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UFO Australia

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The truth is out there,
The web has always been home to the most whacked- out theories, not least of which is the search for extraterrestrial life. But last week, the search for ET took a potentially serious turn when the hallowed halls of the Washington Press Club hosted the launch of the Disclosure Project. Made up of nearly 350 former US military and intelligence personnel, the project not only insists that UFOs exist, but its organisers now want an official inquiry to find out why the evidence of their existence has been kept from the public. UFO technology, they say, could solve the energy crisis and end global warming. The project also wants a complete stop to the "weaponisation" of space. Check out the deadly serious webcast at: www.disclosureproject.org.
Dr. Michio Kaku
The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

My Interests

Created by Crazyprofile.comUFOs remain a key military and intelligence problem – one demanding unprecedented security and deception. Access to information is on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis. In 1960, former CIA director Admiral Hillenkoetter confirmed that, ‘Behind the scenes, highranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.’ The same is still true today.




The United States has several major bases in Australia. The largest is located within about 230 km (143 miles) of the geographical center of the continent, not far to the west of Alice Springs (Northern Territory), in a hidden valley of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface. This 'Top Secret' base is entirely financed by the United States Government, and is officially known as the Joint Defense Research Facility."What exactly is Pine Gap?" As strange as it may seem, even Australian Federal Parliament Members do not know. Among the Cabinet Members, maybe only the Prime Minister and possibly the Defense Minister have any idea of the "defense" operations of the base and it is doubtful if even they know of any UFO connection.No Australian politician has been allowed onto the base ever to my knowledge. Several years ago an Australian Prime Minister swore he would close down the base or at least reveal its reason for operating. Neither happened.The base is staffed almost entirely by US Service personnel and scientists. Barely a handful of Australian people work at the base and it is believed they are not allowed underground. Security is contracted to the same private company that provides security for most US based bases including "AREA 51."The public has been told only that the installation is involved in electronic intelligence gathering, to do with Nuclear testing and missile launches in the Siberia, Asia and Pacific regions. It is also believed that it monitors and communicates with the entire Pacific and Indian ocean submarine fleet.Some reports have it that the depth of the operations beneath Pine Gap exceed 8000 metres. This is reputedly required to house an extremely deep aerial system to contact submerged submarines (and possibly recharge their batteries) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans through ELF broadcasts (ELF: Extra Low Frequency). Such a gigantic antenna could be used to generate a gigantic stationary wave around the Earth.There are unconfirmed reports dating from 2-3 years ago, (about the time AREA 51 was supposed to be transferring its UFO contingent), that locals sometimes saw WHITE DISKS about 30' in diameter, in the process of being unloaded from large US cargo planes at Pine Gap. Those disks supposedly had the USAF emblem on them. It seems likely that disks are assembled and based at Pine Gap.A great many of the local citizens have since had day and night sightings of discs, orange and white balls of light and luminous flying objects. Pine Gap is also well known as one of the most important control centers for spy satellites. An article published in late 1973 claimed that the Pine Gap installation, along with its sister installation in Guam, were used to control the photographic missions of American satellites.It is worth noting that in the period up to around 3 years ago, the base underwent a significant expansion (extra levels were said to be added underground) which coincided with the supposed removal of the UFOs from AREA 51. A period when with the decrease in world tensions, we should have expected the base to reduce in capacity.The base has always been identifiable by the appearance of several large white geodesic domes. It is believed that these obscure equipment required to track space objects in near Earth trajectory's. Some say that the base also has the ability to destroy these objects with beam type weapons.I personally see no reason why the US should transfer its entire (or even a large part of) its "flying disc" research and testing program from AREA 51 to Pine Gap. I do however see connections between the rumours, the sightings at Pine Gap and the unaccounted for expansion of the Australian base. There may be good reason for the expansion and/or duplication of AREA 51 to another location and Pine Gap fits the requirements perfectly.Is UFO tomfoolery near Pine Gap significant?A little over 12 months ago the Alice Springs police had a call from a person who had just sighted a large silver luminous UFO. It was apparently seen hovering and then traversing a large area of sky at a speed greater than the average fighter plane before changing course abruptly.The police traveled outside of town in the general direction of the sighting. They came upon a vehicle parked suspiciously and investigated. They found the vehicle belonged to the Pine Gap security company. Two men there were US citizens and security employees "apparently off duty."They were in the process of making orange garbage bag hot air balloons. These are commonly used by kids trying to create hoax UFO sightings. The original UFO sighting could have been thus explained as a hoax except that the police were in contact with the local UFO group who investigated the original sighting with the witness. Two harmless pranksters? I think not.How did they know there was a genuine sighting in the first place? Why did they decide to recreate the sighting as a hoax? Were they directed to? Why were they driving the company vehicle if they were off duty? It sounds to me like the Base knew about (or was the cause of) the original sighting and wanted to misdirect the public's knowledge of it. Did they detect the original UFO and decide to create the diversion just in case or did they know that the police had received a sighting report? Do they routinely tap police lines?One thing is certain. The Base personnel, and by inference the US Government, knew more about UFOs and their presence than they will admit to.Recent anomalous happening/UFO reporting at Pine Gap:On Tuesday 12 the September 2001: A series of underground rumbles woke nearby residents in the early morning. These noises had been heard over the previous 3 days. Investigation shows no record of seismic activity. Apparently these noises are often heard in this area. The area is also home to many reports of orange light formations (disinformation/hoaxes??) and sightings of larger craft... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

"Remember, UFOs are secret not because people are afraid so much of extraterrestrials, but because UFOs themselves are running off of energy and propulsion systems that would replace the need for oil and gas. So, the secrecy has been mostly out of greed, not out of a [need for] security" - Dr Steven M. Greer, M.D

