Rock and Roll, blues, soul, no rap ~ Believes in God, knows not who it is, Taoist, pacifist ~ fisherman, dogs, cat, anti-gun, political junkie, simple man, enough love for many more, helper to strangers, not afraid to pick up hitchhikers, food bank donator ~ Loves Levis, Thai food, t-shirts, too old for mosh pits, wears sandles all summer long, insightful, despises greed, SUV’s, excess, selfishness, high fashion, tree killers and people who complain all the time ~ Not afraid of death, Golden Retirevers, When blue... old Stones does the trick ~ Road trips with my wife, never running out of things to talk about, spending time with my adult daughter, fixing the hole that is me ~ Not big on Holidays, Scrooge, materialism ruins Christmas, does not like receiving gifts, enjoys giving ~ my loving wife, selfless with love, money and time ~ stay at home father with Sara Jane (Check pics), best job I’ve ever had ~ feel underserving of second chance given to me by the Great Spirit, spreader of good will ~ daily prayer, meditation and random acts of kindness ~ If you live your life correctly nothing goes unnoticed, what goes around, comes around ~ Karma.