicine Man. Fox Medicine holds the secrets of camaflouge and invisibility, of which I hid from the world for a long time. I have the ability see and hear into the Spirit world. For so long I tried to close these doorways~into Spiritworld, and now I find that people want to open these doorways. But Spiritworld is not something to be played with. But honored and respected, just as the ways of our people, should be honored and respected. I am of mixed blood lines~ but the path of the Red Road is the one I carry within my heart. I honor and respect the ways of my people. Many visions from the great and Holy Spirit come before my eyes~ and my mission is to share that vision and help to awaken the Power that lays sleeping deep within the core of our ancient memories~ Before you begin to read my story~ a tidbit concerning friendship~ if you are planning to send me a friend request, please email me to let me know the reasons why you think you should be apart of my world. If you are only looking for digit friends to add to your page~ please move on~ I seek the intelligence of Spiritual Warriors who can stand strong within their Powers. Those who choose to partake in creating a new world of love and light~ I believe in quality not quantity of friends~~ There is a conscious gathering of Souls thru this hyperspace networking and as a united Group Effort~ we have the potential to unlock huge amounts power~ Potential to join thoughts within group participation~ Our Prayers are desperately needed at this time in history~ to heal our Beloved Earth Mother~ and to mend the sacred hoop of our people. I am a very loving person, but I am on a mission~ and nothing will stand in my way~~~ LakhotaWntkde... MicmacWo'okeyeh... Peace be with you Life is about passion and finding motivation to succeed. Life is about making dreams come true. Life is about spreading truth and understanding the magic that lies deep within the Soul. I have traveled deep into the depths to the Source of my Creation and have touched upon the Source of Universal Knowledge. I am a Psychic Voyager, a Dream Walker, who travels within my dreams. I know and understand the Power of Dreams and how crucial the times are becoming to be. Dear Children of Light, there is much that needs to be done to create a "wankan tankan" kind of place~ A BETTER WORLD OF LOVE AND LIGHT~ where darkness of greed and control, no longer hold us prisoners, in this insecure shell of a body, that we call home. Consciously choosing to create One Tribe, One World, One People, One Love. It has come time to come out of hiding and learn to speak the Light of truth. For Time is running out.~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Lakota Prayer Grandfather, Great Spirit~~ We give thanks that we can sit together here in this sacred circle of Life, and we send forth our ~~Prayers~Waniwacin yelo ~~.. Ookawica wau welo ~ Wakayan oo welo hey~~ Wankan Tanka cewakiye Wiconzani nahan wokiye hey ~~ As we raise this sacred pipe To give thanks to you~ Great Spirit~ And to all of your Creation, We give thanks~ To the spirit helpers Who come and sit among us. We know Grandfather, that you give us a sacred power, but it seems like we don't know its purpose~~ So now we've learned as we gather together, The name of that power is love, Invincible, irresistible, overwhelming power, This power you give to us~~ we are going to use ~~ and we'll dry the tears of those who cry~~ And heal the hurts of those that are hurting. And we will walk the Earth standing strong within our Power~ May the Light of Love fill your heart and give you Passion and Motivation to succeed in all your hopes and dreams..