Thursday, February 01, 2007 Sydney Security officer photographs UFO

Early Sunday evening January 7th 2007 , a security guard at a factory in Baulkham Hills, a north west suburb of Sydney captured a UFO with a digital camera. James ___ has 31 years experience in security work and had been working at this factory site for a number of years. At around 7.40 pm local daylight saving time it was dusk with the diminishing light evident on the horizon. He was in the entrance security office which is situation on the entry road immediately inside the factory gate. The gate was closed. James had looked to the south - the entry gate direction and saw a clear sky. After looking away for about 5 seconds he was surprised to see a "long black thing" in the sky just above the powerlines. It seemed to have a grey halo or cloud around it. As the object seemed to be moving towards his position James grabbed his digital camera - A Pentax Optio 3.3 mp 3x200m Pentax lens - and walked outside the office. He could see that there appeared to be a cloudy light inside the halo moving from end to end across the top surface of the black shape. He got the impression that there was like a heat haze simmering effect. James took one photo. Then suddenly the object seemed to go in reverse, approximately along the light of sight, decreasing in apparent size and within about 3 seconds had disappeared from view.Examining the photo James found that the image had caputured the apparent angular size of the object but had not recorded the halo effect he had observed. He sent some information to some internet UFO sites, and Anthony Clarke of UFO Research (NSW) alerted me to the incident. I was particularly interested because the object had seemingly shown movements witnessed in an event I was investigating from January 26th (details of this later event will be posted on this site shortly). I spoke with James on February 1st and conducted an on site interview with him later that day. The incident is unexplained at this stage of the investigation, and despite his experience with the location and the night sky James is unable to reconcile the strange object with any known source. He gave me permission to put the photo up on my site. The image is copyright to James __ . I have included a lighter copy of the image, a close up of the image (adjusted to enhance some differences that are apparent on the object image), and a drawing James did for on site. Image Copyright James _____ Investigated by Bill Chalker UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC).

At approximately 16:30 p.m. (Central) on Tuesday, November 07, 2006, Federal authorities at O'Hare Airport received a report that approximately a dozen witnesses were observing a small, round disc-shaped object, metallic in appearance, which hovered over Gate C17 at that airport.The object was first spotted by an employee, working on the ramp, who was engaged in "pushing back" Flight 446, departing Chicago for Charlotte, NC.The employee reported to his supervisors that the object appeared to be almost directly above his location at Gate C17, it appeared to be perfectly round, and that its size was approximately equal to a U. S. quarter, held at arm's length. The object had a metallic appearance, according to the first witness, and it appeared to him to be spinning.The first witness apprised the flight crew of Flight 446 of the existence of the object above their aircraft, and we believe both the pilot and copilot were witness to the bizarre object, as well. The witness also contacted his supervisors, who also witnessed the object, which was visible for approximately 2 minutes.At the end of that time, the object was seen to suddenly accelerate straight up at a very rapid pace, and it "shot" through the solid overcast, which was at 1,900 feet at the time. The witness added that the object appeared to leave a "hole" in the clouds, where it had streaked upwards through the overcast.Both the Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration were apprised of the event at the time it was occurring, and FAA personnel in one of the towers at O'Hare may have witnessed the object, probably with binoculars. The FAA apparently reported that the object was not visible on radar, although that fact has not been confirmed at the time of this writing.

UFO sighting over Islington
02 February 2007The mysterious lights in the sky over Archway DOZENS of mysterious lights were spotted hovering in the sky above Archway - spreading panic among residents below.Unidentified flying orange objects stopped traffic and left residents staring skyward in disbelief at around 5.30pm on Thursday.Islington police received four calls within a matter of minutes.Witness Alix McAlister, 34, a market stall trader from Bredgar Road, Archway, said: "I just picked up my son from nursery in Bredgar Road. I had just come out of the door when I noticed what was going on in the sky."There were a group of them - 10 to 15 of them moving together. My first impression was that they reminded me of a squadron of aeroplanes in formation. But they didn't have a proper formation and they were all moving at the same speed."I thought for a while that something was happening in the centre of London. Bombs and planes crossed my mind. But I realised very quickly that they didn't look like any aircraft I'd seen before."They were coming from the north and moving south. And then they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes."Islington police informed Contact International UFO Research about the sightings. Soon after another witness contacted the Oxford-based organisation, which is devoted to solving the mystery of UFOs, and described what he saw.A spokesman for Contact International said: "He told me he was picking his daughter up from school and he saw many people looking up in the air. Traffic had stopped and people were staring."He said he saw between 12 and 15 orange lights travelling across the sky. Then they would stop and then they went upwards.

Greenbank, 13 January 2005, 6.05am I was driving to work at approximately 6.05 Thursday morning with my 18 year old son on Middle Road , Greenbank, in a westerly direction. We were nearly to the start of Tiviot Road when I noticed a bright object reflecting the sun. It seemed to be travelling in an easterly direction at a constant speed. As it did so the sun stopped reflecting off it and I asked my son if he could see any wings or anything. He replied no. The object's shape was circular and it seemed to be metallic in colour. As we drove along Middle Rd the trees on the left side of the road got in the way of us seeing the object. We turned onto Tiviot Rd and could not see where it went. I believe the object was less than one kilometre away and approximately the size of a small plane. I have always been interested in this subject and this was my first sighting of this nature. I am interested in knowing if any other sightings were reported.

Brisbane , 7 February 2005, 10.25pm Facing the north, at about 20 degrees from the vertical, I saw a series of what appeared to be star-size and brightness objects travelling across the sky. They were coming from the north and as they tracked due south they gradually disappeared (dimmed). There were about six points of light. In terms of distance between them, if you consider the stars that make up what is commonly know as the handle of the big saucespan, they were approximately that far apart.They took about five seconds to move a distance of about a quarter of the sky. I have watched hundreds of aircraft on my deck and whilst in the pool; they were so much faster than anything I have ever seen before, including the F111's that occasionally pass overhead. There was absolutely no sound. It was like watching a large satellite, the ones that pass overhead and gradually disappear as they lose reflection from the sun. These things however moved at an enormous speed and there were up to six of them that gradually faded. I tried to get my wife to see them but I wasn't quick enough.They cannot have been low-flying aircraft as they were too fast and I would have heard the roar. If they were high flying aircraft then they shouldn't have been flying that fast. If they were our satellites, then it is the first I have heard of them flying in close formation as a fleet. The distance was too far apart to be a single object at that height.There were no flashing lights and the lights faded as if they were passing away from the reflection of the sun. I am intrigued. I have gone over this event in my head a dozen times trying to find a logic to this in terms of what we have up there that can do that. Do you have any suggestions? I don't doubt what I saw as it was a clear as crystal.

