My name is eEyore and I'M just like YOU! I work hard for my money and take pride in my work! We have been raised up to believe this was the way to be successful, or also called the AMERICAN DREAM! If you obey the law, study and work hard you WILL succeed. That probably was the truth 40 years ago. Sadly its no longer that way. We are now living in a prison without a fence. Its walls are constructed of Economic Control, Burdensome Laws and Personal Debt. In place of Barb-Wire it has massed an overwhelming number of cops, feds, and military might. There spotlights are invasive laws that allow spying, cameras on street corners and software that red flags anything outside there agenda. As in any Prison they must restrict movement and communication between prisoners. To do this They are banning talk radio and in-acting hate law legislation that targets free speech. Laws like the Real ID Act will make it harder and harder to travel or enter Federal buildings. My Friends the noose is tightening!
space here WHO ARE THE C.F.R??? space here space here
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