I'd like to meet the Spiritual Warriors~ who can stand strong within their Powers. I know there are many children of light who have special "Gifts" they were born with. Special ablities to make things happen by using the Powers of the mind. Many People don't know how to use those gifts or they hide and ignore them, or turn to drugs and alchohol, to numb their angry Soul. I'm talking about the Powers of the Soul that lay dormant deep within the genetic coding of our ancient ancestral memories... I am one of those special people and I have learned to use my Powers..for the evolutionary evolvement of mankind. And my mission is to wake you from your sleep... ~~Spirit Guides have, guided and protected me since I was a young child. Only later in my life did I come to realize that there were other children of Light~ out there- just like me. Waiting to be awakened- waiting to be discovered. Are you one of those people who hide behind a face of normalcy- in a not so normal world.We are here to help one another evolve to our highest potential....And that is of utmost importance. Bless you all- and I welcome you to my world of Enlightenment..... Let our minds open into the awareness of higher consciousness. Let us empower ourselves to be all that we can be. Empower ourselves with the ability to tap into our creative potential.. I invoke the intention of conciously moving the level of Spiritual understanding among all of humanity to ever higher levels of understanding!We carry the secrets of our ancestral memories hidden within the genetic coding of our DNA. Our DNA is encoded with the Sacred Knowledge of our Divine Inheritance. The DNA has potential to align and balance our thoughts with higher consciousness. Alignment into an awareness of our Divine Being of Light Energy. An awareness where our levels of intelligence can tap into the Source of our Creation. Tap into the Source of our Creative Potential. We all have free will to choose how powerful we will become. But our levels of perception and limitations of belief systems~~ keeps our minds submissive to suggestions of control and denial of our Powers. Blessed Children of Light- the time has come to awaken to your Powers. Only you can make that chose. Begin to free yourself from all those things that do not serve you well. Release all forms of negativity and the brain washing of mass media. To release all those things that limit your Spiritual growth. It is time to Empower yourself with your Divine Being of Light- who lies sleeping within the core of your Soul. Waiting to be discovered, waiting to be awakened. We are all here to help each other to succeed in our greatest potential. To awaken our creative potential and be all that we can be. We are here to spread the light of love~~in a not so perfect world. Open your heart to embrace the love of the creator. Open your heart to embrace the image of your true God Reality- for now into our everending ascension of the Light. So be it...aho~ Invoking the Beloved Water of Life- Mini Kili Wiconi Omaykiyayo ~~ the water of life is Sacred Anpetu kina cekiyayo- on this day we are praying Be it known that we hold our universal cup high into the heavens of light and we ask that the dews of heaven flow freely thru us to bless all life~ We ask that the healing waters flow thru our physical bodies and flow thru our words and thru our thoughts~ Ste Ste ^ye) nawajin yelo hey We ask the sacred waters of life to flow thru our hearts for the common goal of uniting thoughts and prayers in order to heal our Beloved mother earth and all our relations~ we send forth the sacred invocations of light Lahota Wehelo Omakiyayo ~~ Anpetu kina cekiyayo ~ Beloved Spirits~ Sing to us your song~ that we will share with the world~ that will help others to open their eyes ~ to see beyond the councils of limitation~ Sing to us the sacred songs~ of hope and dreams~ that we will share with the children of the world~ Sing to us the sacred songs of Wisdom and Knowledge~ songs that will mend the shields of separation~ Sing to us the words of truth and knowledge~ that will fertilize our dream seeds~ Sing to us a song of forgiveness~ that we will share with the world~ that will heal all wounds of denial, unworthiness and insecurities~ that are held within the hearts of the People~ Sing to us the song of PEACE~ that we will share with the world~ that will return love and compassion back to the heart~ Love that is so desperately needed to heal this world~ So be it~~ Oho Redfoxsees UNITED WE STAND~ Let our voices be heard~~
