Petra made it to mumber one on KIAC !!!!!
The War On Abuse Radio show is now on every Monday, please join us .....
Listen to Petras latest radio interview on Blog talk radio click the picture below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to Petra on another radio station !!!
This site is meant for the global community to come in and participate in the War On Abuse Movement! Petra Luna is the elected World Wide War On Abuse Leader. The military type organization is set up and divided into 3 division, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence (on women and men) and Animals Abuse. This struggle takes place between those who abuse and those who protect the victims of abuse. This movement is run like a military operation with generals, colonels, corporals, lieutenants and sergeants who fight everyday towards the causes in their divisions.
Why do we call it a WAR? Because, hundreds of thousands of victims are being injured and killed everyday worldwide. It makes no difference that it happens in the home behind closed doors. Global genocide is global genocide regardless of where it takes place. This is the only logical way to interpret the loss of life and human rights. It is an age-old struggle that has been going on for millennium.
Here we gather as a human race to go back to the roots of this problem. If we have to reach into the histories, religion, societies and cultures, that is what we intend to do.
This is our moral obligation to the victims of these massacres and ourselves. Please join in our efforts to attempt to make this positive change in our world???
The goal of this page is to recruit generals, officers and soldiers worldwide. We are on a worldwide hunt for support in every country that has myspace. Thank you and God Bless
A call to ARMS!!
It is believed that 40% of females are raped in some form by the age of 16, that one of the top causes of death among women is murder at the hands of their husbands and boyfriends, that the prison system is filled with men who, as children, were victims of this war, and that problems with drugs and depression are a direct result of victimization. It is believed that children's hospitals for the severely mentally retarded and deformed contain some children who were born normal. It is believed that those who abuse, torture, and kill animals graduate to murder and serial murder, and that right now a boy is sitting naked in a closet awaiting sentencing for a crime he never committed. We can no longer ignore the impact that this disease is having on our society. We must all join this battle against the onslaught of human dignities.
As victims, we face an enemy who has no regard for morality or the ancient philosophies of fair combat by two worthy opponents. Separated from our loved ones and lacking self-respect, we have no will against being taken, for the victimizers break down all force fields. Even if a victimizer was abused at one time, he/she has no excuse for being a predator, preying upon the innocent and defenseless. He or she is the Enemy.
Kind ones, this is a battle that we must fight ourselves. In most cases, authorities cannot help you and most people, including family members and even witnesses, will ignore you. In order to achieve victory we must not only fight the pain inflicters, but also fight in our own minds. To conquer one's own mind, you must recognize what is happening. Recognize that no one has the right to inflict physical or mental pain and torture upon any living creature, that any activity involving yours and/or another person's private areas must be willingly allowed by you to be occupied by another, and not be taken, or coerced. If you are under the age of 18 and this is happening to you by someone who is over 18, they are a criminal! Abandonment is a form of abuse. Recognize that if an incident occurs and someone threatens to harm you if you tell anyone about it, they have just harmed you; that if someone is crazy enough to threaten your life, then that person may be willing and ready to do so; and that children who are bullies to other children inflict severe damage. Recognize what is happening and refuse to accept it.
In order to defeat the enemy you must cautiously move out, take away and protect your children, tell your teachers, report to your neighbors, report all animal cruelty, press charges and follow through. Tell on the bully, defend the weak if you are strong, and get a weapon, if you must, to defend your bodies if necessary. Following our escape, we must seek counseling so that we can overcome the psychological damage and avoid becoming a victimizer ourselves. We cannot get over it ourselves so we should not try it alone. Abuse cycles trickle down through generations, so we must stop it now.
We are innocent and, although we did not start this war, we must fight it.
We deserve a life without fear and shame. It is our right to maintain our own human rights. May God bless us all and keep us from loneliness during these troubled times. We must cure ourselves for the human race and the future.
Petra Luna