Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAN profile picture

Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAN

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. Éire-Ireland

Raising awareness about child pornography, abuse and exploitation!

Fáilte go hÉirinn

Child pornography and abuse has no borders, no politics, no religion.

Child pornography does not see colour, gender, race nor age.

Child pornography destroys the lives of everyone it touches.

We Listen only to the SILENCE of those children, to all children everywhere and cry out on their behalf.

Help us make that cry even louder, so that our children cannot be ignored in their suffering.

Together we WILL break the silence of ages past.

Join us now and make that difference for all of the children, TODAY and for those of TOMORROW still yet to be born.

My Interests

General enquiries



[353][0]42 6822030

Withheld Tel No's Left hangin'

RACP&A Website

TEAM Éire/Ireland

Séafra MySpace
Project Coordinator/Team member

Sandra MySpace
IT Consultant/Team member

Aingeal MySpace
Administrator/Team member

Beth MySpace
UK-Mentor for RACP&A IE

Our Ethos
Separating online child sex abuse whether it is chat-room grooming, distribution of illegal images or any other form of attack, cannot and should not be separated from offline consequences.

People who prey on children whether for personal pleasure or other illegal gain do it in a way that exploits any possible opportunity. Any response must similarly be all encompassing.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone who cares about the plight of our children and those who help spread the message loud and clear.

"WHO" are we?

Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse is an awareness campaign Group, comprised out of people who want to make heard the silent or silenced topic, of child pornography, child abuse and the exploitation of children.

"WHY" are we doing this?

The original idea came from a group of German students. The mission is to raise awareness of the risk to children online and the risk to children from the evil of paedophiles and paedophilia in whatever context or form it may arise. We want to spread the message that we ALL can do something!

"HOW" do we do this?

We are organising music concerts, primarily within the rock genre, to combine live performances with the strong message that any form of exploitation of children is NOT acceptable. Through the medium of music performed both live and otherwise we reach out to the thousands who want a voice to see reform for our children in the modern world.

"CHARITY" as we never profit.

By donating all our proceeds to children’s charities, they can deploy more resources for the fight against child pornography, childabuse and the exploitation of children! We at no point, ever, profit from any activity founded by RACA.

"HELP" that comes from you guys.

We need YOUR help too! Tell your friends and family about our work and come to our concerts, the more people we can reach, the better!If you have a band and would love to play at one of our concerts, please get in contact with us!

We are looking for people to join our new Team Ireland! So if you feel that you would like to get involved, and join the ever growing family of Rock Against Child Pornography and Abuse, please drop a line to us here at the page, and we will get back to you as soon as we can !

Looking forward to hearing from you My Friends !!!

Help Wanted: Anyone who wants to make a difference for the children! Bands, Venues, Promoters, and every single person who wants to be a voice for those who have none of their own!

!Important Information!

RACP Is a registered and trademarked project and logo.

It cannot be used without permission of the holders of these rights.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

"How You Can Help Raise Awareness"
Many of our friends are asking how best, they may help RACP&A IE, to raise awareness in their commmunity.

Many of our friends have limited time and resource available, therefore feel unable to assist our cause, in a 'tangible' way.

Many of our friends have told us they have placed RACP&A IE 'Banner Logo', on their MySpace profile.

Many of our friends have told us they have placed RACP&A IE in their 'Top Friends', on their MySpace.

Many of our friends have told us they have asked their close friends, to add RACP&A IE to their MySpace profile.

RACP&A Team Ireland would like to thank all their friends for coming up with such great ideas and personal action, that furthers the 'Dynamic' required, to raise awareness of child pornography, abuse and exploitation, throughout the island of Ireland and beyond our borders.

"Here is our banner code below, your action will be very much appreciated"

"The people behind RACP Worldwide".

We are ordinary people, with ordinary lives, who got involved in something that we all believed in completely.

We are the same as every one of you who reads this, parents, step parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, human beings...our common ground is that we all had enough, more than enough, and we want to do something, not just make noises...but actively want to get involved in making changes that will protect our children, all of them.

We demand changes in the law that offer better protection to our children...that simple...or that complex depending on how it is looked at. It needs to start with educating the children, equipping them to be confident enough to be able to report any kind of inappropriate advances , and then of course making sure that reporting procedures are simple and effective.

Internet Service providers should be made responsible and accountable for what goes through their networks, and legislation put in place that forces them to monitor those networks. Filtering and monitoring software should be fitted as standard or supplied free to parents. There should be much harsher punishments in place for convicted paedophiles, and those who create, collect and distribute child pornography.

We intend to lobby government and encourage people to start asking exactly where their present governmental representatives stand on these issues. © 2008 BethUK

Irish ISP Hotline


The term 'Child pornography' used by us to describe the business of producing, for the sale or loan of photographic images, film and video of our CHILDREN has come under 'public' scrutiny on many occasions since the inception of RACP&A Ireland and more generally experienced throughout RACP&A internationally.

Everyone, including ourselves, would prefer the word 'CHILD' and 'PORNOGRAPHY' never be associated and fervently wish those reasons that led to their combination and the term 'Child pornography' did not exist in modern day Ireland.

The contemporary viewpoint of sexual child abuse in Ireland, upholds the traditional belief that only a few 'bad apples' spoil the barrel contained within the myriad religious and social prosecutions awaiting and before the law courts. Therefore affording a negligible effect on the lives of only a small proportion of our children unfortunate enough to have found themselves involved in this profitable and sordid business worldwide.

The abuse of children in our society is not an open question. It does not afford the luxury of debate. It cannot be open to interpretation. If we suppose that child abuse may be right or it may be wrong then we have asked as a society one question too many.