Ever since I was a child- the sacred language of Light has echoed deep inside my mind. The beloved SPIRITS speak an ancient language that I am learning to decode. I love to sing the ancient Sacred songs, the Ancient Prayers of Light, that flow from deep within my Soul. The Sacred Language that creates patterns of empowerment within the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. There Sacred Languages that helps to connect the mind into higher Powers. There is great Power behind frequency of certain Sound formulations. English language is like speaking dead words~ The sounds project very little Power. Spirit guided me to learn the sacred ancient prayers of Hebrew, the language of light, Sanskrit, the mother of all Aryan languages, and Native Lakota Sioux language. These languages hold sounds that connect into the earth spirits and elemental forces of earth, air, fire and water. If you do not know any other language other than English~ I highly recommend that you learn the sacred formulas of some other language system. Your sound is unique and your prayers are needed~ Crow is the omen of change~ and our prayers are desperately needed to help save our beloved Mother Earth and all our relations~ Mitakuye Oyasin": We are all related. This Lakota prayer signifies that we are related to all life. We are not above animals or plant life, but instead we become complete in relation to every living being around us; we all are co-creators of life. We send prayers to all of creation -- all life is sacred. For if we, as human beings, are part of creation and the natural world, how can we not affect it? It is time to unpack all your sacred ceremonial pieces and begin to step within your Power~ Your voice is unique~ Your prayers are needed~~~Aho~
Highly recommended: Fifth Element -That movie touches upon so much truth- The elemental forces are the conductors of great Power. Earth, air, fire and Water. I call to the fire of life- Fire of life help me in my prayers on this day of Peta Wiconi Omaykiyaho Chewikeylo Anpetu Kina Cekiyayo..... Let the fire of life flow thru you- to spark the flame of Divine Inheritance. May the fire of Passion flow thru you and provide motivation to succeed in all your dreams. ~~~ Wiconi Waste~~Ookawica wau welo ~~ Wakayan oo welo hey ~~ Wiconzani nahan wokiye hey~~ Waniwacin yelo Miye Yelo Omakiyayo~~ Chiwekeylo Anpetu kina cekiyayo ~ Waniwacin yelo Omakiyayo~ Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste ~~ I gift these words to you my friends-~~ Apeya Wowastelaka~~~( with love~)Dear Spiritual Warriors- open yourself to feel the energy of fire~ let it ignite within you~ the fire will help to spark the memory of your ancient ancestral knowledge~ ~~ The fire of life is what will help you to become Empowered with your Divine Inheritance~
Don't have much time for television- I'm out having to much fun to sit in front of the boob tube. I do like to watch CSI and documentaries or nature shows. Most TV shows are a waste of precious time. Televsion promotes fear, hatred & violence. I do not buy into the promotion of negativity. To fully realize yourself as a complete and whole person, you must recognize and embrace dual energies, honor them and develop them from within. Sending smoke signals out today~your prayers are needed to heal our Beloved Mother Earth~~ wast'e pe do...! The Mother Earth is full of life and love. She always gives her powers to those who come to her. We must come back together to walk in the Sacred Way. Grandfather, Sacred One, teach us love, compassion and honor That we may heal the earth and heal each other. Great and Holy Spirit~ Wankan Tanka cewakiye ~ Wiconzani nahan wokiye hey~ Lahota Wehelo Omakiyayo ~Chiwekeylo Anpetu kina cekiyayo ~ Great and Holy Spirit~ Look down and bless our people Look down and walk with our mother earth~ The People of the world~ have become lost within a world of confusion~ Sing to me a song~ that I will share with the world~ that will help others to open their eyes ~ to see beyond the councils of limitation~ Sing to me a song that I will share with the world~ that will help to mend the shields of separation~ for the Peoples of the World~ Sing to me the words that will open my ears to hear you more clearly~ Sing to me the words that will open my eyes to see you more clearly~ Sing to me the words that will make me feel whole~ Sing to me the words that will Empower me~ so that I will always be strong in my Powers~ Sing to me a song that will keep my heart pure and true Sing to me a song that I will share with the world~ that will heal my People and all my relations~ Sing to me a song of forgiveness~ that I will share with the world~ that will bring forth feelings of love and compassion~ that are desperately needed in this world today~ Sing to me the sacred songs of my ancient ancestral memories~ so that I may translate the sacred knowledge for the Peoples of the world~ Sing me a song that will validate the visions that come before my eyes~ Eyaya Hoye Wayelo~ Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste I gift these words to you my dear beloved friends who read my words -~~ Apeya Wowastelaka~~~( with love~) Wiconzani nahan Wakiyeyo~ wopilaku~ ~ Aho~ May the love from the Creator always flow freely thru you~ to bless all life in the explandance of your true God reality~ aho~Redfoxsees
