And add George Clooney and Pierce Bronson to the mix!
I like Betty Boop, as you can see. She was one of my favorite cartoon characters when I was growing up.
What's cooler than Betty Boop Biker Babe!
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The 2008 Presidential candidates. The man or woman that will help heal this nation.
I grew up listening to hard rock and gospel. Hard rock eventually won out. I have mellowed out since then and listen to a variety of music, including Irish tunes and alternative. My sister is a flutist for an Irish band, KNOTT FIBB'N ~ and hey, I get all her CD's for free. Their fourth CD is being released soon! Beth is a really cool musician as well as a sister! You can visit the band's page here:
This is a picture of my Mom on the cover of this CD, MY HEART SAYS GOODBYE. My sister recorded it after our Mother had passed away. It was a tribute to both our parents and exhibits the emotions one goes through after the loss of a loved one.
I like war movies, old and new. Romance movies when I'm in the mood and I always love a good scary movie.
I saw the controvesial movie, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, and well ... it wasn't 'all that.' I truly liked Jake Gyllenhaal better in JARHEAD.
I like a few select sitcoms. Two and Half Men is my favorite. ER, Medium, The Daily Show, HGTV ...
I'm not big into newer fiction. I've read a lot of the VC Andrew series and I do enjoy the classic novels. I think I own a zillion arts and crafts type books. Just call me crafty, pun intended.
Doctors that aren't in it just for the money. You know ... the ones that really want to help people. Jesus Christ and Spider Man, just to name a few.
Okay, Spiderman is a Super Hero. I can't wait to see Part III.
Oh no, he took his hood off!
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