Warner (Strathpine), Wednesday March 2 2005 I live at Warner via Strathpine, Brisbane. I live in an estate in a 2 bedroom villa. We have vacant land at one side and around to the back of the estate with a lot of developing going on.Early this morning, Wednesday 2 March, 2005, at 2am (I checked the time), I was aroused from my sleep. Not sure what had aroused me, I sort of lay there wondering what woke me up when my room was illumined in white light, very bright, like a fluorescent light streaming into my window. I thought at the time that there must be a full moon, so I decided to go to the bathroom. On my return, approaching my side of the bed -- which is closest to the window -- I became glued to the spot, because, as I was looking out of the window to see where the lights were coming from, well knock me over with a feather, there in the vacant block of land was this UFO, and from what I could tell it would have been the size of a normal house. It was making a humming sound, just idling. I'm not sure that it was actually on the ground, but the lights around its centre were the white with a blush of pink, very pretty. The lights around its centre were not moving at all but stationary, and the lights on top were the same colour but flashing like you see when a police car is chasing someone. This is the first UFO I have seen that close and I couldn't believe my eyes. I wasn't scared in actual fact, but a feeling of peace came over me and I shrugged my shoulders and got back into bed. As I laid down I felt a presence, very reassuring and loving. I could feel their hands on me, giving me the feeling that what I saw was correct, and that I wasn't dreaming. When they put their hands on me I promptly went back to sleep. I have had visitations on occasions, and always have marks or prints left on my skin after these visitations. I'm not scared now, I just accept this because it has been happening since I was a little girl.This morning the imprint of that sighting is very strong and I would love to climb over the fence to see if I can see anything disturbed or any imprints. I do have telepathic communications with them, from time to time, and they can be very strong. But I guess this sighting was for me to see, because I feel that whatever I am being prepared for, I need to go through these tests to learn to not fear, and I feel that something important is going on. I don't quite know what that is yet, but I'm sure I will be told when the time comes.

Noosa, Queensland, September 28 2005 Just letting you know that tonight at 6.45pm, we watched a UFO travelling north to south (opposite direction to air-traffic flight path in our area) for about two minutes. It was extremely bright, in fact much brighter than all the stars, and travelling in a fairly straight if wobbly and erratic trajectory towards the south. We often see satellites in the night sky going in that direction, but this was much closer, bigger and brighter than the satellites we see. No coloured lights blinking or anything like that, only one bright ball of white light that stood out 'brilliantly' from everything else in the sky at that time. It reminded me of the type of white light that comes out of a fireworks sparkler.What was really interesting tonight was that a regular north-bound commuter flight we see at that time every night was heading right for the UFO and was on a collision course with it. We both stood holding our breath, then realised both craft seemed to change their altitude slightly (the plane going up and the UFO dropping down) in what looked like an obvious evasive manoeuvre to avoid collision! Shortly after they passed by each other (it still looked very close to us), our UFO friend changed direction and began heading eastward out to sea, before rapidly fading from bright to nothing, and was gone in a just a second or two, as though it had suddenly accelerated rapidly. It is a clear night here tonight, no clouds can be seen anywhere.We saw one do something very similar to this several years ago, and tonight we both commented that it seemed these things almost went out of their way to be seen before they make their rapid departure. To my thinking, the crew of that flight who took what looked to us to be evasive action, cannot have failed to see that UFO... possibly some of the passengers would have seen it also.

1982 Sighting of UFO Following a moving car AustraliaOccupation: musicianInterests: music, ufosSighting Date: UnsureSighting Month: UnsureSighting Year:1982Sighting Time: 11:30PM Eastern Standard TimeSighting Duration: approx 5-10 minsObservation: When our family was travelling north on the Pacific Highway between Raymond Terrace and Karuah (NSW, Australia) late at night, the three of us kids in the back were wide awake. Looking around, I noticed a star becoming larger and larger behind the car. In a matter of seconds this bright light was tailing our car, matching the speed exactly. It appeared as a brilliant blue white ball of light, that was swaying like a pendulum from side to side. Extremely eery, it sat behind the car, pacing us for what seemed like five minutes or so. Without warning, the object then shot up the left hand side of the car, and appeared to be skimming through the treetops, casting a weird glow on the trees as it did. It was totally amazing that it was just pacing our car exactly, staying in line with the rear passenger window. Then in the blink of an eye, it pulled back to it's original position behind the car, and with the same lightening speed shot up to the right hand side, where it stayed for another couple of minutes. The swaying motion was hypnotic and highly unusual. Us kids were begging dad to stop the car, but having discussed it with mum and my siblings over the years, we believe dad was scared out of his wits by it, and that's why he wouldn't stop. Once it had been on the right side of the car for a while, it once more returned to the original position behind the car, and without warning, it managed to vanish by shooting off backwards into the sky, and was gone from sight in under three seconds.Description: Bright blue-white light, very intense and bright. Swaying side to side motion. totally silent.Location: on the Pacific highway between Raymond Terrace and KaruahOther Witnesses: I will gladly supply if needed, suffice to say my mum, brother and sister are all convinced what we saw was not of this earth. My dad still refuses to discuss it.Apparent Size Other: a small Volkswagen sizeActual Size: as aboveAltitude: tree top height, consistentlyObject_Origin: from behind, first appeared as a large star.South east as far as I can tellObject Destination: south eastMoon Visible: no moon, full darkMoon Size Comparison: n/aPlanets Visible: lots of stars, very dark nightWeather Visibility: ClearWeather Temp: ColdWeather Sky: SunnyWeather Wind: CalmViewing Aids: no, unfortunatelyEffects Physical: not that I rememberEffects Psychological: just an incredible sense of wonder and curiosity, excitementEffects Other: noEffects Other Witnesses: I think it totally freaked my dad out to the point where he's kind of blocked it out of his concious mind.Other Experiences: No unfortunately"

