Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the

About Me

On Saturday 26th January 2008 Rock Against Child Pornography held its first UK gig.
It was a resounding success & netted a total of £853.38 for the NSPCC Child Line in Devon. Below are some images of the bands in action..please enjoy..


WHO are we?!
We are an awareness campaign group, simply put, we are the same as you only we are shouting out to make heard the silent or silenced topic, of child pornography, the risk to children online and the risk to children from the evil of paedophiles and paedophilia in whatever context or form it may arise.
WHAT are we doing?
We are organising music concerts, primarily within the rock genre, to combine live performances with the strong message that any form of exploitation of children is NOT acceptable. Through the medium of music performed both live and otherwise we reach out to the thousands who want a voice to see reform for our children in the modern world.
HOW? do we do this?
First of all we need a venue, not too big, not too small, we then attract sponsorship to cover any costs incurred with banners and rental charges, then when that is settled we look for bands who will play beneath this banner, in turn spreading our words to the crowds that show up and enjoy a good night. We at no point, ever, profit from any activity founded by the RACP. All costs incurred are settled via sponsorship, any monies of any total are always forwarded onto children’s charities.
WHY are we doing this?
The idea first originated in Germany. A group of young students with a lot of frustration from reading such horrific stories, being published in the media and yet found they were unable to do anything effective! So a few young and brilliant minds, spoke, planned, slept very little and after many, many hours of work, liaising, and pulling teeth they pulled off their first Concert to raise awareness. It has been a huge success and further concerts are now not only being planned but already scheduled!We are taking this project even further; we will eventually hold concerts European wide! We will find likeminded people in all the countries who will set up…
"Rock Against Child Pornography"
…projects and concerts. We will spread the idea, that we ALL can DO something to stop crimes against children. You have to start somewhere, and we started here.If a few young students can pull off such a feat, imagine what you could do.
CHARITY as we never profit.
Prior to our gigs/concert, we are writing to various, local charity groups to find the best one to support victims of child abuse! ANY proceeds from that particular event will go to that group! We openly display the amount we manage to raise and the distribution of it here on myspace and on our homepage. We know it won’t be millions, but every penny will help! If we manage to help just ONE child, all this work would have been worth it!As stated earlier, we at no time, ever profit from any activity both, directly or indirectly linked to the RACP.
HELP that comes from you guys.
We need YOUR help too and you would be surprised how much YOU can do. Not only by adding us on Myspace and by promoting our page with your friends, place us within your top few friends, repost our bulletins, display our banner on your page or website, raise awareness by word of mouth. Also we would like you to come to our concerts, help us to distribute flyers or whatever YOU think, you are able to do for us, for the children of today and tomorrow!
Spread the word!
Copy and paste the code in the box below to put our banner on your page!
RACP is a protected and trademarked project and logo. It cannot be used without permission from the holders of these rights.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Please visit our all new official homepage

We are extremely grateful for ANY ideas, suggestions and help! Please contact us either here on myspace or at [email protected]

The Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) is made up of law enforcement agencies from around the world working together to fight child abuse online. The aim of the VGT is to build an effective, international partnership of law enforcement agencies that helps to protect children from online child abuse.

The objectives of the VGT are: to make the Internet a safer place; to identify, locate and help children at risk; and to hold perpetrators appropriately to account.

Report Abuse!

Separating online child sex abuse whether it is chat-room grooming, distribution of illegal images or any other form of attack, cannot and should not be separated from offline consequences. People who prey on children whether for personal pleasure or other illegal gain do it in a way that exploits any possible opportunity. Any response must similarly be all encompassing.

For advice about Online Safety, please also see our friends


UK Team

Founder, project co-ordinator, press/ media liaison, merchandising

Joint project co-ordinator, press/ media liaison, counsellor, writer, merchandising

He is a drummer in a band who is willing to give time, effort and help to our work. He is co founder of Team UK and helps wherever he can.

Webmaster, graphics, technical support, musical public relations

Radio promotional material, musical public relations

Team support, event MC

Team support, treasurer

Other Teams

RACP UK Supports The Following Charities:


Save The Children


East Anglian Children’s Hospice

And many other children’s charities and organisations

My Blog

A look back at 2008...and forward to 2009!!!

Hello Everyone !! With the end of the year rushing at us we thought we would take a look back at 2008, and share some of our high and low points with you, because this has been a rollercoaster for us...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 06:40:00 PST

And Todays Award For Stating The Obvious Goes To....

Hello Everyone !   I know we have covered the story of Reverend Hart quite thoroughly, and while  the general consensus of opinion has been that the sentence passed was NOT enough, but at l...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 07:36:00 PST

Reverend Hart three and a half years?

Hello Everyone   We did cover this story a few weeks ago, and have been waiting for the sentencing so we could bring you up to date...yesterday that sentence was passed...   A vicar who a...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 09:15:00 PST

Three missed opportunities to save him....

Hello Everyone. After all our good news recently, it's sadly back to the reality of why organisations like ours exist in the first place. This is an ongoing story, and there have been several articles...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:18:00 PST


Hello Everyone :)!! With the closure of our band and gig page, we decided it was time for something new to appear J! So we have also closed our photography page, and created a whole new themed Rock A...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 05:19:00 PST

NSPCC - a charity we support !

A look into the work of the NSPCC  - National Society for the Prevention of cruelty to children We support this Charity as best as we can, we NEED the Child Helpline for our...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:24:00 PST

Paedophiles to be given Lie Detector Tests...

Hello Everyone !!   We found this news article on Yahoo News, and we thought we would throw it out to you for an always, you can find ours at the bottom of the page!! Sex offenders...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 06:08:00 PST

The Last Gig of the 08 Tour ..Nottingham!!!

Hello Everyone  !! And here it is...the review you have all been waiting for......The Salutation Inn, Nottingham!!! Despite it being the same weekend as the Nottingham Marathon (OK, not the best...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 07:48:00 PST

Nottingham Show on Sunday

Hello fine friends :)so, 2 days to go and we will kick off in Nottingham !sadly, the band Chrystal Arcade from Southampton had to pull out last minute, due to other commitments.fortunately we have fou...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:53:00 PST

55,000 Indecent Images...

Hello Everyone   Sadly, there seems to be little respite for us from stories of the abuse of children, and of power.....   From the BBC News Site   A vicar is behind bars after he ad...
Posted by ROCK AGAINST CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ™ on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 12:38:00 PST