Angie profile picture


Live, Learn, Love and Laugh Actress ............... 44 years old DUBLIN Ireland Last Login: 6/12/200

About Me


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have put in requests during my time here on MySpace.However, I think it is time I mentioned something :
I WILL NOT accept requests whereby the friends’ list pages consist of numerous photos of women in deliberate, provocative dress/poses. I have had to turn down numerous requests because of this very reason and have always sent a personal message out of courtesy to explain why. I find it a complete turn-off and often tacky-looking. It is nothing personal; I just don’t have any interest in having my photo nested in the middle of these kinds of profile photos.
Warm regards
Tracks may cut-out intermittently for a number of seconds...My guess is that it may be due to peak bandwidth usage at any given time.
Various Classical and Soundtracks

Back soon!
Legality issues?
All tracks in MP3 players have been uploaded from my own personal collection of CDs after being converted to mp3 format for use on my profile.

M A L T A: May 07

My Dolphin/Malta Experience,(May 07) is now in blog.
MySpace glitch? If this slide is blank, just re-open profile page and scroll down to it first to activate the slide.
Hi...In brief, I am an actress, (Equity) and a late starter, due to circumstances and to which I shall be explaining in a future blog, along with what I call my Drama CV.
I am finally doing what I have always wanted to do.
I am not looking to have my name in lights and all that jazz.
I am happy to have a little niche, whereby I can just learn my lines, rehearse and perform and continue to learn about this art along the way.
My ethnic background…umm, bit of a mixing pot…I was born in Kensington, London…I also have a blood mixture of Irish, (Mom) and Caribbean, (Dad) and French ancestry, (Dad’s side). My... (Don’t know how many greats’ I am suppose to type here), but great, great, great grandfather is suppose to be Daniel Defoe, (Robinson Crusoe novelist). Funny, my father is of the same name, he often told me with a smile, that this might be where I get my writing abilities. I haven’t written anything in a long time, though. Enough for now.
Hi all….as some of you already know, August and early September was a very busy period with rehearsals and performances for the 'ANNA LIVIA DUBLIN INTERNATIONAL OPERA FESTIVAL 2007' for both: ‘LUCIA’ and ‘The Pearl Fishers', in Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre.
I am delighted to have been a part of this wonderful experience, (my first time performing in an opera/s) and will always treasure the memory of it all.
My favourite opera out of the two; both great, but has to be The Pearl Fishers for the overall colour, setting and liveliness, but most of all, for the wonderful music...I am totally in love with that opera!!
As mentioned, I would like to share this experience by adding a photo slide , a small write-up and various scores from both operas.
However, due to the fact that I am still waiting on a number of press shots that were used for promotional purposes, I have delayed this little project.
I feel the photos in question really tell the stories of both operas in vivid colour, (more so than my few personal photos.
However, I have no control over the length of time I have to wait, but hopefully, they will be available in early oart of 08.
Meanwhile, hope you enjoy the preview slide.

Click on the graphical link, below, to take you to the Anna Livia Web site.

I Love this video so much, I had to enlarge it!!Dolphins... Ambassadors of the sea AND the best surfers, by the way.
Add to My Profile | More Videos
And…though I may ruffle a few feathers…I have always admired the artistic talents of Michael Jackson…As for anything else regarding him…No comment!!
I may not have liked every single song he sang, when he danced, he had the kind of flexibility and rhythm, that, simply put, made it look extra-ordinary. I have been to all of his three concerts here in Ireland and he was truly a great show-man.
A lot of cool guitar going on in the following tracks.
Click below to listen to Various Artists:
Sutana: Alice Russell: St Germain: Chic, etc.
Click below to listen to Various Oldies: Ratpack: Sam Cooke:
Various artists.
Click below to listen to Old Soul: Various artists.

My Interests


Acting: Creative writing: Songs: Instrumentals, (just can't express them through musical instruments...Shame!).... Stories: Poems: Techy stuff: Web Design. Skills/CollegeFormer IT Technician: Hardware/software Microsoft MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional): Microsoft Office User Specialist (Mous)

Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW - Professional in Web Design): Certificate in e-Literacy (ebci): Record of Achievement in - Communications: Spreadsheet Methods: Word Processing: Web Authoring: European Computer Driving License (ECDL) Database/filing systems/Information network services/Presentation and drawing, etc.

Hobbies/InterestsGuitar: Aromatherapy: Yoga: Meditation: Mystical stuff: Psychology: Space Exploration:Dancing,(Especially Tap-dancing): Tennis: Creative writing: DIY- Design/Themes/Use of colours...Creating Anything

Special Effects...Of any kind: Algebra...Because it contains an element of the creative imagination...Key word-- Creative...Ummm! I like.

Member of 'The Attic Studio' (Irish Actors Network --IAN)...A place where Directors, Actors and Writers meet on a weekly basis to network with one another.
IAN is run by Actress and Equity board member, Rachel Rath and Award winning Director, Graham Cantwell.

Other Interests/Loves The sea: The innocence of children: Dolphins.
Interest in being able to mix/blend tunes on deck...Hey! DJ ;)Photography. Tornados; would love to take a year out and go tornado chasing with like-minded others.
The feel of satin sheets, (and nothing more to that) full stop! The sound of birds singing...Divine :)

Though I don't practice it, I have always had an interest in Martial Arts.
I just adore dolphins and ...I finally realised a long-held dream on 16/5/07, when I got to spend some precious time with them...all in slide.