Mole Valley River, Queensland, reported November 2005 The following incident may be of interest to you and up until now I have not told anyone except my son, his wife and his son. I sold my farm in the Mole River Valley, about 30 miles from Tenterfield (and Stanthorpe Qld) about three and a half years ago to retire as at age 77 I was feeling my age.Before this it was my habit to sit outside for a while when I knocked off about 8.00pm to enjoy the cool of the evening. One evening as usual I relaxed outside the shearers quarters and being partly colourblind I noticed a "star" going the wrong way from west to east. This star, with a deep golden flash, went directly overhead and started to descend vertically.The lower it came the less flash there was until, when it was really low, I could barely see it. My natural conclusion was it had to be a helicopter, and for some six months I watched it coming the wrong way at about 5.30pm each evening from west to east, then go overhead and descend vertically. I think it was landing in my neighbours place but one day he burnt along our boundary and the next night it came and landed in my place.That night, after having my evening meal as usual, I thought I saw a glow over the rise, or had a feeling of something, but I could see nothing about and am not sure what motivated me to wander over the rise. My neighbours are several miles away and I naturally suspected stock thieves as it was very prevalent in the rough mountain country.On topping the rise I could not as yet see anything wrong. I didn't even have my rifle. Then I saw, about 150 yards, away a bright incandescent glow, not very big. I approached cautiously, but as there was a rocky gully ahead I thought it wiser not to proceed closer as there was as yet no moon. I could clearly see a very bright incandescent glow. On steady study of this glowing object I could see two humanoids standing side by side, examining something they held in the open palm of their hands. Both beings looked as though they may have had wings, as the height of their heads was abnormally close - half way closer to the top of their shoulders and about my height, 5 feet 8 inches.Next I observed a wavy incandescent hose or tube to the right, and following this visually I saw a large cylinder and could recognise a familiar small bunch of saplings standing alone beside an access track going out to the ridge and open country that I used regularly. I estimated the height of the cylinder from the known height of the saplings, between the cylinder and myself, that showed up in relief against the luminescent cylinder. It worked out at approximately 25-30 feet wide and about 50 feet high and had a gradual curved nose.I spent all the next day searching for the spot where the two beings had stood, and although there was bladey grass two feet high where they had been I could not find the slightest crushing of anything. I rang my neighbour across Mole River to come over and have a look because I wanted another witness, but he had not finished work his wife said. Before I could hang up I experienced the loudest racket you could imagine and was then forced to quickly hang up, even though I held the phone at arm's length.

On April 6, 1966, in Westall Australia, more than 200 students and staff from two schools watched as the object landed in a nearby paddock, lifted off and vanished. It was a low-flying, silver/grey shining object, either of classical flying saucer shape or close to it, "a cup turned upside down on a saucer". The UFO appears to have left a circle of scorched grass. On the UFO, everyone seems to agree, Mr Ryan says. It was a low-flying, silver/grey shining object, either of classical flying saucer shape or close to it, "a cup turned upside down on a saucer". The students were familiar with light aircraft because the schools were close to Moorabbin Airport. Although the UFO was of similar size, "everyone said straight away that they knew it was not a plane", Mr Ryan said, nor a weather balloon.


1949: Newcastle, NSWAged 16, Eric B. was riding his bike on one side of town at night. Suddenly there was a blank period and he next was aware of being on the other side of town with no idea of how he had arrived here. He had no apparent injuries. Later, when a barber was cutting his hair a little "V" shaped scar was found on his head for which he could not account. (UFORA hotline. UFORA92203.)

1955: Adelaide, SAA ten year old girl, Janet X, was being treated for a slight nervous disorder. While under hypnosis she spontaneously recounted a story of her interaction with aliens and a flying saucer. Whilst in trance she spoke of being in a saucer with three "men", and of visiting a planet with an advanced society. (1. Chibbett, H. S. W. (1969). "UFOs and Parapsychology." Flying Saucer Review Special Issue 3. pp33-38. 2. Interview between Pony Godic and original investigator Peter Thomas in 1989.)

July 1989: Adelaide, SAA man was lying in bed trying to get to sleep when a low pitched humming noise was heard. His wife, lying alongside him, apparently asleep, said he was not to worry, do as they say. He couldn't work out what she meant, and suddenly found himself paralysed. Next he found himself floating along the hall passageway into the lounge. Entering the lounge he saw his son in the arms of a strange being, one point seven five metres tall, it was of a greenish/white colour. It appeared human-like. Next he recalls lying down in a room. In this room was a non human being. He described it as having an oval shaped head, big black eyes, the shape of eggs. There was no nose, just two holes, and a small slit of a mouth. Then he was floated back and went to sleep in his own bed.Next morning both he and his wife felt very strange. She can recall talking in her sleep, but not the words she used. She says she felt a presence during the night but was not afraid. She has a memory of being on a table with some people looking at her. She felt she had been investigated, then drifted back to her bed. Hypnotic regression of both witnesses confirmed the above details. (UFORA91098 - Keith Basterfield and Peter Jones.)