Dialogue on causation of child abusers rather than their effect on the child abused are a waste of public resource and suggest that society is more concerned with the effect upon its international reputation and rather than any hurt, made upon the mind, body and soul of its children in their constitutional care.

Some 27 % of all Irish children have experienced sexual abuse before the age of 17 and 4.15% of all Irish children raped as children.

There are over one million children in Ireland today simple math will tell you the significant amount of children in present day Ireland, affected by those statistics.

It is not until those with the power invested to do so, will these crimes against our humanity, the destruction of the lives, the souls and bodies of our children, be contained in any meaningful way.

When this happens the activities of organisations such as, Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. Ireland, formed solely to raise awareness and put an end to the SILENCE surrounding the issues of child pornography, child abuse and overall exploitation of our children, will desist.

© 2008 Séafra Ó Ceallaigh Project Co-ordinator for RACP&A Ireland

RACP&A Ireland - Rock Against Website

Watch out for details coming soon of a fun competition for our friends to help design a state of the art...RACP&A Ireland - Rock Against Website... graphic designs, ideas for utilities or anything at all, a forum? (with Decorum!), streaming music, videos, interviews & opinions ...maybe you want to advertise your gigs- gigs that will aid us the campaign to raise awareness to protect our the Realtime & Virtual Worlds.

Admission FREE

THE ONLY CHARGE to U for 'promotional' inclusion will be Ur committment to SPREAD THE WORD- wherever or whenever you perform.

More details to follow soon as we hear back from YOU :-)

Thank you for adding your voice to ours, together the call will grow louder...AND WE WILL BREAK THE SILENCE.

Love Séafra, Sandra, Angela & Beth @ Team Ireland

International Tribe...





CROATIA (Hrvatska)







Useful Websites

Barnardo's help children, young people and their families to address the issues they face - together.

Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
The ISPCC works with children, parents and other key partners in ensuring the creation of a society in which all children are loved, nurtured and where child abuse is eradicated.

ScoilNet offers a dedicated online service to pupils, teachers and parents.
Internet safety advice and activities for children

Children at Risk in Ireland, is a foundation providing clinical services to the victims of child sexual abuse

Chat Danger
How to keep children safe in Chat Rooms.

Get Netwise
GetNetWise is a public service brought to you by a wide range of Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations.

Cyber Smart Kids
This site will help you and your family to find out how to be cybersmart and use the Internet safely.

Safe Kids
SafeKids.Com where you'll find tips, advice and suggestions to make your family's online experience fun and productive!

Child Net
Childnet International - the children's Internet charity committed to helping to make the Internet a great and safe place for children.

The European project to coordinate Internet safety awareness

The Internet Content Rating Association

Cultural Links
Radio Canada International

My Blog

Smyth claimed nine-year-old child was trying to lead him on - approximately 100 times.

Jailed: pervert who abused girl aged 9 tried to buy silence with sweets Thursday, 30 October 2008 A pervert newsagent who sexually abused a nine-year-old girl and tried to buy her silence with swee...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 02:25:00 PST

Milestone: 4,000 VIRTUAL friends, reached. Who will your real world VOICE reach TODAY?

Hello my friends, We are living in a time where we are hearing of world crisis one after another, war, terrorism, oil, economy, elections, earthquakes and other natural disasters. All of these affec...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 04:23:00 PST

Reward for finding sex abuse priest Oliver O'Grady offered by Manly, McGuire and Stewart.

Reward for finding sex abuse priest Oliver O'GradyMonday October 27 2008 LAWYERS in the United States are considering offering a reward for information on the whereabouts of defrocked paedophile pr...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 03:28:00 PST

Politicians accuse Religious Leaders of 'procrastination' in Child Protection & Recompense?

Wording of proposed children's referendum set Monday, 19 February, 2007 The Government released its wording for the proposed referendum on children's right in 2007. 1. An acknowledgement by the Sta...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 03:49:00 PST

Calling all Irish Citizens & friends of RACP&A Ireland; please support RACP Canada.

RACPA Ireland continues on the tradition, of cross-cultural relations with a peoples, who are friends in crisis. Two distinct cultures, two distinct languages, under one revolutionary ideal that for...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 03:55:00 PST

Self Promotional 'comment' opportunists & 'commercial' offers of help.

The Team would like to thank ALL those of you who make public comments to aid our silenced children. To thank those friends that fully understand the ethos of this campaign to raise awareness for ...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:39:00 PST

Dublin pensioner with 64 charges of rape & assault on his granddaughter's: Just 7yrs in Gaol.

Man who raped/assaulted granddaughter's gets seven years   Wednesday October 22 2008 A 75-year-old man who raped his then nine-year-old granddaughter in 1994 has been jailed for seven years by M...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 03:53:00 PST

Child molestation in Ireland: Age is no barrier, to the sexual predators of our children.

A 75-year-old grandfather to be sentenced for sexual abuse of granddaughters  Monday October 20 2008 A 75-year-old grandfather who sexually abused two of his granddaughters will be sentenced tom...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 01:40:00 PST

On lowering the Age of Consent: Lots more Lolitas, will be available, in Ireland.

Is a charter for Lolitas really what we want? IN THE late Victorian era, the age of sexual consent in Britain and Ireland was 12 years old. It was only by dint of highly energetic campaigns that the...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 01:31:00 PST

Three raped by 'juvenile peadophile ring' on the streets of Dundalk, Co. Louth Ireland

Dundalk Gardaí investigate sexual assault allegations against boy aged 12 Wednesday October 15 2008 A senior Dundalk Garda spokesperson confirmed that Gardai are engaged in investigating three com...
Posted by Rock Against Child Pornography & Abuse. IRELAND on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 04:21:00 PST