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The Truth Is Out There, And I'm Here To Reveal It!USO's
About a year ago as I was flipping through the channels, I found on the History Channel they were showing a few episodes of the history of UFO's. But one episode later on was about USO's. I never heard of this, it is new to me. Ever since then, I have been facinated with USO's. Anyhow, I left it there for a bit and learned alot of interesting facts.
One thing is that Christopher Columbus himself had an encounter with a USO. To start off, a USO is an ( Unidentified Submerged Object ). Well, he stated in a journal he kept that he saw an object underneath the water then come up and hover out in front of the ship. He stated that it looked like " It had flickering candels around it ". He obviously wasn't to tell his shipmates or they would have surely thrown him in the brig thinking he had gone crazy. Approximately 4 hours later they discovered America.
Another thing that caught my attention was a sighting by Alexander The Great. He stated that " They looked like sheilds in battle ". He went on later to explain that they were in the air then shot with great speed down into the lake. He later then went on to make possibly the first submarine. Other people believed this was only to capture the one empire he hadn't yet, Atlantis.
Could this beings possibly be the first Earthlings? Could we maybe be the offspring of these people. It would have taken thousands of years for any species to develop that kind of technology. Well before man was ever on Earth morethan likely. So for the non believers, is this proof enough that we are not alone on this not so lonely planet? That there are others who visit us? Or possibly...Live amongst us.
There may well be some truth in these claims. The Stealth Bomber is one case in point, and secret aircraft must surely account for a percentage of UFO sightings, even if this percentage is not so great as we are being asked to believe! Obviously though it makes for a ready made excuse for a put-down that becomes difficult to deny! That's partly why historical sightings are s important. No chance here of triangular objects being explained as the latest secret aircraft - not that is unless they also perfected the art of time travel.
The truth is this planet has always been visited by strange craft, and it is the consistency of these reports, and the descriptions given that make the whole UFO mystery so beguiling!
Since the very earliest times these sightings have captivated the minds of all those privileged to see them. Cave art depiction's of saucer like craft, and other flying objects of unknown identity, plainly show this is no new phenomenon! The caves of Altamira in Spain, La Pasiega, Niaux, and Les Trois Freres in France all feature curious hub-like objects, that look impressively like modern day drawings of UFO sightings! At Niaux the drawings feature a saucer like object with what looks like a vapour trail following on behind it! In his book "Beyond Earth" author Ralph Blum comments that in the caves at Ussat in France, "an object remarkably like our Lunar Module, complete with ladder and antennas, stands on four crane legs, and beneath it as though to give the scale is an erect human figure."
In our feature entitled The Culture Bearers ancient societies believed they had received their wisdom and knowledge from intelligent beings who had come from the skies. Indian mythology is especially rich with these accounts of what they termed Vimanas - flying chariots - capable of unleashing fearful weapons with "the power of all the universe"!
The Roman writer Livy tells of a "flying altar" that once appeared in the sky, and the historian Pliny the Elder speaks of peculiar lights which he called "suns of the night"! In his epic work Historia Francorum, 584 AD, the Bishop of Tours in France, is perplexed by curious "domes and golden globes that raced across the sky". Two centuries later in AD 779, Agobard, the Archbishop of Lyon made written reference to celestial region that people of the day had come to know as Mangonia! This was a place where strange ships sailed to in the clouds carrying away amongst other things "those fruits of the earth which are destroyed by hail and tempests".
Although the Archbishop was outwardly contemptuous of the whole story, calling it a great "stupidity" he nonetheless gives an extensive report of the subject! He even talks of an abductee account, of three men and a woman about to be stoned, having "fallen from these same ships"! The four claimed to have been carried away by miraculous men who showed them marvels and wonders, and upon their return were told to tell of the majesty they had seen! Unfortunately what they had to say was taken as sure proof of them having consorted with the devil, for which they would no doubt have died. Happily for them however, the Archbishop persuaded all concerned that the entire episode was just an illusion, and that what they had seen was clearly impossible! In his words "truth prevailed", and their lives were spared!