1991: NSWA 65 year old woman consciously recalls a single abduction at age 63. She was lying awake in bed in a rural setting, when suddenly a being appeared. In a blink of an eye she found herself in a large, blue coloured room. Bright light seemed to be coming through the ceiling. Atmosphere and gravity seemed Earth normal. No unusual odours noted. 4 beings were visible. They were described as 180cm tall. Each had small, oval shaped head, and were intelligent looking. The eyes were almond shaped, tapering upwards at the end. They had a small mouth, thin lips with a small nose. The skin was pale, pearly and soft to touch. On the hands she noticed 4 long, slender fingers but was unsure if there was a thumb or not. The small feet were covered in a "bootie". They wore a jump suit, blue-grey in colour, and there were no zips, markings or insignia on them. When they moved it was very graceful, more like gliding.She was on a transparent, glass-like table, with no sensation of cold or heat. She saw there were a total of 3 tables in the area. A being examined her using thin pencil-like torches, with a light on one end. These were held against different parts of her body.2 of the beings communicated with her telepathically. One was male and the other female. They informed her they meant no harm and told her they would see her again. She has no recollection of leaving the room, but next found herself back in her own bed. (UFOIC.)

7 Aug 1993: Belgrave, VicSix people, three groups, one of three people, a couple, and a single male, in three separate vehicles independently reported their involvement in an highly strange incident. It appears all groups stopped their vehicles to watch a large object descend in a paddock, following which a group of tall entities emerged and approached the three groups. The couple next recall being back in their motor vehicle, and both feeling ill, and that a period of missing time had occurred. Upon reaching home, and before going to bed, one of the women, Kelly noted a red, triangular mark beneath her navel and a small "cut" on her bikini line similar to a laparoscopy marking. This cut seemed only a couple of days old. Later Kelly was hospitalised for unexplained bleeding. Out of the car containing the three people, both women recalled being abducted onboard a UFO, and later finding physical marks on their bodies which were photographed. John Auchettl related finding confirmatory physical evidence at the site of the encounter. (1. Kelly Cahill . 2. John Auchettl. 3. Keith Basterfield.)

24 Jul 1994: 60Km NW of Melbourne, VicGrace was driving the others home when oblong, glowing orange lights were seen parallel to the road. A few moments later a large orange light was noted only twenty metres behind the car. They stopped and got out of the vehicle and looked up to see a large, diamond shaped object, with writing on its tail, close to the ground. A steady, droning sound seemed to come from it. The object went sideways and disappeared behind trees.They went on in the car, pulled into a driveway but were frightened to see a shadowy, human figure. They left the scene. They were followed by a bright orange light, before it finally vanished. On arriving at Grace's house they determined that seventy five minutes of time had been lost. The next day all four suffered nosebleeds and headaches. Victoria was charged with static electricity. All experienced frequent memory lapses. Them women later saw small, bright lights on the wall's of Joy's house.(Woman's Day 26 Dec 1994.)

16 Mar, 1996: Casino, NSWTwo adults reported observing unusual lights and experiencing a period of "missing time" on a tip between Lismore and Grafton. Regression hypnosis revealed their vehicle had been stopped by a UFO, and the family abducted and taken on board where medical examinations were conducted. The family were then returned to their vehicle. A large number of unusual after-effects were noted. (K Basterfield.)

Sep 1979: Jindabyne, NSWTwo young men, out hunting, reported seeing a bright white, spherical, light on the ground some little distance away. Next night it was seen again. In 1983 one of the men began recalling memories of a two hour time lapse on one of those nights. He consciously recalled that they were both surrounded by a blue light as they went near the object. They were floated through a hatch into a grey coloured, rectangular room in the UFO. After being put on two "benches" they were examined by several tall beings. The beings were hairless, grey, and had grey bulges where we have eyes. Slit like mouths and flat noses, with no ears were described. During the examination, and without tearing their clothes, the beings connected "wires" to the men.The reporting man, felt "used" as if a specimen. They were then returned to the original spot where they had been. (1. Moravec, M. (1984). "The Jindabyne Abduction." UFORAN 5(5):6-10. 2. Bill Chalker-retrospective investigation.)

21 Oct 1978: Bass StraitTwenty year old Frederick Valentich disappeared over Bass Strait while flying a Cessna aircraft between Melbourne and King Island. One of the suggestions put forward is that he had been abducted by the occupants of an object which he reported observing just before radio contact was lost with him. Neither he nor the aircraft have ever been located. (World wide coverage.)

