If I have understood this right, sickly and starving elk in Washington are fed by Fish and Wildlife agents so they can stay alive for hunters to shoot them in the spring. In Alaska, the wildlife authorities are encouraging people to shoot wolves from airplanes to keep them from eating the moose and caribou that human hunters want to kill themselves later in the year. I assume this is what's called wildlife management.
I have a suggestion for America's hunters: Since we know how concerned you are about diseased and starving old animals, why don't you all go out and shoot one another and save yourselves from dying from diseases and old age. It would be an act of humanitarian "management" many of us would applaud.
"Braveheart" the Deer. Who was hit with a Evil Coward Hunters Arrow and left to die. He could not eat for it was suffering. This is what Hunters find "joy" in, To murder our beautiful creatures of the forest. He died a year later..
" In suffering in human and no-human animals we are all the same"
Philosophy of Sant Mat is that there is much much more negative karma incurred by eating animals, more complex forms of life with a greater number of elements. A Western approach might be to observe that if one eats animals, those creatures that have faces, more developed nervous systems, in other words, can feel pain, have some intelligence, and senses, have a greater level of awareness than plants, this causes more suffering and cruelty in the world. Sant Mat also teaches that eating meat causes NEEDLESS torture, suffering, and death, as we have all we need to survive with the plant-based diet. Furthermore, when we eat meat and do not partake of a sufficient quantity of plant-based foods, we are increasing the amount of our own eventual suffering and disease. There is the revenge of the animals in the form of added cholesterol and saturated fat. Plus, these days there are countless studies about the many protective effects and health-benefits of the plant-based diet.
We should base our lives on the words of Confucius: "When I see those who are alive, I do not wish to see them die. When I hear their sounds, I cannot bear to eat their flesh. Therefore a gentleÂman does not go near the kitchen." For hundreds of thousands of years until now, there's been a pot of stew. You've eaten from the pot of stew and so have I. This stew is a meat broth. It contains a resentment which is deeper than the sea, which is very hard to level. It's not easy to subdue these feelings of enmity.
To Increase the chance of hunting accident so hunters can kill each other off, here is some brewski, enjoy!!
Hunting Accidents 2008
WV - 16-year-old killed while hunting - 30 Apr 2008
OH - Man Accidentally Shoots Son While Hunting - 27 Apr 2008
IN - man shot by 11-year-old hunter - 20 Apr 2008
MN - Dad accidentally shoots, kills son while hunting - 20 Apr 2008
WI - River Falls, Elmwood men involved in hunting accident - 10 Apr 2008
SC - Teen Shot While Hunting - 25 Mar 2008
AL - assistant principal dies in accident - 24 Mar 2008
FL - Man killed while hunting - 21 Mar 2008
VT: Teen hunter shoots hunter he thought was a partridge -3 Mar 2008
OR - Hunting accident victim still recovering - 3 Mar 2008
NJ: Police find 2nd hunter's body - 16 Feb 2008
NY - Hunter dead after being shot Sunday - 4 Feb 2008
NY: Man wounded in apparent hunting accident - 3 Feb 2008
NJ - hunter shoots himself - 28 Jan 2008
IA - 10-year-old shot while hunting - 27 Jan 2008
FL: Man accidentally kills best friend in hunting accident - 24 Jan 2008
KY: Daviess Co. boy hurt in hunting accident - 21 Jan 2008
GA: Children are victims as fatal shootings rise - 20 Jan 2008
AL - Alabama man in jail after fatal hunting accident - 18 Jan 2008
VT - Man Hospitalized After Hunting Accident - 15 Jan 2008
MI - Teen Accidentally Killed While Hunting - 13 Jan 2008
WA: Granty County deputy wounded while hunting - 11 Jan 2008
TX - Dog triggers gun blast, killing owner - 8 Jan 2008
WA: Teen Hospitalized After Hunting Accident - 7 Jan 2008
MS - Deer hunting accidents claim 4 lives - 6 Jan 2008
Washington Nationals player hit by shotgun pellet during hunting trip - 5 Jan 2008
AL - Teen charged with manslaughter after hunting accident - 4 Jan 2008
AR - Duck hunter killed - 2 Jan 2008
OH - Hunter killed on his birthday - 1 Jan 2 008
Funny how the same people who are caught with their murdered animals in front of them, with "joy" in their face claims they have to "feed" their family. I don't know about these evil humans but for many they would not be "proud" to show off what they had to murder to "feed" their family. That is like taking a cow from slaughter and posing with it. Cut the crappy excuses, you people just enjoy snuffing a life out of God's creature!!
