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I can see New Age as going the way of religion...becoming a religion in itself. We can't let that happen because then everything will be ruined. This is because we humans always want to create structure, then we make rules, then we put labels on everything. This can be good...or it can be bad.
The thing I love most is my freedom to be, to exist and express as I let my spirit soar and not be judged, condemned, persecuted or ridiculed. This should be everyone's right, because it's only natural to the human condition and it's just how it ought to be. Somehow though, we can get ourselves caught up in little boxes, and even big boxes. It can be hard to move around or even see out of those boxes, so the best thing is not to end up there in the first place.
If you have to say something bad about someone else, look at yourself first and start there. If we all did this, the world would be a better place where love and friendship would be the answer instead of hate and strife. Is this California' dreamin'? Ha! I'm being funny. This is just LiA giving her absolute opinion and trying to spread the message of Love and Oneness...and while I'm at it, where oh where is Peace? We do have to give it a chance, now don't we. So maybe I'm not being funny after all.
Back to Earth....I appear on a regular radio/TV show every month in California. I've also done other radio shows around California and Seattle, Washington, and TV in New York City and Southern California, where I dwell happily beneath the palm trees, the bright, shiny sun, and the multitude of beautiful people.
My music is now being played at Mystic Age Radio, with songs on the top 10. ALiEn TriBe (me!) is Artist for the month of January.
My own music is the ever present triBe within me and reaches to the past, the future, maybe another realm or even another planet. The sounds and visions flow into my head, and all I can do is attempt to create what I hear. My music is only me and that means I do everything, from the music, drums and vocals, to the complete production and mixing. Hope you enjoy my songs, Feel the Love, We Are Here, and more.
Remember, We Are All One, so please, let's be good to each other and show the love!
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