Here are some wonderful sites you may want to drop by and check out... Our Friends Band Natassidog A SUPER Band 3 Inch Fury My Ghost Hunting Group~ The Mohawk Valley Ghost Hunters Leader Research Ed Unitsky Wonderful Artist Coast To Coast Am
We love all types of music..... SUE'S TASTE- What I play when deejaying and what I personally like are two different things. I am more of a 50's, 70's & 80's Buff. Anything from stuff to make you dance to stuff you bang you head to works for me... ROGER'S TASTE- Once again what he likes and what we play while deejaying are 2 different things. He is more into the 80's rock, and stuff with guitar solos, but pretty much enjoys anything
Sues Taste- Scarey movies & New Age / Enlightment stuff, or paranormal movies dealig with ghosts etcROGER'S TASTE- Scarey movies, some action also
SUE- Einstein & Nikola Tesla ROGER- NONE HE IS DRAB! lololol