To justify hunting it is often said that hunting is necessary to "decimate" the numbers of certain animals to prevent over-proliferation. But the Spirit of God has taught us: God has so arranged His creation, nature on the Earth, that it will take care of compensating and maintaining its balance. God has not given this task to the hunters!
I'd like to meet:
My family
Jesus also says, "Speak the truth, be just and merciful to one another and to all creatures, and walk humbly with your Creator." 7:9-10
Most importantly, Jesus warns, "The enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my name and set up a kingdom of this world, oppress the peoples ... teaching in my name that which I have not taught and darkening much that I have taught BY THEIR TRADITIONS." 95:3
"Woe unto the hunters for they shall be hunted. Lo, every creature which God hath made hath its end and purpose."
The dominion directive and THOU SHALT NOT KILL commandment hold the dubious distinction of being the most important, yet most misunderstood mandates. Contrary to religious dogma, not killing animals, extending mercy and being compassionate honor the THOU SHALT NOT KILL commandment. When meat-eaters support, disobey or ignore this all-encompassing commandment, they are guilty of committing the ultimate sin.
Displaying the utmost arrogance, meat-eaters also assume dominion gives them the right to enslave and torture animals with impunity. Dominion’s true calling, however, is for humans to protect and care for God’s most innocent creatures. The dominion humans have over animals is the same dominion parents have over their children.
The Gospel of the Nazirenes states, "It has been written, ’Thou shalt not kill’, but I say to you, if any hate and desire to slay, they have broken the Law. If they cause hurt or torment to any creature, they are guilty. But if they kill to put an end to suffering which cannot be healed, they are not guilty, if they do it quickly and with much mercy." 47:3
Church Fathers Papias, Hegesippus, Iranaeas, Clement, Origen, Basil, Epiphanius, Eusebius and St. Jerome wrote about The Gospel of the Nazirenes, which verifies its ancient existence. Penned sometime in the first century, it is now unjustly part of the Apocrypha, scriptures viewed as inauthentic by the Church.
The Gospel of the Nazirenes is only labeled as apocryphal because it forbids the killing of animals for sacrifice or sustenance. Shamefully, most Christians are more concerned about murdering innocent creatures, meaningless customs and the death of Jesus, instead of giving compassion to those who need it the most. Jesus always tried to reduce or eliminate the pain and suffering of others.
Today’s bible is the Roman - not Judeo-Christian - version of biblical events. From the years 325-403, Emperor Constantine’s Council of Nicea re-wrote and re-edited most of the compassionate teachings of Jesus and other prophets to promote an agenda of hatred, from heterosexism and misogyny to slavery and speciesism.
If cruelty is evil, and God is all-compassionate and all-merciful, then why do people believe God is an animal-killing, bloodthirsty, murderous devil? If slicing animals into pieces is permissible by God, then what horrible things could the Devil possibly do to animals? In other words, if you believe God condones the killing of animals, then the God you glorify is no better than the Devil you condemn.
Cruelty to animals is sacrilegious and desecrates the Good Lord’s name. In The Gospel of the Nazirenes, Jesus agrees, "This commandment have I given you, that you love one another and all the creatures of the earth. Love is the fulfilling of the Law. Love is of the Lord, and the Lord is love. Whoso loves not, knows not the Lord. ... you are my disciples if you show mercy and love to all creatures, especially those that are weak and oppressed and suffer wrong. For the whole earth is filled with dark places of cruelty, with pain and sorrow, by the selfishness and ignorance of man." 76:5-6
Generate your own contact table!
A profile of a seriel killer (hunter)
Serial killers tend to be white, heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties who are sexually dysfunctional and have low self-esteem.
My grandmother said, "To kill and to eat the flesh of other living beings is to become a walking grave". They become likened onto the walking spiritually dead -- their body works but their hearts and minds are dead -- dead to the Christian reality. it is sad.
Deer Fights Back!!
