Belle profile picture


Red, White & Boop!

About Me

Okay ... I'm 51 ~ officially over the hill? Nah, life is just starting to get interesting. I've been fortunate to be able to travel and live overseas, visit some cool islands and just 'be me!' I've even owned and operated a restaurant and motel. I still have a long ways to go and many things left to conquer.

Myspace Editor

My Interests

And add George Clooney and Pierce Bronson to the mix!

I like Betty Boop, as you can see. She was one of my favorite cartoon characters when I was growing up.

What's cooler than Betty Boop Biker Babe!

video hosting

Since GW Bush STOLE the 2000 election, I have really taken the time to understand politics better. I miss all that Peace & Prosperty the Clinton & Gore team brought to our nation! We can only hope that Senator Hillary Clinton helps us take back America!

Al Gore, an extremely talented man that was cheated out of his rightful place as President of the USA.
It's all about the PEACE when at all possible. NEVER an unjust war, NEVER AGAIN!

I'd like to meet:

The 2008 Presidential candidates. The man or woman that will help heal this nation.


I grew up listening to hard rock and gospel. Hard rock eventually won out. I have mellowed out since then and listen to a variety of music, including Irish tunes and alternative. My sister is a flutist for an Irish band, KNOTT FIBB'N ~ and hey, I get all her CD's for free. Their fourth CD is being released soon! Beth is a really cool musician as well as a sister! You can visit the band's page here:

This is a picture of my Mom on the cover of this CD, MY HEART SAYS GOODBYE. My sister recorded it after our Mother had passed away. It was a tribute to both our parents and exhibits the emotions one goes through after the loss of a loved one.


I like war movies, old and new. Romance movies when I'm in the mood and I always love a good scary movie.

I saw the controvesial movie, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, and well ... it wasn't 'all that.' I truly liked Jake Gyllenhaal better in JARHEAD.


I like a few select sitcoms. Two and Half Men is my favorite. ER, Medium, The Daily Show, HGTV ...


I'm not big into newer fiction. I've read a lot of the VC Andrew series and I do enjoy the classic novels. I think I own a zillion arts and crafts type books. Just call me crafty, pun intended.


Doctors that aren't in it just for the money. You know ... the ones that really want to help people. Jesus Christ and Spider Man, just to name a few.

Okay, Spiderman is a Super Hero. I can't wait to see Part III.

Oh no, he took his hood off!

Cool Stuff at

My Blog

And life goes on ~

Some truly weird people have read my blog and put the information on the AOL message boards. Fathom that, an Internet weirdo, LOL. They are a dime a dozen. Fruit cakes that have no real lives. So...
Posted by Belle on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 05:25:00 PST

Time in a Bottle

Life can be smooth sailing, and then you get the wind knocked out of you. Things seem difficult at the time, but you know how it goes. And this, too, shall pass. Sebastian, our beloved cocker spaniel...
Posted by Belle on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 01:01:00 PST

Casino Night

A rare but fun night at the Casino. Especially fun when I won $165 on WHEEL of FORTUNE. Just sheer luck, I would never make it a habit. ...
Posted by Belle on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 05:10:00 PST

Ha, Ha, Ha ....

Life is really looking up ::sarcasm:: I was informed by my doctor that I'm the unlucky recepient of the 'bone harvesting' ordeal.    ...
Posted by Belle on Wed, 31 May 2006 02:03:00 PST

Bummer ~

I'm now wearing this 'bone stimulator' belt around my waist for several hours a day. For like .. 6 freaking months. Hopefully, this preventive measure will keep me from having another surgery. ...
Posted by Belle on Wed, 24 May 2006 02:30:00 PST


The Saga of the mysterious back problem was determined today by a Neurosurgeon who did my spinal fusion in 2004. The 'screws' have come loose. Ouch! Lots of decisions to make in the coming week or so...
Posted by Belle on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:52:00 PST

Just chillin

I'm just sitting back and reflecting on the last week  or so. I was so stoked thinking that that a steroid injection in my back was going to be the answer. I was pain free all of 5 days and ...
Posted by Belle on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 07:21:00 PST

Things are looking up

Hope abounds. Today I saw a new doctor at the Spine Center. I may have an alternative versus more back surgery. ...
Posted by Belle on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:06:00 PST