I've been a readaholic for most of my life- searching for the truth and how different people interpret the truth. Books highly recommeded: Any and all of Patricia Cota-Robles books-specifically THE NEXT STEP..Re-Unification with the Presence of God Within Our Hearts. Also any and all of Barbara Marciniak's books- in particular- FAMILY OF LIGHT. also THE ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FLOWER OF LIFE,volume 1 and 2 by Drunvulo Melchizadek- incredible information of truth. My bible resource Guide- YHWH The Book of Knowlege: THE KEYS OF ENOCH, by J.J. Hurtak. Always remember~ the truth is out there~ KNowledge is Power~ empower yourself to be all that you can be~ We must learn to open our hearts and send the vibration of Love out into the world. To love unconditionally all people, places, conditions and things. It is time to dream a new world of Peace~ and that dream begins with you and you and you and you....To all of of those who read my words~ Open yourselves to your divine calling~ Come, sit and let the music flow thru you Let it move thru your physical, mental, emotional and physical bodies~~ Let the words help to spark the flame of your anicent ancestral memories~~Hidden deep within your Soul~~ You will know truth~by the way it makes you feel~ It is time to step into your Powers~~~ We are the creators of our reality ~~Will you choose to play a part??~~ Or will you choose procrastination and denial~ Our Earth Mother and all our Relations~ are in dire need of healing~ I am a dreamwalker~ I walk within the nightime world of dreams~ And there is a gathering of dreamwalkers taking place within the sacred place of the Councils of fire~ There is a calling from our ancient elders~and they sit at the River banks on the edge of the river of knowledge~they are calling for us to unite in one heart, one mind, and one spirit. It is time to awaken~~~awaken to your true God Reality.... Time is running short~~There is calling to other children of Light... A calling to come and play within the forces of Light..... I have been actively seeking quality Spiritual Warriors and Light Workers....who will stand strong within their Powers~ Those who have been consciously waiting for the wake up call~~~and your time has arrived~People have fallen asleep within the world of confusion and materialistic wants and needs ~ Our People have been fed addictive behaviors~ that keep them passive and weak. We have been fed a belief system that keeps us locked into states of control and manipulation. We are here to help each other succeed to our highest and greatest potential~ and I will do whatever it takes~ to wake you from your sleep. For strength comes in numbers~ and thru our space it gives us a safe place to communicant with one another, As single individuals~ We have the Power to initiate worldwide improvement by emitting conscious frequencies thru our prayers~~ Thru focus, intention and the process of visualization~ We have the Powers to manifest incredible miracles~ But it takes a certain number of people to focus their energy on sending light out into the world~~ We all have the ability to project our energy thru focus, intention and visualization~ But it takes a certain number of unified people praying at the same time~ to set the stage for positive global transformation~~ All of us possess the ability to channel the energy of love and light~~ Prayers that will become united into one heart, one mind, one intention ~~To create a "Wankan Tankan" kind of place~ a holy Place~ Let us join together as one heart and one spirit~ and share our intentions to heal the evil and corruption ~~ that plauge our Mother Earth and all our relations~ Corruption that is plaguing our planet like a disease that consumes all our natural resources~ The eyes of greed that pollute our waters that we drink, the air that we breath, and the food that we eat~ We have the potential thru group effort to create a powerful force of manifesting~ A greater world of love and light Where darkness reigns no more~ Our collective consciousness and collective light is desperately needed~~ Come join me~ in my intentions to heal our beloved Mother Earth and all our relations~~ Time is growing short and there is much to do- Look closly at the picture and you will see many Spirits~
I face the world head on. A hero to me would be someone who is strong and confident in their own Powers. A hero is someone who represents justice and stands for peace, freedom of speach, freedom of religion, and someone who does not judge an individual by the color of their skin, or their belief system. There are many wonderful and unique people in this world, searching for an outlit of their creative abilities. Never let the idealism of a material based society, squash or deny those creative talents that lie waiting to be unleashed. Allow the passions of life to drive you to succeed in whatever your heart desires. Search for the fire that will spark that flame,deep within the core of your being. That fire might be in a person, place, or thing. That is what we are all here for. To help one another succeed to our highest and greatest potential.I seek the intelligence of Light Workers and Spiritual Warriors who choose to partake in creating a new world of love and light~ ~~ Always remember that whatever religion you believe in~ your sound is unique and your prayers are needed~~ Prayers that may one day~ help to save this world~ Aho~ Let your dream seed flow out into the world~ no matter how hard the ground appears to be~ plant your dream seed and let it grow~ In the silence of your dreams- you might one night hear the echoes of my calling. Calling to other children of Light, to come out and play within the Forces of Creation.....