Hunters -- Open season on half-wit hunters, by Howie Carr
Hunters -- Hunters are terrorists of animal world, by Gary Yourofsky
Tradition -- HUNTING TRADITION: Treaties, Law, and Subsistence Killing, by Lisa Kemmerer, PhD
Ethics Of Hunting -- Essay on discussion in UK
Hunting and Disease -- Hunting can increase wildlife disease epidemics
Editorial -- March 2006. Editorial on the morality of hunting.
deer dilemma -- Deer management dilemma will effect our future seasons
canned lion hunt -- lion hunting video -- hunters with few ethics and the "sport" of canned hunts.
Buffalo Hunt -- 2005 Montana Buffalo Hunt
Films Own Murder -- Teen With Camcorder Captures His Own Killing On Tape
Pheasant Hunting -- Henderson: Pheasants farming not true to hunting. Docile birds offer no 'sport'
Re: Hunters -- Response to reasons for being a hunter
Archers -- Studies point to high archery mortality rate
Early Man -- Man's early hunting role in doubt , by Bob Holmes
Hunter Debunked -- 'Man the Hunter' Theory Is Debunked in New Book
Brutal Hunting -- Arrests expected after Sussex huntsman beats campaigner to a pulp during secret cub hunt
Hunting in US -- Hunting in Decline in the United States by Katherine Shephard
Hunting Realities -- Hunting Realities by New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
Safe Hunting -- How safe is hunting? See for yourself.
Hunting QA -- Some Hunting Questions and Answers
Hunting_QA -- more Q & A
Sport Hunting Fallacy -- The Fallacy of Sport Hunting
Hunting No Cure -- Hunting Is Not The Cure But The Cause Of Overpopulation And Starvation, From Peter Muller
Deer Hunting Facts -- Some facts about deer hunting
Facts: Deer Population Control
Controlling Deer -- Non-lethal Methods of Controlling Deer Population Growth
Hunters Church -- A group of hunters in England are trying to set up their own "church" in order to try to protect themselves from their government's attempt to ban fox hunting.
Duck Hunting -- Schwab Duck Club Qualifies for Federal Rice Crop Supports by Glen Martin
Surplus Population -- SURPLUS POPULATION: A FALLACIOUS BASIS FOR SPORT HUNTING by David S. Favre, Professor of Wildlife Law
Pheasants -- The Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife cage-raises pheasants, at taxpayer expense, to provide targets for state-sanctioned canned hunts.
Wildlife -- Editorial - the Boulder CO Daily-Camera January 1, 2002. Guarding the Ark.
Harassment -- A Kalkaska hunter was convicted of violating a law intended to keep animal rights advocates from harassing hunters.
Hunt Photos -- Several miscellaneous photographs
Thoughts -- Hunting destroys the social structure and culture of its victims
Scientists Alter Findings 2005. U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings. More than 200 Fish and Wildlife researchers cite cases where conclusions were reversed to weaken protections and favor business, a survey finds.
There is a special place in the afterlife for the worshipers of the cruel, for those who feign strength by destroying life
"It cautions hunters to avoid obviously ill animals (though deer may be infected without showing symptoms), and to wear rubber gloves when butchering deer and avoid cutting into or consuming neurological tissue - Some hunters too squeamish to eat their kill are donating the venison to pantries for the homeless"
How convenient to be able to mass murder gods creatures for "fun", "sports" and self gratification knowing you have a place to dump the body of once living beautiful sentient creatures of god
Venison (filled with lead coming from hunters murder weapon ) that was given to those who have no choice
This animal abuser wants you to know that he loves to shoot an arrow called the "Lungbuster" into defenseless animals, mainly deer, and from a cowardly tree-stand no less. An animal shot through the lungs drowns in its own blood. That's how much hunters love and respect animals.
He's not venison but a murdered deer
He's not got Chronic Wasting Disease but Mad Deer, cervine spongiform encephalopathy
They're not hunters but stalkers or ambushers.
They're not meat... but the victims of serial killers.
It's not harvesting but serial killing
It's not culling... but slaughter !!
Animal liberation Front
Jesus, Hunt Sab, Steve Hindi, Gary Yourofsky (ADAPTT) ,Gary Francione, SHAC, ALF, Anthony Marr, Dr. Steven Best and all my ARA people and of course my son
Anyone who will go all out to fight for our sentients!