politics, painting with acrylics,dancing, writing,,running,photography, skiing, making things with polymer clay,riding my horse Sultan and going to the ocean cottage in the summer.
Did You Know?It is a fact that once upon a time, before modern embalming techniques were developed, people were found on very rare occasions to have been buried alive. It's most likely, however, that 18th and 19th century horror stories involving premature burial were inspired by the medical discovery that victims of suffocation and drowning could be resuscitated — that though they appeared dead, they really weren't. This was a frightening realization for many people.
In any case, so strong was the fear of "precipitate interment" during the 19th century that some of the wealthier folk were known to stipulate in their wills that their coffins be outfitted with signaling devices ... just in case they were still ALIVE!
People who are interested in politics, especially Democrats who are not afraid to voice their opinions and hold politicians accountable.Please no Bush supporters apply! I have had enough propaganda, lies and bullshit from them to last several lifetimes.All (but Dubya supporters) friends are a joy so if you have a good sense of humor that's always a plus. I would love to meet the Clintons, The Edwards, and Howard Dean because I think they are courageous and I admire them. I could go on but I'll leave it there for now.FEEL FREE TO VISIT MY OTHER SITEhttp://msterri2.tripod.com/politicalgem/id13.html
I tend to like new age music as well as old rock N roll. My very favorite song is Unchained Melody.Makes me weak in the knees. : ) I am also now a big Paul Potts (opera singer) fan. Just a fantastic voice. I guess I'm evolving. : )Would you really want to have a beer with the idiot below?
Ghost, Somewhere In Time, Gone With The Wind and anything scary or paranormal.
The Ghost Whisperer,The Medium,Two And A Half Men,How I Met Your Mother, Grey's Anatomy, Bill Maher and the Soap Passions which I am ashamed to say. LoL Tivo is a great thing.
Anything by V.C Andrews,Sylvia Brown books, What Dreams May Come. Just finished The Secret.
Anyone that risks their life for another.Anyone that is kind to animals and children. Good people in general.My Dad and my Uncle Sal are two biggies on the list.From: Your Journey of imagination Paranormal Cosmos
Date: Aug 12, 2007 3:19 PM
Wylde Sabbath Mama ~ Chicago Chapter~S.D.M.F.
Date: Aug 12, 2007 1:17 PM