Saccade are a four piece independent rock outfit who hail from the
northside of Dublin; Donaghmede and Coolock to be precise. The birth
of Saccade is quite a bizzare story and not for the faint of heart. We
were all introduced crazily enough at a tuberware party in the summer
of 2006. After endless hours of tea and bickies, Coronation st.
obsessed discussions and Johnny Logans greatest hits the conversation
swayed to our favourite bands. The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Nirvana,
Massive Attack and Laura Brannagan were but a few who were cited as major influences. Steve our singer has a fond affection for cup a
soups and the odd cup of bovril, Eddie the drummer has a weakness for
german shepards and truffles, Phil the bassist loves wigs and cups of
complan, and Jay our guitarist loves the occasional trip to Barzini
Town to unload a few on the unsuspecting locals.
We have just released our debut Ep "CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE" and we would love the oppurtunity to make a video to our song "WASTIN MY TIME" we have some outrageous and hilarious ideas, and if truth be told we're almost broke (we purchase our beer from LIDL now, bless their cotton socks!). We are completley flexible on the nudity issue. Just tell the camera
person to pack a wide angle long lense. Love and peace, Saccade.