In Japan in 1271, the appearance of a bright object in the sky at the planned execution of the well known priest Nichiren, led to general panic! The event was interpreted as an unfavourable omen and the lucky priest was allowed to go free!
Interestingly enough, a full eight centuries before the term "flying saucers" was made popular, contemporary accounts from Japan in the 11th century speak of "earthenware vessels" of astonishing luminosity flying through the air!
The Japanese are also credited with having undertaken the first organised inquiry into the UFO phenomenon which they viewed with considerable alarm. The Japanese believed that the appearance of these objects heralded the coming of serious events and disasters! In 1235 therefore, General Yoritsume ordered a scientific investigation of these bizarre sightings! He and his men had watched mysterious lights swirling around their encampment and were desperate for answers! However the operation Blue Book of its day ended with a rather less than scientific answer! The cause of these lights? "It is only the wind making the stars sway"!
The wind must have been blowing amazingly hard in Japan because throughout the Middle Ages "curious signs", and "flying wheels" together with yet more "earthenware vessels" continued to strike fear and dread into the hearts of the populace!
In the Middle Ages belief in extraterrestrials bought you a quick ticket to burn at the stake! The sixteenth century scientist Giordano Bruno met with just such a fate with his apparently innocent suggestion that: "There are also countless earth's turning around their suns, neither worse nor less inhabited than our globe!"
Understandably people were rather less than eager to report strange aerial phenomenon lest they too be carted off to the stake! Even so UFO's continued to be reported in the sort of language that left no doubt as to their devilish origins! It was probably in this way that "witches on broom sticks" became a popular and accepted manner of describing these curiosities!
Nor were the clergy at all immune to these sightings! In 1254, monks at St Albans in Hertfordshire were treated to the sight of a "kind of a ship, large, elegantly shaped and well equipped, and of a marvellous colour!" Nearly forty years later in 1290 monks at Byland Abbey in Yorkshire are said to have seen strange round discs in the sky! The Anglo Saxon Chronicles of AD 793, tell of "fiery dragons seen flying through the air"!
From Tubingen in Germany the year 1577 brought a baffling manifestation of weird black hats that were seen in the heavens! A publication of that time remarks: "Out of these clouds have come forth reverberations resembling large, tall and wide hats, and the earth showed itself yellow and bloody and seemed to be covered with hats, tall and wide, which appeared in various colours such as red, blue, green, and most in black!" Of course in outline, especially when seen in silhouette hats are not too different from saucers or "earthenware vessels". In other words the modern day UFO's that have challenged man's imagination through countless generations!
These aerial perplexities became the preoccupation of several great thinkers! Paracelsus, the great alchemical genius of the 15th century felt particularly attracted to the subject! A popular notion of the day was to see the explanation in terms of elemental beings occupying a plane of existence between man and the angels.
The ancient Greeks looked on these beings as the "daimonas", from where we derive our own word demon! To the Hebrews they were the Sadaim! According to an old French book entitled A Treatise of The Secret Sciences, " these demons were held to be an Aerial Race, ruling over the Elements, mortal, engendering, and unknown in this century to those who rarely seek Truth in her ancient dwelling place, which is to say the Cabala and in the theology of the Hebrews, who possessed the special art of holding communion with that Aerial People and of conversing with all these Inhabitants of the Air".
Paracelsus wrote a complete manuscript on the subject but thought it hazardous to make contact with these beings! In his book "Why These Things Appear to Us" he wrote: "Everything God creates manifests itself to Man sooner or later..... Thus these beings appear to us, not in order to stay among us, but in order for us to become able to understand them"!
