I like:
I wish I could meet my ancient ancestors and my future descendants.
I enjoy most all music, but here's some special favorites:
FrankZappa, RepercussionUnit, SystemOfaDown, Korn, LionelHampton, ChiliPeppers, PearlJam, HerbieHancock, LinkinPark, LintonKwesiJohnson, JimiHendrix, EekAMouse, Creed, Nirvana...
okay, here's a list:
Mirror Mask
Grave of the Fireflies
Eraser Head
Woman In The Dunes
Being John Malkovich
Here's some stuff I like to watch:
MADtv, MostXtremeEliminationChallenge, Simpsons, SixFeetUnder, SpongeBob, MalcmInTheMiddle, LeaveItToBeaver, PowerPuffGirls, CourageTheCowardlyDog,
(original, not the new ones)
And also:
DailyShow, IndependentLens, Nova, NationalGeographicExplorer, UnexplainedMedicalMysteries, TraumaCenter...
(WOW - this list surprises me, cause when the heck do I really have time to watch any of these shows?)
I have a lot of really nice books... but they've gotten all dusty
They kinda fit into cataroies:
cook books/nutrition... philosophy/astrology/spirituality... child rearing/psycology/education... graphic design/art/artists... medical symptoms/health/pet care... general ref. (encycl./atlas/dictionaries/languages)... and of course fictional novels - but I don't read crappy shit...
Courage the Cowardly Dog is so loyal and clever, and resourceful... the ULTIMATE HERO who always saves the day!