Fundraising/Charity Trocaire Annual 24-hour Fast: Annual ST Lukes Childrens Hospital donation: Christmas Soup-runs for the homeless.

I'd like to meet:

Particularly those of the artistic/creative kind and especially those who have a keen interest in the dramatic arts, be it Theatre or Film...all the one to me, it is the act of acting that I love!!

I would like to dedicate this photo slide to my lovely Niece and Nephew: Bianca and Naphen, who have been involved in the Arts since they were little ones. Welcome to MySpace, you two!
Aunty Angie loves you both, very much!

Photos include the Premier of Neil Jordon's 'Breakfast On Pluto' 2006. Bianca played the role of a young 'Charlie' in the film.
I also had a small feature, (As background artist at the time).

*The John Dawson Improv Troupe* 07

Click on image to enlarge and to release.


Classical: Various soundtracks: Jazz: Soul: Various Reggae: Various music from Paul McCartney, ELO, Supertramp to The Ratpack to Phil Collins; (Love Kate Bush) and a lot of funky 70's disco...I mean as in, ever heard of the 'Whistle Bump' by Deodato? Brings me back to those nights dancing away on the club floors, ahh 'twas' the days of my youth.
I have a wide collection of music, (too much to mention)in many genres.


Various, but sure do love some of those older films, Fred&Ginger, Gene Kelly, etc, strutting their stuff... Great to watch a Broadway musical on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

From a young age, I was the only one out of all the siblings in the family who would sit and enjoy watching them and I knew I wanted to be on the stage, but family circumstances could not allow for it, hence my late start in life :)

Just for the record, there are a few actors whom, I particularly admire, but...Robert De Nero is my (Male) acting hero...and Betty Davies and Jodie Foster are my female acting heroes


Don't watch lots of TV, but when I do, I prefer Discovery Science/National Geographic and similar. And, a good film; like Shawshank Redemption.


Various: But prefer non-fiction.


In our thoughts!

Click on this graphical link, (above) to take you to Crime Stoppers.
For all you MySpacers…
I keep both my music and some graphic files on the following server/s.
I think File DEN provides a great service and even the free account offers a generous amount of space and bandwidth and I would like to show my appreciation by giving them a mention, here.
Click on the graphical link, (below) if interested in checking on what the Web site has to offer.
I would like to dedicate this area to a good cause. Just click on the graphic link I have made, (below) to take you to the Web site.
Save the beautiful seals!!
Click on the graphic link, below for more information.
I would like to dedicate this area to a dear friend, Mario, whose music is just wonderful. Mario is multi-talented in that he creates in other artistic areas, but his ultimate dream is to be able to write film scores...As a job ;)
I do hope something good comes his way with all of this. I have made a graphical link to his profile page (below), just click on it if you would like to listen to Mario’s beautiful music.
I would like to dedicate this area to a very talented AND kind DJ/Producer, Eric Fulton ...Hi Eric :)
For more information on Eric's work , please click on graphical link, below.

I would like to dedicate this area to a very talented artist, Michael Bell.
If you wish to view all of Michael's work, just click on the image link I have created (below), to take you to his offical Web site.
Click on the image link below (then in list, click on 'Radio' and then 'Art' section), to stream Michael's LIVE, weekly radio talk show.
I am totally fascinated with ancient Egypt.
A strange sensing, as if I have been there before!?...'Past life' thing, perhaps?
I have even decorated my bedroom in an Egyptian theme.
I hope to be able to visit the land of the Pharaohs one day.
I L o v e C o I o u r
..Profile Views since MySpace sign-up: 9/15/06

My Blog

Amnesty International: Play: A Footprint of Roses

Hello my cyberspace friend/s...     Up nice and early to get this little project done ...and listning to 'Miss You' (Rolling Stones) on my headphones...Lurvve that song :>)     Oka...
Posted by Angie on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:39:00 PST


  Curriculum Vitae (Drama)   Name: Angela Defoe MackenPhone: ****Email: ****Equity Number: 12881657Playing Range: Mid 20s- mid 30sHeight: 5' 6"Dress size: 8/10 (UK) 6/8 (USA)Shoe size: 5/6H...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:15:00 PST

Check out this video: Dance of the Dolphins

Check out this video: Dance of the DolphinsDescription: Preview of Dance of the Dolphins.. Following a Pod of Dolphins as they play and Dance [mate]....Music by Sha'aban...
Posted by Angie on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 06:01:00 PST

My Malta Experience: May 07

..Malta (May 07) Hi allBack from our 25th Wedding anniversary break in Malta&Back a week today, but been on the go since&However, I finally got around to making a photo slide and letting you know h...
Posted by Angie on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 07:32:00 PST

Homemade Garlic Colslaw with red onion and parsley, coming soon...YUMMY!

Watch this space!
Posted by Angie on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 01:03:00 PST

Homemade Baguette Pizza, coming soon.

Posted by Angie on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:46:00 PST

Homemade Apple Crumble, soon...Divinnne!!

  Will be posting a few recipies and two of my own, soon.  YUMMMY!...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:48:00 PST

Homemade Deep Fried Garlic Mushroom, coming soon...Oh, stop!

Posted by Angie on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:05:00 PST