Saccade profile picture



About Me

Saccade are a four piece independent rock outfit who hail from the northside of Dublin; Donaghmede and Coolock to be precise. The birth of Saccade is quite a bizzare story and not for the faint of heart. We were all introduced crazily enough at a tuberware party in the summer of 2006. After endless hours of tea and bickies, Coronation st. obsessed discussions and Johnny Logans greatest hits the conversation swayed to our favourite bands. The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Massive Attack and Laura Brannagan were but a few who were cited as major influences. Steve our singer has a fond affection for cup a soups and the odd cup of bovril, Eddie the drummer has a weakness for german shepards and truffles, Phil the bassist loves wigs and cups of complan, and Jay our guitarist loves the occasional trip to Barzini Town to unload a few on the unsuspecting locals. We have just released our debut Ep "CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE" and we would love the oppurtunity to make a video to our song "WASTIN MY TIME" we have some outrageous and hilarious ideas, and if truth be told we're almost broke (we purchase our beer from LIDL now, bless their cotton socks!). We are completley flexible on the nudity issue. Just tell the camera person to pack a wide angle long lense. Love and peace, Saccade.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/23/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Steve Walker - Vocals and Guitars, Jay Fowler - Guitars and Programming, Phil Deadly - Bass and Backing vocals, Ed Kelly - Drums and Keyboards,
Influences: The Beatles, Nirvana, Pixies, Bob Marley, Jeff Buckely, David Bowie, The Doors, U2, James Brown, The Band, Pink Floyd, Nick Drake, John Martyn, Jimmy Cliff, John Holt, CSS, The Arcade Fire, Talking Heads, Neil Young, PJ Harvey, Grant Lee Buffalo, The Divine Comedy, Blur, The Balaclavas, The Clash, The Nude, Tom Petty, Queens of the Stone age, Radiohead, and so much more......
Sounds Like: Goood Shid!!!

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Saccade News April ’08

Hey All. The year so far....... Just some news on the Saccade front. We have completed our cross country support marathon which was a great experience and bundles of fun. We played with some of Irel...
Posted by Saccade on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 05:59:00 PST

V for Venue Promotions!!

What up?What a night! Played a headline in The Brewery in Monaghan for the good (excellent) people at Venue Promotions. Thanks to all involved!If you've anything to add, here's the place to add it.......
Posted by Saccade on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 05:40:00 PST

Cirrus has been chosen as part of eircom's new music website promotion. It will feature on along with four other tracks from some of Ireland's up-and-coming talen...
Posted by Saccade on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:25:00 PST

Debut Album " Snake Surprise " ready 2 go

We start on Oct 12th and run thru till the 19th for the first leg recording of working title SNAKE SURPRISE our debut  album.. Its goin to be short, sweet but full of meat! Just like Jays ti...
Posted by Saccade on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 01:53:00 PST

Saccade searching for Management!!!!

Hi everyone, We are currently in the process of looking for a new manager and are open to suggestions,recomendations,applications etc..... If you or anyone you know think you're qualifi...
Posted by Saccade on Wed, 23 May 2007 01:11:00 PST

Thanks 2 All the T Shirt Makers!

Fantastic! Playing in Crawdaddy was sweet but to have people there with Saccade on their shirts! Cmon! We were chuffed 2 fuck! Thanks 2 The Greenes (Katie, Alexine, Dannielle, Darren) Peter and Alan D...
Posted by Saccade on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 03:53:00 PST

Back in the Sweatbox again!

Hey all! We are back in the studio again sweating our little balls off! Loads of new tunes with working titles such as' Someway 2 love, Sisters, Nobbledecker,Miracle,She wont(let me in),Snake Surpise...
Posted by Saccade on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 03:38:00 PST

Saccade Ep For sale!! Golden Discs Donaghmede and Tower records

You can now buy our debut six track Ep " Choose your own Adventure" Golden Discs Donaghmede and Tower Records Wicklow St. Its about the same price as a medium Big Mac Meal! Yum! Yum! Thanks one a...
Posted by Saccade on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:36:00 PST

Jay our guitarist cheats death by seconds!

Last fri the 13th our hungry guitarist j was brutally assaulted by his toasted ham and cheese sandwhich! In a desperate and daring move jay was able to apprehend the assailant by covering him in ...
Posted by Saccade on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:29:00 PST