DNA Sample From Abduction Case Raises Big QuestionsMystery Blonde Leaves Hair Behind -- But Who Was She?An abduction case from Australia has resulted in what may be the world's first DNA test of abduction-related biological material. The intriguing results raise many questions about the physical nature of abduction and also illustrate the need for more intensive scientific research on this worldwide mystery.The full case report by leading Australian researcher Bill Chalker is published in the Spring 1999 edition of International UFO Reporter, the quarterly journal of the Chicago-based J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). The following summary is published with Chalker's permission and assistance.Peter Khoury, the subject of this case, was born in Lebanon in 1964 and moved to Australia in 1973. There he met his future wife Vivian at school in 1981. Peter and Vivian were married in 1990 and now have two children. They live in Sydney. Peter works in the building trades and has owned his own business in cement rendering.Peter and Vivian had their first UFO experience in February 1988, a simple sighting of unusual moving lights. But in July of that year, Peter had a deeply disturbing, consciously remembered contact experience that, he says, changed his life. While lying on his bed, he felt something grab his ankles. He suddenly felt numb and paralyzed, but remained conscious. Then he noticed three or four small hooded figures alongside the bed. He experienced telepathic communication with one or more of these beings; he was told to relax and not be afraid because "it would be like last time." He then saw that they were about to insert a long needle into the side of his head, whereupon he blacked out.He jolted awake some time later, leaped out of bed and ran into the living room where he found his father and brother apparently dozing. Both he and his brother felt that only 10 minutes had passed since they had last been awake, but they soon realized that an hour or more had passed. The next morning, Peter and Vivian noticed that there was an obvious puncture mark on the side of his head, with a trace of dried blood.At this time, Peter had never heard of alien abduction. His memories were vivid and alarming, but he could find neither answers nor comfort from friends and acquaintances. Then, some months later, he and Vivian drove by a roadside billboard with an image of Whitley Strieber's book "Communion," and they immediately got the book. Peter found numerous details in Strieber's account that matched his own strange experience.Peter's subsequent attempts to connect with local UFO groups and experiencers proved frustrating. Eventually, in April 1993, he resolved to found a new group in Sydney, the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA), dedicated to helping people understand and cope with their unusual encounters. He remains the coordinator of that group today.In July 1992, Peter had the experience that became the focus of this case study. Because the experience had disturbing sexual aspects, Peter was very reticent to talk about it. He first mentioned it to Bill Chalker, one of Australia's leading researchers, in 1996. He showed Chalker that he had recovered an unusual strand of hair from the encounter.At the time, Chalker felt he could not do anything with the physical evidence, but over the next several years, he assembled a group of scientists and forensic investigators willing to work on UFO-related cases. With his "invisible college" associates, Chalker discussed the possibility of doing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA that might be recovered from Peter Khoury's hair sample. In early 1998, these researchers -- now calling themselves the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group -- agreed to do the DNA testing on the hair sample.Chalker points out that "alien" beings are most often described by experiencers as having no visible hair. But one type -- sometimes called "Nordic" -- is described fairly often as having distinctly human-like features including hair, often (though not always) blond in color. A number of well-known abduction cases have involved human-looking beings with hair, including the 1975 abduction reported by Travis Walton in Arizona, and the 1957 Brazilian abduction reported by Antonio Villas Boas. Peter Khoury's case has some similarity to that of Villas Boas, who said he was forced to have sex with an aggressive humanoid female aboard a landed UFO.Khoury told Chalker that his encounter of July 23, 1992 began at 7:30 in the morning while he was in bed. He had recently been injured at work and was taking pain medication. Earlier that morning, he had driven his wife to work, then returned home and went back to bed for a short while. Suddenly, he bolted wide awake and sat up. There were two humanoid females sitting on the bed, both entirely naked.These two women looked human in nearly every way. They had well proportioned adult bodies. One looked somewhat Asian, with straight dark shoulder-length hair and dark eyes. The other looked perhaps Scandinavian, with light-colored ("maybe bluish") eyes and long blond hair that fell half-way down her back. Her hair was especially notable to Peter Khoury. "I had never seen a hair style like that. It was curled something like Farrah Fawcett, but to an extreme... It just looked really exotic in a way," he told Chalker.But Khoury felt that these women were not exactly human. Their faces were somewhat odd -- not unattractive, but too chiseled, with very high cheekbones and eyes that were two or three times larger than normal. Khoury took special notice of the blonde. Her face was too long, he felt. "I have never seen a human looking like that," he said.The blonde, who was sitting in a kneeling position on the bed, seemed to be in charge. Khoury thought she was communicating telepathically with the dark-haired woman, who was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. There was something stiff, almost blank, in the expressions of the women, Khoury thought.Though stunned by the sudden appearance of the women, Khoury had only a few moments to consider how they could possibly have arrived in his bedroom before the blonde reached out with both her hands and cupped the back of his head, drawing his face toward her chest. He resisted. She pulled harder. He kept pulling back. "She was pretty strong," he told Chalker. "She pulled me over and my mouth was basically on her nipple. And I bit."Khoury said he doesn't know why he bit the woman, but even though he felt a small piece of her nipple come away in his teeth, she did not cry out. But "the expression on her face was like, 'this isn't the way.' In a way it was shock or confusion... She looked at the Asian one... and looked at me like, this isn't the way it's supposed to happen. You've done this wrong."Involuntarily, Khoury swallowed the small fragment in his mouth, and it caught in his throat. He went into a coughing fit. Suddenly, the two women simply disappeared.Once he realized the women were gone, he tried to clear his throat by drinking water. It didn't work. Then he had an urge to go to the bathroom. He realized that his penis felt very painful. Standing in the bathroom, he pulled back the foreskin and found two thin blond strands of hair wrapped tightly around. He struggled to unravel the pieces of hair as the pain became an intense burning sensation. Finally he managed to removed the two pieces of hair and immediately put them in a small sealable plastic bag."The reason I did that was because I knew that there was no way, no way at all, that a hair that size and wrapped around the way it was should have been there.... Thinking of these women, the thing in my throat, the hair, something bizarre had just happened." Khoury resolved to keep the hair sample in case it should ever prove useful in shedding light on his experiences.The thing in Khoury's throat stayed there for three days. He coughed constantly. He tried clearing his throat with water, bread, anything he could think of, but nothing helped. On the third day, the feeling in his throat just went away.He did not want to tell his wife how his coughing fit had come about, but two weeks later he decided to tell her. "I was shocked," he told Chalker. "She accepted it better than I did."The pieces of hair, carefully stored away since the encounter, became the subject of the first openly-reported scientific DNA test on a possible abduction-related sample.The blond hairs were extremely thin and almost clear in color. It was determined that the hair was not chemically treated, because if it had been, little or no mitochondrial DNA could have been recovered. However, using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) process, good quality DNA was recovered.For comparison, samples were also taken of Peter Khoury's hair and that of his wife Vivian. DNA was successfully extracted from Peter's hair, but no usable DNA was recovered from Vivian's hair, possibly because of chemical treatment.After thorough testing of the hair samples, the scientists of the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group arrived at a startling conclusion. The thin blond hair, which appeared to have come from a light-skinned caucasian-type woman, could not have come from a normal human of that racial type. Instead, though human, the hair showed five distinctive DNA markers that are characteristic of a rare sub-group of the Chinese Mongoloid racial type. A detailed survey of the literature on variations in mitochondrial DNA, comprising tens of thousands of samples, showed only four other people on record with all five of the distinctive markers in the blond hair. All four were Chinese, with black hair.Mitochondrial DNA is passed only from mother to child and therefore offers a means of tracing ancient ancestry on the mother's side. The findings suggest that all four of the Chinese subjects share a common female ancestor with the blonde woman. But there is no easy explanation for how this could be.Testing for nuclear DNA, if such could be recovered from the blond hair, would be more complex and expensive than the tests run so far, but might show that the lineage of the blonde's father was even stranger than that of her mother. But such testing must await funding that has yet to be found. So far, the members of the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group have financed all their work themselves.Without the blond hair sample, the story told by Peter Khoury is but one more in an almost endless sequence of wrenching, but unprovable, abduction accounts. The hair, however, changes everything. It undeniably exists, and thorough forensic testing shows that it is anomalous. It seems likely that no person with blond hair and an exact DNA match to Khoury's blonde could be found in the city of Sydney, nor on the continent of Australia, nor -- probably -- anywhere in the world.Who then was the being whose blond hair inexplicably became wrapped around Peter Khoury's penis?"Are we dealing with 'humans' from elsewhere, namely those with human DNA, albeit very rare and somewhat anomolous?" asks Bill Chalker. "This case raises all sorts of issues, such as human 'panspermia'" -- the theory that human-like beings may have migrated to Earth in the fairly recent past from elsewhere in the galaxy, perhaps giving rise to the sudden appearance of modern homo sapiens sapiens, a species not directly descended from their immediate predecessors, the Neanderthals."Also, given the Asian mongoloid connection, we looked at the problem of European-like rare Asian types in the past," Chalker says. "The controversial saga of the Taklamakan mummies in remote Western China is turning the early history of China on its head. These mummies include people who are quite tall, some 6 feet or so, and some are blond. I'm not suggesting a connection here, but you can understand this investigation has opened up all sorts of interesting possibilities about the biological nature of some of the beings implicated in abduction cases."These questions will not be easy to answer. But supporting the work of the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group could help. Those able to offer financial assistance are urged to contact Bill Chalker at [email protected] for more information.

