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My name is WolfWalker. I am Potawatomi Indian. When I was young, I was sent to live on the Hopi/Navajo reservation. I lived with a Hopi Elder named Grandfather Dan. His father was one of the last Traditional Medicine Men before the white shift. He taught me many of the old ways, traditional beliefs and stories. I have also had the honor to study with many elders from many different tribes. I am a traditional flute player and storyteller. One of my greatest honors was to perfrom with R. Carlos Nakai. He is a incredible human being and has been a long time mentor. I highly recommend his cd's. He is one of the best Traditional Flute Players of our time. I now pass on many of the teachings I have learned from my Elders to those interested in learning our ways. I am a classically trained dancer. I have studied Ballet with the Joffrey Ballet Co. and Tap with Gregory Hines. I perform with several dance companies and with a Big Band Swing group. I am currently teaching Traditional Culture and beliefs thru the use of storytelling and flute music. I have been fortunate to teach these lessons to a wide variety of people all around the world. I am currently working on a cd and DvD to help bring these teachings to a larger audiance.