The well known mathematician Jerome Cardan (1501-1576) wrote of a peculiar incident his father often talked about! Apparently he had once been confronted by strange beings wearing clothing resembling ancient Greek togas! In all there were seven of these beings, "about forty years of age"! According to Cardan "their lives were much longer than ours, and might even reach to three hundred years duration." These men seemed to have great knowledge and wisdom but were reluctant to share it. Writes Cardan: " When my father asked them why they did not reveal treasures to men..... they answered that it was forbidden by a peculiar law under the heaviest penalties for anyone to communicate this knowledge to men."
Today professional astronomers would surely think twice about reporting strange objects in the sky but in 1882 attitudes were not quite so stuffy! In the autumn of that year Greenwich astronomer Walter Maunder was looking out across London from Greenwich Observatory when he became aware of a strange circular disc. Maunder later published an account of his sighting in "The Observatory" magazine, which was in response to a request by the Royal Astronomical Society to name the most remarkable thing he had ever seen in his long career.
According to Maunder: "A great circular disc of greenish light suddenly appeared down in the East-North-East.... and moved across the sky as smoothly and steadily as the sun, moon, stars and the planets move, but nearly a thousand times as quickly!" Maunder explained that the circularity of its shape was simply the effect of foreshortening and that later the object became " that of a very elongated ellipse.."
In 1783, the scientist Tiberius Cavallo was a witness to a sighting that also stunned Royal guests at a celebration to mark the birth of the 15th son of King George 111 and Queen Charlotte! A luminous object appeared from beneath a cloud and soon became brilliantly lit before coming to a halt. According To Cavallo"s account of the incident: "This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour, but its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east." Even though the sun was shining the object is said to have lit up everything on the ground and eventually disappeared with a terrific explosion!
In the summer of 1881 while cruising in the waters off eastern Australia, the two sons of the Prince of Wales were thrilled to see a large flying object! In their book "The Cruise of the Baccante", they described what they'd seen as "a fully illuminated ship"! (of the sky)
In September 1768 the German poet, dramatist, author and scientist Johann Goethe was himself a witness to a strange luminous object. He was journeying from Frankfurt to Leipzig by stagecoach. At one point the rough uphill track was so treacherous from mud and rain that the passengers were forced to alight and follow on behind! It was then that Goethe suddenly became aware of lights in the ravine below them. Writes Goethe: All of a sudden, in a ravine on the right hand side of the track, I saw a sort of amphitheatre, wonderfully illuminated. In a funnel-shaped space there were innumerable little lights shining, ranged step- fashion over one another; and they shone so brilliantly that the eye was dazzled. But the sight was even more confusing because these objects did not keep still, but jumped about here and there, as well as downwards from above!"
With no parallel experience to form a comparison Goethe concluded: "Now whether this was a tumult of will-o'-the-wisps, or a company of luminous creatures I will not decide."
A UFO or Unidentified Flying Object is any real or apparent flying object which cannot be identified by the observer and which remains unidentified after investigation.
Sightings of unusual aerial phenomena date back to ancient times, but reports of UFO sightings started becoming more common after the first widely publicized U.S. sighting in 1947. Many tens of thousands of such claimed observations have since been reported worldwide, and it is very likely many more go unreported due to fear of public ridicule because of the social stigma created around the UFO topic.
In popular culture throughout the world, UFO is commonly used to refer to any hypothetical alien spacecraft but the term flying saucer is also regularly used. Once a UFO is identified as a known object (for example an aircraft or weather balloon), it ceases to be a UFO and becomes an identified object. In such cases it is inaccurate to continue to use the acronym UFO to describe the object.
UFO Cornerstone: If anyone mentions the word UFO, somewhere in the conversation Roswell will come up. Just as the Hill Abduction Case is used to judge alien abduction reports, Roswell is the bread and butter of Ufology. This one case will keep Ufology going, even through its darkest days. The case is never over, there is never an end to the witness lists, and the discussion goes on and on. Roswell is the very heart of the study of UFOs. This distinction is very well earned.
