I'm a Truth Seeker...i will find the truth wherever it is, regardless of the subject.
I have no shame !
I'm not religious...but i am spiritual
I don't believe in the religious "god", but i know that something Peaceful & Loving created our "reality"
Some people call it The Creation, The Most High, Mother Nature or else
I'm on a journey, a quest for knowledge
Something is really WRONG with our socities...i want to know why, and how i can change it
I understand that there are forces of evil plotting against us
Weakening our families, neighbours and friends
Using mass media as iron of spear
But unfortunately for them...the people have already begun to awake
If you get a "We're sorry, this videos is no longer available" just copy the url of the video from the small menu on the right of the video's window, and paste it in you browser, 9 out of 10 it will work !
No Sen. Obama
- iran has signed the Non-proliferation treaty and submited itself to the IAEA, so by law has the absolute RIGHT to have a nuclear program (wich is not the case of the state of Israel)
- Iran doesn't support terrorism, cause as you should know it is YOUR C.I.A. under the direction of the white house, who is funding radical groups in Iran (and so many countries) for the only purpose of a false flag
- And No Sen. Obama, during the iranian meeting named "The World Without Zionism" on october 25th 2005, Iran's president NEVER said on his speech, that the state of Israel should disappear from the face of the earth, it has been debunked so many times, that you must be really stupid if you think that people can't search and read the transcriptions of Ahmadinejad's speech for themselves ?
Sen. Obama you're just a good puppet i'm afraid
El Baradei (head of IAEA): Military Strike On Iran Would Lead To Disaster
UN Inspector Scott Ritter: Fools would Bomb Iran
For those of you who have done some research on the bloodlines of the US Presidents and didn't understand why Sen. Obama would even be allowed by the New World Order to be a candidate, you'll like that one
Democracy Or Republic ?
Grandma says it all
Naomi Wolf: The End Of America
Hacking Democracy
The Chemical Dumbing Down
The Truth About Milk
Milk And Heart Disease
Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World
Stupid in America
Katherine Albrecht: RFID
In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism, By Dr Len Horowitz
War Against the Weak: Eugenics
Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Building Gods (Raw Cut)
History Of The U.N.
The U.N. Deception
United Nations/NWO plan to Depopulate the Earth
The Power of Nightmares Part 3 (CIA = Al-Qaeda)
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
Fake Al Qaeda
UK Police Officers working As "Al Qaeda Spies"
U. S. Creation of Taliban
From the Wilderness - The CIA Connection
The Thing U Need To Know About The War On Drugs
Alex Jones On Marijuana
American Drug War by Kevin Booth
The Things U Need To Know About Hemp (Marijuana) And Why It Is Illegal Even If It Was Used Worldwide Before 1940
Benjamin Fulford Vs H.A.A.R.P.
Money As A Debt
Where does money come from...The truth will scare you !
Dick Cheney: The unauthorized biography
War Made Easy
The Energy Non-Crisis
UNCED - Summit Rothschilds
The Hidden Agenda for World Government An interview with Norman Dodd
Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller
The Orion Project - Steven Greer's Introduction
The Orion Conspiracy
Stan Deyo Small Interview
Ralph Ring Interview By Project Camelot
Alex Collier Interview (1994)
Ancient Technology
Dr Deagle (NWO - Technology)
Freeman Interview Dr Deagle
Debunking Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell
Things That You May Not Know About M. Theresa
Hidden Symbolism