AREA 51 is the top secret U.S. Government Air Force research and testing facility at Groom Lake Nevada. Area 51 is also known as Watertown, Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, The Box, Groom Lake, and The Directorate for Development Plans Area. It is a remote tract of land in southern Nevada, owned by the federal government of the United States, containing an air field apparently used for the secret development and testing of new military aircraft. It is famed as the subject of many UFO conspiracy theories. Groom Lake is not a conventional airbase, and frontline units are not normally deployed there. It appears, rather, to be used during the development, test and training phases for new aircraft. Once those aircraft have been accepted by the USAF, operation of that aircraft is generally shifted to a normal air force base. Groom is reported, however, to be the permanent home for a small number of aircraft of Soviet design (obtained by various means). These are reportedly analyzed and used for training purposes. Soviet spy satellites obtained photographs of the Groom Lake area during the height of the Cold War, but these support only modest conclusions about the base. They depict a nondescript base, airstrip, hangars, and so forth, but nothing that supports some of the wilder claims about underground facilities. Later commercial satellite images show that the base has grown, but remains superficially unexceptional. Defense contractor EG&G maintains a private terminal at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. A number of unmarked aircraft operate daily shuttle services from McCarran to sites operated by EG&G in the extensive federally controlled lands in southern Nevada. These aircraft reportedly use JANET radio call signs (e.g., "JANET 6"), said to be an acronym for "Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation" or (perhaps as a joke) "Just Another Non-Existent Terminal". EG&G advertises in the Las Vegas press for experienced airline pilots, saying applicants must be eligible for government security clearance and that successful applicants can expect to always overnight at Las Vegas. These aircraft, painted white with red trim (the livery of now defunct Western Airlines), include Boeing 737s and several smaller executive jets. Their tail numbers are registered to several unexceptional civil aircraft leasing corporations. They are reported to shuttle to Groom, Tonopah Test Range, to other locations in the NAFR and NTS, and reportedly to Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake. Observers counting departures and cars in the private EG&G parking lot at McCarran estimate several thousand people commute on JANET each day. A bus runs a commuter service along Groom Lake Road, catering to a small number of employees living in several small desert communities beyond the NTS boundary (although it is not clear whether these workers are employed at Groom or at other facilities in the NTS). The bus drives down Groom Lake Road and stops at Crystal Springs, Ash Springs, and Alamo. Its secretive nature and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a centerpiece of modern UFO and conspiracy theory folklore. Some of the unconventional activities claimed to be underway at Area 51 include: The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology. Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials, the development of exotic forms of energy for SDI weapons, means of weather control, and activities related to a supposed shadowy world government are all rumors surrounding Area 51. Many of theories concern underground facilities at Groom or at nearby Papoose Mountain, and include claims of a transcontinental underground railroad system, a disappearing airstrip (nicknamed the "Cheshire Airstrip", after Lewis Carroll's Cheshire cat) which briefly appears when water is sprayed onto its camouflaged asphalt, and engineering based on alien technology. In 1989 Bob Lazar claimed that he had worked at a facility at Papoose Mountain (which he called S-4) on such a U.S. Government flying saucer.The Bob Lazar Story Slender and bespectacled, with the bookish air about him, Bob Lazar certainly looks the part. In fact, he is a young scientist who has worked on our government's most highly classified project, Galileo, which involves back engineering alien technology. His employment as a Majestic 12 scientist required a clearance 38 levels above q. Since going public and telling of his work as a theoretical physicist at Area S-4 in the Nevada Test Site, he has had his life threatened and he has been shot at. Operatives have also erased hospital birth records, college transcripts and employment records, including those of his employment with Los Alamos National Laboratories and through EG&G. Evidence supporting his claims is considerable. Bob claimed to have worked at Los Alamos National Laboratories. The FBI is still dragging its feet in investigating his employment there, even though Nevada Congressman James Bilbray asked it to be investigated over two years ago. Evidently, FBI agents are still scratching their heads, wondering how to both deny his employment at Los Alamos and explain why his name is in an old telephone directory of Los Alamos scientists. That article in a July, 1982 edition of the Los Alamos Monitor, which shows a picture of Bob by a jet car and refers to his employment as a scientist with Los Alamos, is also hard to explain. The two-dozen odd Los Alamos employees who told KLAS TV's George Knapp they remember Bob are also a pesky problem for the FBI. The W-2 form Naval Intelligence mailed Bob is hard to explain as well. On several local Las Vegas radio shows and on Chuck Harder's national "For the People" radio show, Bob has answered questions about the propulsion system of flying saucers, or discs as our government calls them. According to documents Bob read at S-4, discs fly by amplifying gravity waves. Gravity is actually two waves, identified as gravity A and gravity B. Gravity A is at the atomic level. That is, the wave does not go beyond the molecular level except in element 115. The propulsion system is an antimatter reactor. In the disc Bob crawled inside, the reactor was a sphere, about the size of a medicine ball. The top half of it was visible in the middle of the floor. Fuel for the reactor is element 115, ununpentium. On a periodic table, ununpentium would be listed as UUP. It has 156 neutrons, and it is a super heavy metal. When it is bombarded with protons, it becomes element 116, an element that has very unusual properties. That is, when