Quick Death: When the first reports of a crashed alien craft reached the general public, many felt that the long awaited proof of extraterrestrial intelligence had come. The news spread world wide when the Air Force announced that they had a flying saucer in their possession. But hopes were soon dashed, as a second news flash proclaimed that it was nothing more than a weather balloon. The general public felt differently then-they believed anything they were told by officials of our government. This innocent obedience would not work a second time.
The Resurrection: Yet, the enormous public interest in the case would be revitalized. After an almost 30 year absence from study, the Roswell case would again take its rightful place in 1976, and since then, it has been as popular as any other case study. Thanks be to Ufologists William Moore, and Stanton R. Friedman, who were studying notes from an interview that Friedman had conducted. The interview was with Jesse Marcel Sr. Intelligence Officer at Roswell Air Force Base, and Lydia Sleppy, who was employed at radio station KOAT at the time of the Roswell crash.
A Lone Rancher: During the first week of July, 1947 sheep rancher William W. "Mac" Brazel was making his rounds of the Foster Ranch, located near Corona. Brazel served as foreman of the facility. Brazel lived on the ranch in a farm house, although his wife and children lived in Tularosa, to receive better schooling for this children. Brazel would become a major figure in the Roswell case, although he never desired the attention it sent his way.
Debris Found: Brazel, home for the night, was listening to a roaring thunderstorm, not uncommon for his location, but this night it seemed worse than ever. He thought that maybe he had heard an explosion. The next morning, he was out again, checking the livestock, and riding fences for any breaks. A seven-year-old neighbor boy was with him. Riding into an open field, the two horsemen noticed a large area filled with some type of debris or wreckage. The wreckage was tiny pieces of shiny, metallic material. This material was unfamiliar to the rancher.
Marcell Notified of Debris: Brazel collected some of the unknown debris, and showed it George Wilcox, of the Chaves County Sheriff's Office. At first, Wilcox thought little of the material, until he began to handle it. It was not like anything he had seen before. Wilcox was concerned enough to call Roswell Army Air Field. He talked to Major Jesse A. Marcel, and explained the situation of the discovery of the material at the Foster ranch. Marcell left the base to come to Roswell and see the material.
Marcell's Findings: After interviewing Brazel, Marcell was on the way to the debris field, accompanied by Army Counter Intelligence Corps officer Sheridan Cavitt and Brazel. Marcell related the events of the search through the debris in his own words:
"When we arrived at the crash site, it was amazing to see the vast amount of area it covered... it scattered over an area of about three quarters of a mile long, I would say, and fairly wide, several hundred feet wide. It was definitely not a weather or tracking device, nor was it any sort of plane or missile."
Headlines Claim "Flying Saucer" Found: Marcel examined the strange material, and even took some of it home with him. He informed Air Force officials of what he had seen, and Colonel Blanchard gave an order to Colonel Walter Haut, instructing him to inform the media that the Air Force had in its possession a "crashed saucer." Haut claimed that the saucer debris was sent to the 8th Air Force, under the leadership of General Ramey in Ft. Worth, Texas. Meanwhile, the famous newspaper headlines were released:
"RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region."The shocking admission would soon be retracted, and the flying saucer became a weather balloon.
The Military's Actions: Soon, rumors were running rampant at the base, and word was beginning to filter into Roswell about dead alien bodies. Although the military had secured the site of the crash, and supposedly removed every bit of debris, there is never 100% silent obedience for an event this dramatic. Any reasonable person will wonder that if the debris came from a weather balloon, why the secrecy? Front page photographs of so-called weather balloon debris would later be disputed by Marcel as not being the same material he brought to the base.
The Story That Will Not Die: Although the theories about Roswell are composed of many conflicting accounts, some facts are clear. Something important crashed near Corona-important enough that witnesses were threatened if they revealed what they saw. There are too many witnesses who claim to have seen the alien bodies. There is adequate evidence to assume that autopsies were done on at least one alien body, and probably more.
Numerous times, the Air Force has been adamant that there is nothing to the crash, but too many times witnesses have come forward with first hand knowledge of a crashed UFO, dead alien bodies, and a military cover-up.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4