Family,humanitarian, history, inc medieval,ancient cultures,castles & old buildings,victoriana,paranormal,
animals and their well being,Mastiff dog breeds,comedy,all things cosmic,misbehaving. Art,sailing & the sea,nature,gardening,roses,sci fi,feeling proud of my children,freedom, travel,music,playing piano & any other musical instrument I can 'try out',writing comic verses...
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.- Unknown
Some who I would like to have met: Mozart,Princess Diana,Holbein,Joseph Merrick(to hug him)Tom Norman(to slap him)a few highwaymen,a few pirates,Charles Dickens,Shakespeare..
Of those still with us: Bob Dylan,B.B.King..can't think who else really.
Online friends: Genuine people welcome here,from whatever walk of life. I'm East London UK born,though my heritage is part Irish/Czech ~ having been adopted it's always difficult to be certain of knowing everything about your roots. No regrets for taking the journey.. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.â€
I like diversity,people in general,being in contact & knowing what goes on in the 'bigger picture'. Since first becoming a MySpace member & visiting here,I've met some great friends. And to any I've yet to meet...
From Classical,to Rock & Roll & back again...if it sounds good to me I like it ~ I tend to keep an open mind & not refuse to listen to any music
I like the work of Martin Scorsese,Tim Burton (and especially accompanied by the wonderful Danny Elfman scores)Quentin Tarantino,Alfred Hitchcock,David Lean,Stanley Kubrick,Roman Polanski,David Lynch & quite a few more
FILMS: Citizen Kane,Metropolis,2001 A Space Odyssey,The Grapes Of Wrath,Star Wars,Pulp Fiction,Raging Bull,Kind Hearts And Coronets,The Seven Samurai,Withnail And I,A Clockwork Orange,All About Eve,Donnie Darko,The Naked Civil Servant,Life Of Brian...just a few films I've enjoyed watching over the years .
It's never easy to think of everyone/everything at a given time ~ And the same re: ACTORS Robert De Niro,John Hurt,Anthony Hopkins,Judi Dench,Bette Davis,Kevin Spacey,Johnny Depp,Tom Hanks,James Woods (never seen him in a bad film yet)Samuel.L.Jackson ,Alec Guinness,Spencer Tracy,Al Pacino..have to stop here,it would go on & on.
Factual & Documentaries ~ anything involving David Attenborough,Monty Python,Deadwood,various sit coms (mostly old re -runs)few other programmes but not a regular tv viewer. And I have a protest here.. want to see Jerry Sadowitz back on it!
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Unusual ancient or rare ~ old illustrated childrens books: Der Struwwelpeter, Heinrich Hoffman's cautionary rhymes an old time favourite. Lewis Carroll,Charles Dickens,Isaak Asimov,Terry Pratchett,George Orwell, & many more. But I read on a large variety of subjects ~ From Ancient Egypt to botanical ref to re reading Little Megs Children ~ Hesba Stretton(google that one up!) just whatever takes my interest(Though nowdays mainly non fiction of the 'pick up & put down' kind)
And always loved this one ~ Illustration below: Where The Wild Things Are
Heroes? Not for me,though I admire people who triumph against all odds,sacrifice much to help others less fortunate,or are willing to stand up for rights/beliefs against fear of retribution. And those who do or tolerate much but remain in the shadows.. 'silent heroes'