Astrology, Music, Painting, Writing. Learning about the meaning of life from many angles.Finding ways to help victims of abuse especailly the ones I call the invisible victims, the children or the families it touches, it doesn't happen to them but they see and hear and live within the victims life so to me they are a victim.
People with similar interests in opening the minds of the human race to the abuse that goes on which many seem to be blind to. My muse Johnny Depp. Tim Burton for his amazing mind. In fact anyone who isnt afraid to be themselves. Also anyone with an interest on making films and or script writing some advice would be good. In fact anyone with an interest in writing of any sort. Any creative people out there.
Anything from heavy rock to sentimental depends what mood I'm in
Psychological, True Life. Ones which star exceptioanly good charector actors i.e. Johnny Depp.or produced by the likes of Tim Burton.
Don't get to watch it much to busy, but when I do a good who done it, oh and I enjoyed Afterlife )Great series.
Fact based or Psychological. Astrology I love anything by Liz Greene
My friends especialy Kog, Nicky, Gary for showing me people do care. My muse Johnny Depp. My Son who has helped me through heaps I may be able to return the favour one day but he seems to be doing ok on his own right now. Anyone who will stand up for what is right no matter what it costs them and to some it costs them their souls.