it comes into contact with any element, there is almost a 100% conversion of matter into energy. The fuel pellet aliens use is about the size of a fifty-cent piece, and it weighs about 223 grams. Supporting the claim that ununpentium is a stable element, Bob notes, "...in that heavy ion research facility in Germany, they just discovered that in their dabbling in transmuting elements, and as we got higher up on the periodic chart their half lives got shorter and shorter. Well, for the first time they came up with element 109, I think, and the half life became longer, and they are seriously considering that this may be a trend and that it may lead up to a stable element. And they theorize that it would be in the 115 area. And, in fact, this is true, and this is what this element is; it is essentially stable." The wave that is produced from that matter-antimatter reaction is present on the spherical reactor. Attached to the reactor is a transparent wave guide which is tuned in such a manner that it provides an easy path for the wave to take. It takes less effort for the wave to travel up the wave guide than go elsewhere. The bottom of the tapered wave guide touches the top of the reactor, while the top of the wave guide extends to the ceiling. Electric power is produced in thermoelectric generators located at the bottom of the reactor. The generators are virtually 100% efficient. The gravity amplifiers themselves are three hollow tubes about two feet in diameter and four feet long. They are arranged in a triangular configuration at the bottom of the disc. The reactor itself is centered between the three amplifiers because the wave is also present at the bottom of the reactor. The reactor acts as a transmitter, similar to a Tesla Coil, in that each amplifier is independently turned to function as an amplifying receiver. Gravity waves have amplitude, wavelength and frequency, just like any other wave. As the amplitude is increased, gravitational waves bend space around the disc. Each of the three gravity amplifiers produces its own gravitational wave, and, depending on how the gravity amplifiers are oriented, gravity waves can be focused on a point or spread out. On gimbols, each amplifier can operate independently. The waves are phase shifted, which changes the wave's orientation and plane from zero to 180 degrees, thereby changing the attraction or repulsion of the wave. When a disc operates on only one amplifier, standing on a pedestal of gravity, it is said to operate in an omicron configuration. In this configuration, the other two amplifiers are freed for other uses, such as picking up cattle or Ed Walters. In the delta configuration, discs operate on all three amplifiers. This configuration is used in space for long distance travel. In space, a disc tilts over on its back so that the gravitational amplifiers focus on where the disc is going, and the propulsion system is powered up, amplifying gravitational waves that are out of phase with earth's gravity. The amplified gravitational waves distort time and space, or "spacetime" as it is referred to in the documents. That gravity distorts time is known in current physics. For example, if you and friend have atomic clocks synchronized to each other and your friend climbs a mountain or goes up in an airplane, the clocks will be out of sync when your friend returns (your clock is closer to the center of the earth). That gravity distorts or warps space is also currently accepted. That is why astronomers at certain positions during an eclipse can see stars that are directly behind the sun (the sun's gravity causes the star's light to bend around the sun). In short, the disc warps spacetime, attaches itself to the warp and snaps back. Imagine a thin sheet of rubber stretched out (this represents space). Now, put a ball bearing on the sheet (this represents the disc) Now, with your fingers under the sheet, pinch the rubber at a point some distance from the ball bearing keeping the rubber pinched, move the pinch to the ball bearing. As you bring the pinch back to its original position, the ball bearing will follow. This is an analogy of what happens. On the nine discs, each different, kept in interconnecting hangers, Bob had hands-on experience with one he dubbed the "sports model" because of its sleek appearance. It was over 35 feet in diameter. Before he worked on it, he was shown a short demonstration of its ascending, moving to the left, then to the right, and then alighting. Before ascending, the disc briefly gave off a corona discharge, a sound like high-voltage electricity, and then it was completely silent, its bottom glowing blue. The hissing and glowing are by-products of the tremendous electromagnetic pulses generated from the craft. Inside the "sports model", Bob saw a console and children-sized chairs. There were no 90 degree angles inside, and everything appeared softly rounded. According to the documents, the aliens are identified as being from Zeta 2 Reticuli, the second star of a binary system in the constellation Reticulum. (You can read more about the Zeta 2 Reticuli folklore in "Meet the Aliens", right here at UFO Folklore !) They come from the fourth planet out. Although it is about 37 light years from Zeta 2 Reticuli to Earth, discs take very little time to cover the distance because discs do not travel in a linear mode. (Speed is defined as a distance divided by time. And since discs operate by warping time itself and space itself, a more complicated formula that s+d/t is needed to describe what happens). It's not so much that discs break Einstein's famous rule that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light; it's more accurate that discs get around the rule altogether. Recall that Einstein died trying to understand gravity. According to Bob, gravity propagates instantly. When traveling at relatively slow speeds near a planet, discs again use gravity, but in a different way. This time discs balance on gravity waves and "fall" in the direction they want to go. Although discs are more unstable in this mode, they still can perform maneuvers that are beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft, such as making 90 degree turns on a dime or accelerating rapidly. Those inside the discs experience no G forces during these maneuvers.



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Major UFO Incidents
:-The Roswell Incident, NM, USA, 1947-Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1967-The Black Triangle,Belgium-Betty and Barney Hill, NH, USA, 1961-Aurora, Texas, USA, 1897 -Phoenix Lights, Arizona, USA, 1997