Hugs Heal™ profile picture

Hugs Heal™


About Me

How Hugs Heal got started:
I've always believed hugs are a very important part of every person's life; whether they get give or receive them; but that thought was always kind of abstract. I didn't have anything specific to attribute it to. Then in October 2007 I was reading an article about a study that was done showing that hugs can actually reduce the risk of heart disease. I remember thinking “Wow, hugs really do heal.” It made me think of all the times in my life that I've been made to feel better by being hugged; and all times I've hugged friends and family members when I thought they needed it. I realized that hugs have a far more profound effect on our lives than most people really appreciate. So, I came up with the "Hugs Heal" idea.
Hugs Heal started out as a simple Myspace account. I sent out some friends requests, half expecting to get some messages back telling me how corny my idea was. I was pleasantly surprised. Instead of messages berating me for my silly idea, I started receiving emails from people telling me how wonderful they thought it was, asking how they could help me spread my message. The Hugs Heal Myspace grew from there and is still growing. It now has thousands of friends connected to it, many of whom contribute stories, pictures, and videos that depict how hugs heal.
The Hugs Heal Online Community is a social network I started in the hopes of bringing people together through hugs and love. It is a place for everyone who believes that hugs have real healing power and who have been helped by love and hugs to survive life's challenges.
I also want to start an in-person club and organize activities like visits to hospitals, passing out sandwiches to the homeless, and protesting Hug Bans in schools. These are just some of the many plans I have for Hugs Heal.
I am only one person running the Hugs Heal Myspace , the Hugs Heal Shop , and now the Hugs Heal Online Community . I need your help to make Hugs Heal grow, expand and touch more people. Please spread the word!

Help me to spread the message that Hugs Heal by placing this banner on your myspace! Please copy the code below and paste it into your "Edit Profile" section.

How I came up with Hugs Heal:
I've always believed Hugs were a very important part of every person's life; whether they get give or recieve them, but that thought was always kind of abstract. I didn't have anything specific to attribute it to. Then not long ago I was reading an article about a study that was done showing that hugs can actually reduce the risk of heart disease. I remember thinking “Wow, hugs really do heal.” I thought that was so incredible and a very important find It made me think of all the times in my life that I've been made to feel better by being hugged; and all times I've hugged friends and family members when I thought they needed it. I realized that hugs have a far more profound effect on our lives than most people really appreciate. So, I came up with the "Hugs Heal" idea.
So far it's just a myspace, online shop, and Online Community; but people have been responding so wonderfully to my message that who knows where it will go.

My Interests

Make sure you visit
The Hugs Heal Shop
! I've had requests for T-shirts and stickers with the Hugs Heal logo on them. Well, here you go! Now you can help spread the message that hugs have real healing power by purchasing clothing with the Hugs Heal logos on them, along with some of my other designs.

A portion of the proceeds from these sales will go toward expanding Hugs Heal in many ways explained in the "About Me" section to the right.

With your help, Hugs Heal has could touch an amazing amount of lives. Please help by purchasing something and passing the word along!

"Just last night I was feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. With Christmas approaching and my not being able to provide my children; I am raising my 3 grandchildren and 1 great nephew; with the things they deserve I was feeling pretty alone. I cried myself to sleep last night and prayed for God to just send me a friend and I woke up this morning to receive a friend request from Hugs Heal and it brought tears to my eyes again, only for a much different reason. I just had to say thank you for what you do and today will be a much better day for me because of you." - Mimi

A study conducted at North Carolina University concluded that hugs increased levels of oxytocin, which reduces blood pressure, which in turn reduces the risk of America's #1 cause of death; Heart Disease

So if you think that hugs are useless,

I'd like to meet:


A Hug That Saved a Life

A huge thank-you hug to MaryLee of San Jose, California for sharing this amazing experience.

This is a time I found out for real a hug can make all the difference! It was many years ago, over 22 about, my family worked in the restaurant business and I became a bartender. I thought to make drinks for clients, but I was always giving them rides home or giving them some inspirational message, like typing up the poem Footprints for them. People who spend a lot time in bars are really very sad.

I was working nights, 6pm- 2am, and one night a man came in and he was very quiet. I tried to chat with him but he said little. I was taught to get customers to meet new people, but he was having none of that. I asked him his name, he said, "It doesn’t matter." The beer he was drinking was 80 cents, he was getting 2 dimes back each time. I could see he was making something with his dimes.

Well, as the night came to a close I went around the other side of the bar to clean up the tables and get ready to close. I put the ashtrays on the bar next to him; he stood to leave and feeling his heavy heart I said, "May I give you a hug?", and said, "This shall pass. Give it a few days." He left and when I went back to the bar to clean his spot I saw that he had made a question mark with his dimes. The week-end passed and I went back to work. Monday night when I went out to the car to go home there was a white rose on my car. I asked everyone and no one knew a thing. This happened for 4 nights in a row then on Friday that man I hugged came in the door with a white rose at closing time. I said, "It was you!"

He told me that night he was going to kill himself and because I tried so hard to talk to him and then asked to hug him and said this will pass in a few days, it reminded him of the bible verse he knew from his childhood. But he said it was the hug, someone caring about him and hugging him that made him change his mind. We cried together. I never saw him again, but from time to time I got a white rose and I send a little prayer to him still after all these years.


Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

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My Blog

The Hugs Heal Online Community is Open!

Wonderful news, my friends! The Hugs Heal Online Community is now open! Please click the banner below and sign up to become a member! Membership is absolutely free, and tons of fun, so why pass it up...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 12:32:00 PST

Hugs Heal Slogan Contest! Win a Prize!

Hi everybody! Here’s the deal. I’m starting to design the Hugs Heal Online Community, but I need your help! I need a great slogan for the community. It can to be no more than a few words ...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:04:00 PST

The "Love Is" Challenge

I find myself inspired once again by an email from a friend. So here is the challenge. Ask your children (or a realtive or friend's child) the following question. "What is love?" I promise you, the an...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

The Three Acts of Kindess Challenge

Hello, my wonderful friends! Today I am issuing you a new challenge. It will cost you nothing but your time (unless you choose otherwise) and I guarantee it will make you feel wonderful. The day after...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 04:07:00 PST

Great News for Hugs Heal!

The new Hugs Heal Shop is open!Help spread the message that Hugs Heal by using or wearing an item bearing the Hugs Heal logo! A portion of the proceeds from these sales will go toward starting a Hugs ...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:53:00 PST

The Best, Worst, and Most Important Moments

Have you ever noticed that most of best, worst, most important moments of your life include a hug? I was 17 years old and the date was March 31, 2005; the day my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. A...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:33:00 PST

Students Suspended for Repeated Hugging - Stop the War on Hugs!

I have just read yet another article about students getting in trouble for hugging. Personally, I find these "Hug Bans" at school absolutely ridiculous, unnecessary, and potentially harmful to America...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 12:20:00 PST

Stop the War on Hugs - Entry 2

After my last blog entry regarding the school rules prohibiting hugs, I was shocked by the response I had.  I've received many comments and messages from people who are totally outraged by these ...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:35:00 PST

Hugs Make Me Feel....

I challenge everyone to tell the world how you feel about hugs by completing one of these sentences: When someone hugs me I feel... When I hug someone else I feel... When I see people huggin...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:05:00 PST

Random Acts of Kindness

I want to remind everyone, including myself, that a simple act of kindness can go a very long way. It seems as though people just forget that they have the ability to help others. Think about it. If y...
Posted by Hugs Heal™ on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:29:00 PST